Jan C.
on 5/21/08 2:57 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Yea!!!! The right David on American Idol won….Good Missouri boy.    I really was surprised tho   I thought the cute little boy would win. Well now you see how exciting my life is lol

We went to Holiday Island today to see the daughter. Boy I tell you if you have any type of scrap metal around your house, cans, brass, copper, anny thing it is well worth your time to take it and sell it. Daughter had 6 bags of uncrushed alum cans and got 40.00 for them. And had a bucket of the brass valve stems out of old truck tires and got another 45.00 for them  was about 30 pounds of that I think. I know it all together was enough to pay her electric bill.. we have all sorts of metal stuff to haul off from the rental house , going to borrow a trailer from one of the neighbors and take it all at one time to Harrison , should be enough to buy the flooring for the rental house. Lol


Sounds like the pretty weather may be at an end for awhile. At least according to the weather forcast tonight. But he did say he thought most of it would be north and west of Springfield , we will see .



SUGAR:::: No I don’t have reservations at a motel for Sunday night after the support meeting with Dr. Hornbostel Joe and I are staying all night with Becky.

The Picnic will be at noon in the park on

3rd street
. And will last for about 5 hours if anyone wants to stay around. Anyone can go to the support meeting with Dr. H if they want to  you don’t have to be his patient to go. The ones of us that are going  are using the support meeting as our second year meeting with him and wont have to go in to his office.

There are several other hotels there too. One that I would like to stay at sometime is down town and is the Bothwell hotel. It is an old hotel that has been restored very pretty and I don’t think it is much more that the others are.


Tell your ladies I really enjoyed having them here. It was lots of fun.



SHEILA:::: so the hearing doctor thinks  the roaring in your head is due to the  implant? Or what? Is it still roaring?

Oh congratulations on the new grandbaby. Oh yeah bring them to the meeting , love little new borns. Smoochie fun…

Hey you will probably make the one hundred pound mark by meeting time. That is really great. Keep up the good work.

Love the baby pictures.  Is Traci your daughter or daughter in law? And is her other baby Parker?



ANGY::: the steaks sound so good and they probably smell good but that is now one thing I cant eat at all, Just cant get them chewed up small enough. Seems to keep getting bigger and bigger. But as long as I get all my protein in from the protein drinks im fine.


Thanks about the shade garden , I love working in all of my gardens , one of the ladies that was here said it was like a botanical garden tour lol . well that would be nice but don’t think it is that good yet. I keep improving it all the time.

I forget where I ordered my sample kit of Nectar protein powders from . But I sure am glad that I ordered the sample kit and not a big tub of it. I didn’t like them but that is ok cause for even one of me that didn’t like them there is one that does. All due to taste. I keep trying different ones and to me , for me and my taste  I still like the ON 100%Whey protein powder. And you can buy that on line just gooogle it. But I don’t think they have samples…I can also buy it at Food 4 less but like I said lots of people don’t like the kind I like. It is all your taste. My sister likes the Isopure ready mixed bottle of protein drink. They aren’t too bad either. I could drink them if I had too.

Nancy gave you good advice about the samples too.



ANDREW:::wow you just really needed a kick in the pants didn’t you? Good for you I know you can do it , you did so great before surgery that I know you can do it now. The carb addiction is one of the hardest things to beat seems like. But we have to do it. I think I need to go back to  just protein shakes only for a few days and get all these extra junk out of my system.

Boy I know what you mean about the grass. Seems like Joe just gets it all done and it is needing it again.

Wow that is awful about your car and the ants. Do you think they were in there to start with or they were attracted there by the food and then just stayed? I think you would have noticed them more if they had been there long time.

Keep on with the basic food program.



JANET:::lol on letting the fish go , we know you didn’t want him to out fish you. . I bet that about killed you to have that happen with you didn’t it? But it would have happened to whom ever picked it up next so as well you as any one else huh? Was Mike upset?

Probably not as much as you were right?

At least you redeemed your self by catching his other pool , that was neat.


I have always thought I would like going to that show too. Just seems like it would be fun.

Your new pictures are just great. You need to put some clothes on that really fit , I bet you would really be thin looking in them.

So is your surgery still scheduled for  the 28th? And where? Is it in Joplin or where?




SHANNON  C::::: sounds like you will have a great birthday on Friday….if I forget or you are gone we will all sing Happy birthday to you now.    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU , HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU , HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR SHANNON , HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU , AND MANY MORE.


I wish I could find some of those big mineral tubs like that, Cant seem to find any except the ones that are full lol don’t want that.


So glad that your feet are moving now. That is great, maybe wont be long till you have feeling in them again. Prays work …




RIANNE:::: hello bride to be. , I know you are getting excited about your soon to be wedding. I bet your pictures of you in the flower garden are  beautiful. When will you be posting them on your profile?  The last time I was down at Branson Landing there was a girl out in the middle of the landing street in her wedding dress getting her picture made. Was neat, I stood and watched for awhile. She was very pretty.

As I know you will be a beautiful bride …So what will your new name be??? When do you all leave ? this Sunday??? I guess you will miss this months support meeting but you will have to try to come to the one in June  the 23rd so mark your calander and you can tell your new boss that you have to be off that night lol sure hope you can come.

Congrats and hope you both are as happy 20 years from now as you are now.




DEBBIE  M::::: wonderful ,,,,God is great isnt he. \




PATTY  M::::: wow wont be long now and you will be joining us on the  bench. And can say with pride that you are a loser. Lol

Just keep your eyes on the prize , it wont always be easy but will always be worth it.







on 5/21/08 10:01 pm - Clever, MO
So I am totally confused now!!!! Is the picnic and the meeting with Dr H both on Sunday? Or is the meeting on Monday? Well anyway...are you going up Sunday or Saturday??? Im not sure I will feel like driving up there after just getting back from the other trip but will see. I know there are alot of motels...what is the name of the park? Well today I go decorate and prepare for the Fiesta Lunch tomorrow!!! I made the big bright and colorful tissue flowers to put in the center of the tables and of course I have lots of hot peppers to decorate with too...an marachias (sp?) you know, the shaky things. Was hoping to find some castinets before I went but didnt..  Anyway it will be fun and I am sure we will have some good food.  I am making The Mixed-up  Mexican Casserole. Well have a great day all!   Mine will be busy...going to put some flowers on mama and daddy's grave   after   exercise    and then back to decorate    and maybe get a massage...may poke around some more to try to find castinets somewhere.   Costume shops should have them!


Bec M.
on 5/21/08 11:08 pm
Good Morning Missouri, My goodness can two weeks go by so fast?... in just a few days my babies will be leaving to go back and work the summer.  Crystal to Texas and Amanda back to Branson.  I tell you it is feast or famine when it comes to my babies! ~tee hee  I will not see them again for so long...   We have had such a good time!  I so enjoy every minute I get to spend with them...  Today we are doing a craft project and tomorrow we are going to spend the day visiting relatives.  I am going to make them a BLT salad for lunch today with an icee type drink to go along with it as they work... Jan dear friend... I have tried for the past 5 days now to send you e-mails and they keep coming back to me are you having trouble getting others?  I loved all the pics you sent me!  Oh my goodness your gardens as always are beautiful! really beautiful!   I have been working steadily on my little projects around here... the morning glories are up... the luffa seeds have sprouted... I just got the hollyhocks planted last night and still have a bit more for this year to get done on Saturday and then I will just concentrate on keeping it all watered, weeded and mowed... my husband was telling me it costs us over $25 each time we mow... I guess I didn't realize that... maybe the grass can get a little higher before I think it needs mowed! ~ha  I have not done as many protein shakes since my girls have been here but will be back to them next week when they are gone. And my walking too, but seems like I have gotten plenty of exercise!  I am looking forward to Dr. H.'s support group meeting this month, the Sedalia picnic... and so looking forward to Jan and Joe's visit too! I am so glad to hear the new post ops are doing well.  I appreciate all the time each takes to post their experiences so those of us that are to follow can learn and will know more what to expect... thanks to each one!   It has started to rain just as I have been typing, a good steady rain... my garden really needed it now. Have a wonderful good day! bec
Tammy H.
on 5/22/08 1:12 am - Holcomb, MO
Good Morning Guys & Gals..... Starting to look a lil gloomy this morning, guess the rains not far away.  I had a great time on my trip to Indiana with my lil sis. The night we got there we ended up setting up till 6am talking lol lol....Then slept for a few hours and got up to go runing around before we started packing. Been a good while since her and I had any quiet time together and we sure used it..From Saturday when we got up till Monday night late when we got to bed after getting home, we probably only got 8 hrs sleep and that was broke up here and there lol lol....But we had a good time! Jan....I heard from Kadi!!!!! I was so shocked, but she answered my message to her and said that she would like to come to our meeting if we had started one down this way. I messaged her back last night and gave her the info on it so hopefully we will see her at the meeting the 10th. So if the 2 new girls make it and Kadi too, our lil group will have 6 people in it....Wooooo Hoooo.....I might have to find us a different meeting place soon....For now we are still using a lil Cafe in Poplar Bluff....I wasn't sure how it was going to go so I just chose for us to do it there. That way we could have the meeting while we had a bite to eat or just set and have coffee. But if we get too many Im not sure how that will work out.... Im really excited that we might actually become a full fledge group lol lol....but kinda nervous too....At the moment we just been enjoying small talk and catching up on how things are going with each other. But now I need to start working on some type of structure for the meeting. Guess we will work on that at the next meeting and see what and how they would like to do things....... Well Im not going to go to Columbia for my 1yr apt....I called Dr.Scotts office and they called me back yesterday. They could get me in as early as the 12th and said Dr.Scott would be more than happy to do my 1yrs post op appt if I didn't want to go to Columbia and then turn around and come there.....I plan on going ahead and using Dr.Scott so I said that was fine. So now my 1yr post op is June 12th. Well I got to run and get Joe some lunch fixed before he goes too work....I slept in this morning so now I will have to have my morning coffee and cook at the same time lol lol.....Maybe I will find time later to respond to some of the other posts.... I hope you all have a wonderful Thursday... Love & Hugs...Tammy~ammy





















 ~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
   Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
   Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!

Debbie M.
on 5/22/08 1:16 am - Harrisonville, MO
Good Morning All...

Wow...what a week, sure glad that's over...well for at least a year!

I was going to finish my garden today but we have rain. It's the first I have felt like it since all this cancer stuff started. The rain is supposed to stop by 10am...so I will walk out there then and see if there is anyway to plant anything.

David is going next week to have temp. electrical leads put in his back to see if they help with his leg and foot pain, he is supposed to be the ideal candidate for it...we will see! lol

I have a lady coming to see the last pup today, we had 10...7 girls, 3 boys. They are Lab/Retriever mix...adorable but I think Jake took advantage of my illness....that boy!

Jason and Wendy are doing good on their pregnancy so far. She has been complaining of pain but I think it's the braxton-hicks (sp?) pains this time. She is due July 2nd but I think they are going to take the baby early via C-section.

Nicole on the other hand is due December 23rd but has some bleeding going on in the uterus that they are concerned with. She started spotting and cramping the other night and went to the hospital. She said last night that the spotting has stopped but that she still has some cramping...we pray that everything will be okay!

Wow...Hi Andrew!!...glad to see your checking back in! Sorry everythings not working so well for ya and your surgery. I think your doing the right thing with the starting over. Glad to see that Susan is doing well too! Hi Susan!!

How's Mel, Vesta, Brenda M and the Mom that was having the preemie?? I haven't read anything. I sure hope their all fine. I have just missed the reports but I sure would like to know that they are all okay!!

Janet...I'm sorry my writing makes you cry. I only write what's on my heart but if it helps you through with whatever your having to deal with, then it must come from the love of our Lord! Thank you for telling me...it touches my heart that I am able to touch others in that way!

With you all wishing the Debbies "Happy Bdays" I couldn't figure out which one...lol I turned 50 back in April but was so busy I really didn't have time to celebrate. I think I was just out of the hospital from thyroid surgery. David says we will celebrate it later this year.

We will probably do it on his Bday which is also our 25th anniversary...a big day of celebration! We might even try to get our vows redone then, in a Church like I have always wanted!

Well, I'll close for today...you all have a great day!!

Love & Prayers, Deb M

Andy W.
on 5/22/08 2:31 am - Tulsa, OK
Hey Everyone, Jan, like you predicted,  David DID win  LoL  I thought for sure  the other David would win, wow were we wrong  lol Thats great tho cuz the other David is so young he has lots of time to have a career in singing,  Im sure we havnt seen the last of him, seems alot of the times the runner up of Idol does better then the winner.   And like you, as you can see I have an exciting life lol but its so much fun to watch programs like that. Wow that is so cool about the cans,  Susan drinks alot of  Coke Zero,  we should start saving them, we'd have a tank of gas saved up in no time  lol. As for the ants in the car,  they must of been there for awhile cuz she was at work when she brought the food home,  they would not of had time to get in there when she got home, she came right inside,  those lil pests are annoying.   I really know what you mean about the carb addiction,  Im telling ya its almost like being addicted to liquor or drugs,  today  Im going through the shakes where I WANT some carbs so bad, I know if i eat a lil bit of carbs that it will escalate into alot so I just make a shake and get it down and move on.   Ya just gotta be determined to do it I guess,  I lost that determination for sum reason but Im sure gaining it back.   I know the support of the board is such a big help and I can't wait to get to where I can attend the actually support meetings soon,  that is one thing I am really really looking forward to doing when we move. Well I better get busy doin some house cleaning  lol  seems if I stay busy doing something I get through the day better.   Looks like we are gonna get some rain sometime today,  its been thundering here but no rain yet,  anyway, hope everyone has a great day. Bless y'all Andrew

I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Sheila H.
on 5/22/08 6:29 pm - Marshfield, MO

yes the hearing implant Dr thinks the roaring  in my head is from implant and that if they reprogram it that it will stop well we see 1 more week till i go and YES its still doing it but not as bad most of time....  Traci is my daughter n law and has last new baby Madalyn...Rachael is my sons fiance and she has Parker and Baylyn and she will be the 1 who may come with me to  support group tues. i cant wait to see you and the others...

WOW Janet you look HOT!!!!!!!!!


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