4 years out and gaining

on 5/21/08 2:18 pm - washington, MO

Havent been on in awhile back for some support . I am almost 4 yrs out . Last year was a rough year in my personal life . I have gained  about  20 pounds  i am 5'6 and  today at 180 . that may not seem like alot and i carry it fine , but last summer i was  bouncing from 150 -160 . and had been for couple years .  as  i was faced w/ some bad choices i made in my personal life  i turned to alchol  and became a  drinker i was drinking tequilla   till i blacked out on several occasions . I will say for the past 3 weeks since i have  relieved  my stress confessed and let that go i havent had a drink of the stuff nor do i want it . I also turned to food and i cant shut that off . at this point i can eat it all . still at times not alot or i get sick .  i am sure the booze had alot to do w/ it  i just cant get motivated . My hubby and i are working thru things  and life seems good  i still want to eat  and need a wake up call.  i cant sink again help  tell me how to get back on track  as a mom to 7  and a stay at home . my youngest starts school the 3rd so i can get out and walk i know that how can i shrink my stomache back or get my portions under control

Jan C.
on 5/21/08 9:55 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Sherri i am far from an expert on this but have you tried to reset your mind and stomach by going back to the very beginning basics? try protein drinks 4 or 5 a day and water only for at least a week or maybe two if you can. dont worry if you fail one day dont chunk it all and say it isnt any use, just start over the next day. after a couple weeks of that start adding creamed soups and very mushy foods (no carbs, no fats, no sweets, ) when your mind turns to food get out and walk. Since the baby will be starting to school maybe you could get a job or something to take your mind off of being at home and food.  Come join us here every day, we dont pretend to know it all but usually there is someone on here than can help at that time for what ever problem. You know FRIENDS...  Good luck and hope some of this has helped ,,,,please come back often ok?



on 5/21/08 10:22 pm - Clever, MO
Sherri, PRAISE THE LORD!!!! You quit drinking. What a wonderful thing that is! Jan is probably right...just start over with the food priority thing. BUT!!!!! NEVER GIVE UP!!!!!!! We have all failed at something and some of us more than others. But the big issue is not giving up and giving in.... Be sure and get out and get some exercise of some sort. The endorphines that it releases into your brain makes you feel great and can replace some of the negative junk. I know when I miss even as little as 3 days in a row of going to the pool to work out, I start getting depressed about how I am doing with the food and weight loss....so definately get out and walk or something. HOLD ON TIGHT! Check in here often so you can get your daily dose of hugs and support!


Traci K.
on 5/21/08 10:20 pm - Sullivan, MO
Hey Sherri - long time no 'see'!  Sorry to hear of your troubles, sounds like you fell into the 'cross-addictions' issue that many post-ops do.  Good that you stopped the drinking!!  Have you checked out the 5 Day Pouch Test?  It's a way to help you get your pouch re-trained, so to speak, and help you get back on track.  That might help you curb the eating issues.   PM me here through the board, or email me at [email protected] if you'd like my phone number, if you want to chat sometime. 
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
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Andy W.
on 5/22/08 2:46 am - Tulsa, OK
Hi Sherri, Im less then 2 yrs out and I was back to gaining.  Like Jan said,  get back to the basics, is what I have done is get as many protien shakes in as i can and drink as much water as I can,  that right there has helped with cravings and being hungry.  Right now Im trying the best I can do eat  no carbs,  carbs really make you hungry.   I was drinking a couple cans of  Coke Zero a day too,  come to find out  soda, even diet soda increases hunger.  Another thing is support,  besure to keep posting and reading on the board here,  its such a big help to me and if you are near a support group try to attend.  Im not near one at the moment so i rely on the board here, it really does help.  Try to get someone to help you that you can be accountable too if you dont have a support group you can attend,  not that you want anyone to scold you,  but they are there to help you if you fall.  If you do fall, just pick yourself back up, brush off and keep on going,  I've fallen so many times  I should have bruises everywhere  lol  but be determined you want to do this and you will be able too,  you can do it, we are ALL behind you.   Hope that helps a little.   Keep the faith. Andrew

I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
deb C.
on 5/22/08 5:14 am - Lake of the Ozarks, MO
You might want to check out  www.5daypouchtest.com I've seen it recommended to others on a different fourm at thes web site.
Andy W.
on 5/22/08 5:41 am - Tulsa, OK
Thanks for that link,  thats exactly what I been lookin for to help myself get back on track,  Sheri you should check that  5daypouchtest out. Thanks dddddeb

I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
(deactivated member)
on 5/22/08 6:24 am
Sherry, besides all that everyone else has said....have you considerred seeing a counsleor? I go to one weekly now...I'm 4 yrs out as well and it IS HARDER and harder for sure. I've also realized how much the drinking can get out of control. I'm glad you've gotten away from that now but we all know how addictions are....it will be a battle. Just as food will always be a battle. We may have times when we feel we've won, but I for one think that eventually, that old addcition creeps back in.  I'd encourage you to take the step to find a counselor...hopefully you have ins that will cover that. I only began going to mine 6 mos ago and wish I had sooner. It's helped me in more ways than I can say.  I'm sure you'll gain more enthusiasm for getting on track again with the walking. Exercise can be a real good tool to fight depression...I'm glad you reached out!!!!!!!! 
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