Bummed....insurance NOT submitted

on 5/21/08 7:23 am - Grain Valley, MO
I just got off the phone with Sandi in Dr. Price's office and she doesn't have my paperwork.  Adrian told me last Friday it would be given to Sandi that day or Monday.  Grrrrrrrr.  Sandi said she has about 15 sets of documents.  Karla resigned so apparently Adrian is taking her place.  I understand she needs training but........  Guess I'm impatient.   This waiting and wondering is stressing me out!  I think they should email or call you to keep you informed.  That's probably asking too much.  Maybe they could send a postcard when your paperwork is submitted to insurance.  Would be nice to be kept informed. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Jo 
on 5/21/08 8:06 am - Friedheim, MO
Aaawwww, dont cry Jo, it'll be ok, that silly girl will get your papers submitted soon!   lol   Just kidding!  I would be the same way.  It's hurry up & wait & I'm not a very patient waiter.  Hopefully they will get you submitted  within the next couple days.  I would keep on her about it.  Sooner or later she'll go find your papers & get it taken care of.  I used to work at a dr.s office & I would drather  go WAY out of my way sometimes than hear someone chewing away at my rear.    Good Luck to you!  ~Angy


              Seminar 260   ~   Preop diet  248    ~   Surgery  235      
on 5/21/08 8:09 pm - MO
I am having the same problems too! I have been calling and leaving messages but not getting any answeres! I know I have not worked my tail end off jumping through all of these hoops just to be waiting to get my paper work turned in. If I do not hear from them by FRIDAY I will go to the office not leave until I get my own paperwork and submitt it to my insurance myself!! This surgery is to important to me! In my opinion it is a matter of my life or death. If it is not important to Sandy or whoever than I will take matters into my own hands!! This is just not fair!

Cassie L.

on 5/21/08 11:58 pm - Grain Valley, MO
I started this journey in December when I attended the seminar.  January 16th I had my consultation.  Every month I was in there seeing Thelma and Tricia during my 3 month diet and exercise requirement (required by Aetna).  I've done everything they asked and they are dragging their feet.   I understand they are short staffed but that's not my problem.  It was such a let down for me when Sandi said she didn't have my paperwork.  She acted like it was no big deal.  It is a big deal to all us who are waiting.  
on 5/22/08 12:36 am - Kansas City, MO
I am with you guys.  Sandy has not returned my email from last week or even opened it up and read it.  They should have anticipated the patient load as it was growing and had reinforcements in place.  Cross-train people if needed in order to catch up the backlog.  They are going to cause future patients to go elsewhere instead of St. Luke's.  Perhaps the administrators at St. Luke's don't know about the backlog.  We could even contact the patient advocate there, who in turn will contact Dr. Price's office to see what's happening because of the dissatisfaction of patients on his service, then the patient advocate will report to administration.  Some of us who have Aetna, our insurance will be rolling over July 1 and we had hoped to have our surgery precertified by them since we had paid so much toward the deductible.  Now, we'll have to start all over after July 1.  I will see Trisha for my last visit on May 28 and will talk to Thelma by phone as she's on vacation next week.  I say we contact St. Luke's patient advocate and bring this issue to light.  Things will start happening then.  It works at the hospital that Cassie and I work for.  Like I said, St. Luke's administration probably has no idea of the problem with the bariatric program and since it has a growing patient population, they will need to know of patients who are unhappy. 
on 5/22/08 12:50 am - MO
I was just getting ready to email you on this! I am so upset right now! I was hoping to have a date close to now. If I don't hear anything today from the office I will be contacting the patient advocate on this. I never even thought of contacting them. I will call them today. Do you have any idea why Karla resigned? Could that be why there is so much trouble right now? I feel like screaming!!

Cassie L.

on 5/23/08 1:03 am - Grain Valley, MO
I never thought about the patient advocate.  Sandi told me Karla left because her parents are in very poor health.  She also told me she had about 15 patients' records ready to submit to insurance.  I don't know what she does prior to submitting or if they are faxed or mailed, but that doesn't seem like a tremendous amount.   My insurance renews January 1st and I don't have a deductible.  Friday, May 16th, Adrian told me she had everything needed except my doctor's letter of clearance.  My doctor faxed that to them that day.  Adrian said once she got the letter the file was ready to go to Sandi. I'm going to call Adrian today.  I'm sure I won't get her but I'll leave a message.  I feel like I'm in limbo.  So far I've not gained any weight but I just can't seem to stick to a diet.  I pretty much eat whatever I want.  After dieting for 35 years, I've had enough of tracking my food.  That's what brought me to this point. Jo
on 5/23/08 2:41 am - MO
I talked to Nikki yesterday. I really let her have it to. I told her that not only am I unhappy but I know several others that are unhappy.  She went and looked at my files herself. She came back and told me that yes, my file has been submitted. So now that I feel like an a@@ I called my insurance company back and they do have my paperwork. Now I am waiting for an approval which can take up to 30 business days. I least I now know what is going on! Keep on them. Keep calling until they get sick of you. Good Luck!

Cassie L.

on 5/24/08 1:12 am - Grain Valley, MO
Don't feel bad Cassie.  At least you got an answer.   Hope you hear soon from insurance.  When I talked to Sandi she acted like it was no big deal.  I think she should have attempted to find out where my file is and what the status is.  Tuesday I'm going to call Adrian again.  I have a hard time standing up for myself.  If I don't get a response from Adrian within 24 hours, I will call Nikki. Have a great weekend!! Jo
on 5/22/08 12:43 am - MO
That is exactly how I feel. I have been waiting anxiosuly for 4 weeks waiting for the insurance and come to find out it is Dr. Price's staff's fault (hope that makes sense!) I have to have my paperwork turned in by June because my insurances will change in July. It is with the same company, but the policy may change. I need to tell Sandy, but they will not return my phone calls! I am so FRUSTRATED! I may not be important to them but I am to my daughter and husband!

Cassie L.

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