Jan C.
on 5/20/08 2:54 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

I was so busy today I didn’t know if I was coming or going lol. First we went to the bank and did some stuff there and got things all situated. Thinking about borrowing some money to get the rental house all fixed up quicker. Talked to Banker about how would be the cheapest and best way to do this.

Went to lunch at the tea room, has some homemade chicken soup , their soups are to die for. I have never had any there that I didn’t just love.

Stopped at my pcps office and picked up copies of all my labs , she had told me that everything was just fine but I see that my iron is a point or two too low, I think I will increase my iron now so it doesn’t get to be a problem and also my Vit D. is a couple of points low. Will increase that too . looks like as much as I am in the sun it would be fine but read that it has to hit some big skin areas to help out ….well cant go topless might get my boobs in the way of the shovel ….

After all of that went to Branson to do the yearly mammogram. It sure doesn’t hurt like it use to. I guess it wouldn’t when it is just skin lol

Stopped and visited with Granddaughter and her two babies. The little girl Makiala heard me and came crawling to me and after the kisses she said Down , walk…I said you want down? she said yes , walk. I still didn’t get it I put her down and she stood up and walked to me just beaming. She is such a clown. And such a darling. I told her the last time I saw them that she better start walking before long lol so I guess she decided it was time too.

She is so smart and has a huge vocabulary for a 15 month old but the walking just didn’t come too fast. She could stand alone in the middle of the floor by pushing herself up so we knew she had the strength, just not the want to.

Anyway she is very proud of herself….just claps and laughs.


Tomorrow or rather today Wednesday that is what day , anyway we have to go to Holiday Island to help out my daughter. Their car and truck both went out on them at the same time.  Great huh. I guess some people never learn to keep things going takes more than luck. Lol

Then they are saying rain for Thursday and Friday, We have got to get the garden fenced in so the rabbits will leave things along and the armadillos too. They love to dig and will dig stuff right up out of the ground.




SUGAR:::: I hope the ladies really enjoyed themselves. I certainly did enjoy having all of you down here. I love showing off my gardens , don’t you know lol .

Oh about Joe , yep think I will keep him. He is too sweet and special to ever try for better. There is no such thing., better that is.  Might be a lot that are richer, more handsome or other things but none could be better in his attitude and his love for people. He wanted us to have time to talk and be together and enjoy the day.

I hope  that sometime this summer you might bring the ladies back down again.



CRAIG:::: I really am looking forward to seeing you too on June 1st Has it been a year since I saw you? Wow. I don’t know who all is coming not many have said they will be there. .

SUGAR??? Where are you going this next Sunday???



ANDREW:::Cant wait to see you again. I need to get back to basics again too I think. The carb monster reaches out and grabs me sometimes and he doesn’t want to let loose either. So need to break it somehow.

So who do you think will win American Idol?? They both are really good I think. OF course I have to vote for the Missouri boy.

See you soon.








on 5/20/08 10:19 pm - Clever, MO
Well I was confused, it is that Sunday that I will be gone. I am going to Wichata Kansas for a trip with my bank Seniors. Going out there to The Spice Merchant, museums and a show called the Basement Church Ladies that is getting rave reviews everywhere it goes..It sells out. Anyway my friend Kim at the bank wanted me to go with her. It is a 3 day trip. OH!!! Just read the itenerary again and it says we will be back on the 31st! So I might be able to make it up there for the picnic. Do you guys have reservations made somewhere? I dont want to stay at that same hotel where the dog hair was!!!  lol! Maybe I will google Sedalia for hotels.. The ladies loved the trip (except for Mary) but she said to tell you that you have a very nice house and she sure enjoyed your comfy chair. The gals said you sure made them feel welcome and at home and to tell you thank you again.


Sheila H.
on 5/20/08 10:23 pm - Marshfield, MO
good morning Jan and OH peeps..... thanks for the comments on my new pics...i have to say i have never felt better in my life  or at least in last 24 years * except for the head* and i hope to get that taken care of the 30th... YES i plan to be at the support group the 27th!!!!!!!!! and also plan to come to picnic June 1st and am bring Rachael and 2 babies with me... congratulations to all newbies and welcome to all the new people joining the board here... i have lost  99 1/2  lbs i was irritated cos i didnt make the 100 lbs mark lol it took me 6 1/2 months but i am  happy with it....


Sheila H.
on 5/20/08 10:35 pm - Marshfield, MO

oh ya i got a new grandbaby monday...Madalyn 7 lbs 14 oz

i have posted pics of all 3 grandbabies on my profile


on 5/21/08 1:00 am - Friedheim, MO
Good Morning Everyone!  Isn't this weather WONDERFUL!!!!!!  Lynn & I will probably work outside most of the day today, he is on vacation, so we're trying to get done all we can this week.  I got some potting soil the othe day and repotted all of my plants.  That was way overdue.  I bought an Aloe Vera plant 2 years ago and last summer it got so big & made so many babies.  So I seperated that & it looks much better.   Lynn grilled steaks last night for dinner.  ooohhh, he did such a good job, they were delicious!     9 Days till my appointment with Dr. Suttmoeller in Columbia.  I am ssooo nervous.  I cant imagine how I will be when surgery rolls around,  you all will have to help keep me sane, or at least try.  lol  Jan, your shade garden is beautiful, sounds like you and the girls had a wonderful time.  Tammy~ammy, can you send me the info on the support meeting, I will definitly be coming.  I can't wait!   Christine, where are you?  I hope your doing ok.      Does anyone use the Nectar Protein powders?  Can you get those at a store or do you have to order them?      I hope everyone has a Great day, looks like it's going to be a nice one.    Love & Hugs,  Angy


              Seminar 260   ~   Preop diet  248    ~   Surgery  235      
Nancy S.
on 5/21/08 12:50 pm - Knob Noster, MO
I use the nectar proteins and really like them.  I get them from www.vitacost.com but if you google it you can find different sites that have it.  I would recommend finding a site that sells a sample kit.  It will save you ending up with a 2 pound tub of something you don't like.  I think someone found a sample kit on www.vitalady.com .  I have never found them at a store, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist...just don't know where to tell you to look.  I remember being excited and nervous when my appt was looming.  You are on your way to starting a new journey...enjoy all the butterflies!!!!!!!

Andy W.
on 5/21/08 2:34 am - Tulsa, OK
Good Morning Everyone Well day 2 on back to the basics isnt going to bad.  Im trying to get in 3 to 4 shakes and all my water.  I dont usually have a problem getting all my water in but yesturday it was tough for some reason.  Im already feeling alot better about myself, those carb demons are on their way out  lol. Its so beauitful today I gotta get out mow the yard, all the rain we had the ground is still soaked and the grass just grows like weeds.  This used to be a cow pasture so its all hay type grass and gets so thick if you let it go longer then ya should before ya cut it.  I also gotta go out and spray my car for ants  we have had such an ant problem this year and now they are in our car.  Last week Susan brought a meal home from where she works, it was in a container plus a plastic bag, when she unpacked it at the house it was FULL of ants, those lil buggers are everywhere.  We cleaned the car out yesturday and under the passanger seat was a huge ant hill, how in the world they got in there i dunno so i went and got some ant spray today and am gonna get rid of them once and for all.  Other then that, later on this evening Im gonna start going through stuff to get ready to move, time is gonna come before we know it. Jan watching American Idol last night I been rooting for David Cook but I really think David Arch.  will win,  they both are so good and deserve to win, either way they both will prolly have good careers out of this. Well Im gonna go get busy before the day gets away from me.  Hope everyone has a great day.  Andrew

I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
on 5/21/08 5:11 am - Diamond, MO

Dear Jan and OH Peeps~

I wanted to get in here and say hello. Stephanie has her laptop and wi-fi and right now, everyone is just chilling out. We have been fishing our hearts out. You will not believe what happened to me last night. Mike had not one, but two bass that were both OVER FIVE POUNDS~~ They were (are) the biggest fish I have ever seen caught by anyone other than on tv. Anyhow-they were in the basket and I wanted to look at them again-well, when I pulled it up, the bottom of the basket broke and they fell out and one landed right back into the water and the other flopped on the dock, and then plopped into the water. OMG!! Thank goodness I got pics or no one would have believed us. I have NEVER seen fish that big in person!!! When Mike walked up to me, he looked like he had just been shot, Aaron and Darrel lost all color in their faces and I started bawling. Mike was like, they are just fish and I was just devasted!! I cried and cried and cried some more. I couldnt believe that happened to me. To Mike. I felt awful.

The really neat thing is that Mike had been fishing with 3 poles that morning and he got bites on two poles at the same time (when he was catching the huge fish that I lost for him) anyhow-when he got the hit on the other pole-he went to grab it, and it fell in the water. It was his "lucky" pole too........well, when we were night fishing last night, I caught the line of that pole!!! Can you believe that???? That made me feel better about losing his trophy fish. Which I was really going to take it in and have it mounted for a birthday present for him.

We went to Dixie Stampede last night, and I have to tell you, it was the most fun we have had as a family ever, I believe. It was awesome and I really will go back again when we have the money. It is worth every penny and the sad thing is that we would have never bought the tickets ourselves-so now that we have gone, we will go again. It was just awesome. We had tears running down our faces and our cheeks hurt from smiling and laughing so much!! They announced Megans birthday at the beginning of the show and that was cool.......we got to pet the horses and meet some of the staff in the show afterwards. Megan and Aaron bought all of us those boot mugs and Mike bought the pictures they took of us and the flags. What a good time. I just cant say enough about what a good time we had.

Mike and I made it all the way to Springfield before his aunt called and said his dad had made it through surgery and that his prognosis is better or good. He is still going, but not until Friday. Im glad because I wouldnt have done so hot getting the canoe back on the Suburban or driving it home with just the kids. Megan went back this morning. She had to work today. Aaron stayed and he was pretty happy too-because he caught a huge bass today. We will be having a fish fry and corn on the cob tomorrow. I have pictures of all the boys and their bass.......

Steph is going to post some pics in my profile sometime today and then I will post and let ya know.....Alot of you havent seen me for 5 months or longer.

Well, I am going to close and look at the pics I want posted. I will talk to you all later. Love and Prayers to all. Janet

Shannon C.
on 5/21/08 5:49 am - Kirksville, MO
Kansas City People - where is a good place to buy protein there?  Am coming down for the weekend and need to load up on my protein supplements & bullitts.  Does the GNC in the metro north mall have a good selection?  My son and his family are meeting uo with me in KC so I can have my grandchildren fix and celebrate my birthday.  I now have movement in both feet - no feeling yet but movement and now only have to wear one brace on the left.  The prayers are being answered!  These last 3 months have been hard but there is light at the end of the tunnel so to speak. Jan - I planted my herbs in 3 big cattle mineral tubs and they look great.  have 2 more to do and will spray paint them white with the spray made for plastic.  Hopefully with them up off the ground the neighborhood cats will stay out of the tubs.  Had wilted lettuce the other night and lets say that I will not be eating that again unless I have severe constipation if you get my drift...  Am getting a bike to peddle back and forth to work and help strengthen my legs - I got the go ahead from my physical therapist.  Take care Everyone - Hugs - Shannon



Shannon C.
on 5/21/08 5:50 am - Kirksville, MO
Have posted 3 days in a row and the posts disapear - whats happening?



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