I wont be posting on here for a while....

on 5/19/08 12:04 pm - Joplin, MO
I just wanted to let those of you that I have come real close to and others know that I wont be posting on here much . I will check my messages, but other then that I wont be an avid member. I have some personal issues and I have had several comments lately about me worrying, I need to relax and stuff and honestly I am just asking questions. I thought that was what the board is for? I feel offended and embarressed cuz I am not the only one who see's it. I am just needing to focus on me and my life and personal problems and hope I still can get the support needed, but I am not sure I will with me not participating. Hopefully, when I feel better as an indivdual and myself I will be more avid with the board. So, if you dont hear from me for a while you wont worry. I have alot going on in my life, a lot of changes and alot of questions and not really sure where I go for the answers w/out sounding rediculous!! I still love you all! ~Lori



on 5/19/08 12:34 pm - in the forest........., MO
Revision on 09/30/13
Lori.... I hesitate responding as I do not want you to get the idea that I am bashing you (please please understand that I am not  )   When you post on online forums you get the good , the bad and the ugly.  Most of the times you will get oodles and scads of the "good"...but when the bad and the ugly rears it's head it hurts.   Right now you are vulnerable.  You are very new to all of this WLS "stuff" and you are just chock full of questions and your mind is racing twenty gazillion miles an hour.  Right? We have ALL been there whether or not we want to admit it.  You just got some responses to your queries that hit you the wrong way.  I see this all the time on these boards.  Someone gets their knickers in a twist and then all pandalarium (my grandma's word) breaks loose. If you don't want to post her, then don't.  But you will be the one that will come out on the loosing end , not the person that you felt slighted you.   Grow a tiny bit thicker skin and just dive right on in.  You will find a wealth of information on these boards.  If you don't agree with some of it...just let it slide right on by.  Take what is useful to you and throw away the rest.  There are ALOT of folks on here that have been quite successful in their WLS "walk".... I will put a few of your questions to rest though.  Whereas it is a bit easier to loose weight in the first year....  the notion that when you are farther out and not being able to loose is just hogwash.  I will be 4 years out this coming September.  I am in the best shape that I have ever been in.  WLS is a tool ...  what you do with it will decide your outcome.  You need to relearn your relationship with food and the issues that made you overeat in the first place.  You need to focus on WHO you are and why you are obese and start to work on that.   Issues...  we all have em'.....     ...just wanted you to know that there are several folks who do care.... so stick around if you can......   the ride might be wild at times...but OH what a ride it is...... ~*

Anything WORTH having is WORTH working for !

Jan C.
on 5/19/08 1:29 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Please dont do this to yourself. You need to know and others need to let you know their own experiences. If they werent the least bit worried when they had surgery it was probably because they had had someone or lots of someones help them learn. So Keep coming back and learning  OK???



on 5/19/08 7:53 pm - pomona, MO
Lori please dont go,you are starting a wonderful journey and we need you and you need us maybe tog. we can learn and help others..love ya ...vesta


on 5/19/08 9:52 pm - Clever, MO
Hey Lori, I am so sorry if some of us have offended you in someway!!! I am absolutely sure that no one would on purpose. Please dont give up on the board. I didnt get on for a long period of time and it was such a relief when I got back on. I dont post much but I do read alot. I have found that most of my questions get answered even if I dont ask them ...I just read everyones posts and somewhere in there I find the answers. So if yu dont want to post for awhile, just lurk and read! Just please stay in touch...WE ALL NEED EACH OTHER!  Sometimes (especially before surgery) I felt like such a numb-skull because I had soooooo many questions, but I asked them anyway. NO one on here cares if you ask a million questions. Just so you know, I was 298 when I began, and have taken off 132 pounds in 1year and 2 months and I still am loosing about 1 pound a month -sometimes 2....I am 54, so youngin' youve got the world by a string and alot to look forward to. Good luck and may GOD richly bless you!


Craig Watts
on 5/20/08 3:05 am - Green City , MO
Lori, dont you let others run you off of the board. NO one owns this board. I too was made feel unwanted when i first came here and you can ask Jan and them...It got to the point where I quit but they kept after me to come back...NOW Im glad I did....You know what is best for you, not anyone else....Like Sugar said we are all here to help each other...Please do not leave the board...When it becomes a year from now, you will be glad you hung in there...God Bless You ...Craig Lee

Craig Lee Watts 
"Reach Out & Touch The Lord As He Goes By"

426 lbs Starting weight
212 lbs Goal Weight
159lbs AS OF 05,18.2013_______________________

267lbs PRAISE GOD.....


on 5/20/08 11:42 pm - Joplin, MO

Hello everyone! Wow, the responses I had was out of this world!! I didnt post this to get attention or anything... just very irritable I guess. I dont want to go into long detail, but I appreciate the positive feed back. I am going to have to learn to ignore ppls harmful words. I know SOME ppl dont do it to be all out mean. Right now is a very stressful time in my life and maybe I just took things the wrong way... I am sorry if I did. About 2 hrs before feeling offended I found out 2 ppl died in that last 24 hrs... and details were sketchy and I was and am very emotional. My 2 yr old neice passed away. The other was a guy both my husband and I knew. Our kids played with his... So, this was very hard on me. I have so much going on with my recent loss of a beautiful neice, moving, loss of a friend, my family ( things are rocky with me and my husband), just too many to name. I just want to touch base with everyone and let you know I am still going to visit and atleast read and post when needed. Craig your post made me cry, I really appreciate all the love and support. I never really knew anyone cared liked that. I am glad, since I feel like this is a family on here. I am going to therapy and working out and working on losing before surgery. Thank you for all the support and I promise to be back! Have a great day! ~Lori



Moe Linda
on 5/22/08 9:12 am - Sullivan, MO
wow did I miss something I know it has been a while since I was on here but I really missed it!  I too have had some harsh responses to my posts.  Not on the MO board.  And no matter what others have said it still gets me that some people are on here just to get a rise out of us!  But anyway good luck and I hope you stick around!
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