I wont be posting on here for a while....

Anything WORTH having is WORTH working for !
Please dont do this to yourself. You need to know and others need to let you know their own experiences. If they werent the least bit worried when they had surgery it was probably because they had had someone or lots of someones help them learn. So Keep coming back and learning OK???
Craig Lee Watts
"Reach Out & Touch The Lord As He Goes By"
426 lbs Starting weight
212 lbs Goal Weight
159lbs AS OF 05,18.2013_______________________
267lbs PRAISE GOD.....
Hello everyone! Wow, the responses I had was out of this world!! I didnt post this to get attention or anything... just very irritable I guess. I dont want to go into long detail, but I appreciate the positive feed back. I am going to have to learn to ignore ppls harmful words. I know SOME ppl dont do it to be all out mean. Right now is a very stressful time in my life and maybe I just took things the wrong way... I am sorry if I did. About 2 hrs before feeling offended I found out 2 ppl died in that last 24 hrs... and details were sketchy and I was and am very emotional. My 2 yr old neice passed away. The other was a guy both my husband and I knew. Our kids played with his... So, this was very hard on me. I have so much going on with my recent loss of a beautiful neice, moving, loss of a friend, my family ( things are rocky with me and my husband), just too many to name. I just want to touch base with everyone and let you know I am still going to visit and atleast read and post when needed. Craig your post made me cry, I really appreciate all the love and support. I never really knew anyone cared liked that. I am glad, since I feel like this is a family on here. I am going to therapy and working out and working on losing before surgery. Thank you for all the support and I promise to be back! Have a great day! ~Lori