Pain/how long before heals?

on 5/19/08 10:08 am - Marshall, MO
Hello everyone. Had a rny on 05-05-08, and today am two weeks out of surgery. Not doing too bad, except have a lot of pain in my left side (operating side) that radiates to my back and then across my lower stomach. I had a friend give me a massage a few days back, and that helped the pain in back, but now it is all concentrated in my left side behind the big incision and etc. Nothing else is bad....I am not sick, nor dehydrated, nor running a fever, etc. The drain hole is healing nicely, and no incisions are infected....I can't hardly walk, though, as the pain will grab me and I will almost feel like doubling over. I tried going to Walmart today (not driving) and I couldn't get very far in the store before having to come back to the car.  I have an email to the nurse about this, but most everyone tells me it is a healing process. That if it were something wrong with the surgery itself, I would be sick, infection, etc. Gosh, I can't imagine doing this again. I am so trying to keep motivated, and upbeat, but thought the pain would be less by now. Anyone out there experiencing the same thing?
on 5/19/08 12:41 pm - in the forest........., MO
Revision on 09/30/13

Everyone deals with pain in a different way.   When I was dealing with my recuperation I had pain in much the same area as you described.  At times it was a burning searing pulling pain.  My surgeon told me that it was due to several factors.  Nerve regeneration (if a nerve was severed).  Internal stitches not yet dissovled (and yes they DO pull and hurt like the dickens sometimes)...  and the fact that THAT area is where they did most of the work internally.  It is really insulted during the surgery process and you are going to feel some pain while you heal.   After about 3-4 weeks the internal pain lessened for me and I felt like I could move about more easily.    This too shall pass ...each day will bring you further along in your recuperation.  HANG IN THERE!!!! ~*

Anything WORTH having is WORTH working for !

on 5/19/08 10:00 pm - Clever, MO
Do you still have your gall bladder?? Something to consider!!! My gall bladder never hurt in my side. It was in my shoulder and neck and sometimes in my back..but I had to have it out about 3 months after my RNY....something to consider...they can cause pain in stange places and can even feel like a heart attack with all the symptoms! Have it checked out soon if you are still in pain.  I had other pain after surgery too that turned out to be a abcess in my abdomin....just be careful.


on 5/20/08 5:20 pm - MO

Have you heard from you surgeon yet??  I hope that you have gotten some relief and always remember if you are feeling bad and think you need to go to the ER you should go.  It could be something really simple or it could be very important for you and it is always better to be safe then sorry.  I hope your feeling better and that everything has worked out alright for you. Marylin

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