Jan C.
on 5/18/08 3:00 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

First off let me thank Vesta for doing the post for me on Saturday, Thanks girl I really do appreciate it a lot .

Second….Pray for Brenda Minks today as she is having back surgery, very serious today . I know she is hoping that this will help her back a lot and that is also my prayer but also that the Surgeon is guided by God to do all for her he can.


Our trip this week end was so much fun. The brother that his wife had the surprise birthday party for , they are good people and don’t drink and act crazy like the other two brothers do. Lol That is where we stayed all night at. And we really had a good time. Dorthy , Joes sister in law and I went yard saleing on Sat morning for a while and I found two beautiful formal dresses  One is bright red sort of form fitting with sequins whoo hoo. Lol  Will need a full body girdle to hold in the skin to be able wear that …but I was sort of looking for something like this for my high school reunion the first of August. Any way Friday night we went to an Auction and it was fun. Bid on and won a really cute comforter set for my Great granddaughter. She will love it.

I got the comforter , bed skirt, sheets, pillow cases and curtains for 5.00 can you believe that and looks brand new.

Then Saturday we went garage saleing and then had the party, with a big dance floor and Joe and I danced and danced and danced. And then we were sore and sore and sore and sore and we are still sore lol .

Saturday night we went to the Dirt race track.  Which I love to do too. Like I said we had a blast, Oh year Dorthy and I went to the Nursery that was having a great sale and we found all sorts of things.  I got a big plant that is beautiful , never have seen it before and

It doesn’t look anything like what they said it is. They say a climbing bleeding heart?

But when I look that up on the computer the flowers aren’t anything like mine are.

Lot of other things on sale too.

Found 3 brand new interior doors at a garage sale and I talked the guy down to 3.00 for all three of them. Lol With the rental that we are fixing up we will have those already bought. Amazing.




ANDREW:::: wow so good to see you back on the board.   Hey do you know about going to Sedalia on the June 1st for our annual picnic and then going to Dr. Hornbostels support group which will count as your yearly appointment with him ? Hope you all will come to that. That is like Sunday after next. If you need any other info let me know, we meet in the park at noon. I read what you said about getting off track , it is easy to do. I know I fight the carb creature all the time seems like. Some times I win , sometimes he does.

Am looking forward to you calling me so we can talk ok?


CRAIG: hey neat that you and your brother bought a house together. That is fantastic. Good for you and with your other family moving there in that area too will be really good.

Like the new picture, cant wait to see you in a couple of weeks. And your guest too. That will be great.


VESTA:::  will you come up to Sedalia on the first too? That way you don’t have to drive all the way back for a doctors appointment which is boreing and this will be fun.

Thanks again for doing the post on Saturday. You did a great job.



BRENDA NUTT: lol yeah the belly noisies, aren’t they awful. Especially when everything is quite and your belly starts talking , lol Sorry that you didn’t know that one huh ?

How are you feeling ? doing ok now?



CHRISTINE::::: congradulation for the surgery being done and you are home , that is great. Any problems give us a holler. Just sip and sip and walk and walk, get tha****er in , is very important , the most important thing that you can do is get in all the water you can push down your self .



CDECKER::::: we will be praying for you on Monday to have a great successful surgery.






WEASEY::::: welcome to the Mo. Forum board. The best board of the lot of them. Look forward to getting to know you and letting you to get to know us.



SHEILA:::: wow I checked out your new picture and that is awesome, I wouldn’t have know you I don’t think…What did you find out from the  Implant doctor???

Need to know.



TAMMY-AMMY:::: your sound like you are really happy about getting your sister near you again. Hope you are going to mess up your quite house again lol

That is ok sometimes that is what has to be done isnt it???

Will pray for traveling mercies for you and your sister.



ANGY::::: it is ok to be an internet junkie , you have to stay caught up with all of us anyway…

Hope the graduation ceremony was nice. They usually are way too long but oh well it isnt done every day is it.

Have to let loose of the babies as each one gets to the edge of the nest and let them soar.




MELISSA::::: glad that you are out of the hospital right now. Take care and don’t let those other ones fight for you. Will keep you and your family in my prayers.



So good to be home and tomorrow is the Garden Tea Party, this is going to be loads of fun I think. 









Sheila H.
on 5/18/08 9:53 pm - Marshfield, MO

good morning.....  Jan thanks i should of at least  had my face on be4 i did the pics haha but didnt feel up to it.....

i have to  wait   AGAIN till the 30th to get implant reprogrammed ...so nothing new there.... have a GREAT day every one today.. love n hugs


on 5/18/08 11:12 pm - pomona, MO
Oh you are welcome Jan, I am so glad you had a great time, you dont realize how hard it is until you do it I am always afraid I will leave someone out... Andrew you just keep posting and we are here for you, maybe you need to ask Dr.H why it is so hard for you, maybe your pouch needs a little work on it...I know they can redo that now.. There is alot of surgerys today we want to hold them up in our prayers.. Also Mels moms funeral.... Graig you look awesome, I like your new picture... Shelia there is so much difference in your new picture, you go girl.. Tammy I know you are so happy about your sissy, good for you all everyone have a good one love ya all....vesat


on 5/18/08 11:30 pm - Friedheim, MO
Good Morning Everyone!  This weekend was really nice, busy, but nice.  The kids have been finished with school since March, but last night graduation made it official.  They feel much better knowing it's over.   Not much going on today.  I have to run to town to run a few errands & come back home & do a few dishes & cook supper tonight. Jan - Nothing in our garden is coming up!!!!  only 2 rows out of probably 10.   uuuuggggg  How frustrating!  So I guess we'll be replanting this week sometime.  You will have to take picktures of your shade garden so we can see.  I bet its beautiful. Tammy-ammy - I can't wait for the group meeting in June!   I am definetly coming.  I told Lynn about it & asked if he would take me (I cant drive long distances because I fall asleep)  I told him that is what he can get me for my birthday (its the next week)  He said ok, but we would have to stop at Lamberts on the way.  He really had to twist my arm for that one.  lol   Janet - I hope you have a great vacation.  You deserve it girl!  Go, relax & have a wonderful time.  What is the Dixie Stampeed?  I've heard of it but don't know what it is. Christine - I'm so glad your home & doing ok.  Did you ever think you would ever be so excited to be a loser??  lol  How does the bench feel?  I bet the girls have made it nice & comfey. lol  Do the protein shakes taste different to you?   Like everyone says  keep sippin'.    CONGRATULATIONS  you 'ol loser!!!!! Brenda - I know you won't read this today, but I am praying for you & your family for a safe surgery & safe travels. & a great recovery. Brenda Nutt - Do you have a rumbly in your tumbly?  Glad to hear your doing ok. Andrew - I hope God helps you find your way on this journey.  I know it's a hard one.  Good luck to you. Craig - WOW!  180, sounds like your doing GREAT! I hope everyone has a great Monday!!  Sounds like we might get some more rain.  woo hooo! lol


              Seminar 260   ~   Preop diet  248    ~   Surgery  235      
on 5/18/08 11:25 pm - Diamond, MO
Dear Jan and OH Peeps~ Just wanted to get in here and say I am praying for Brendas surgery this morning.  Also to ask for prayer for Mikes dad. We got a call Friday that his dad is back in the hospital and they dont know if he will make it.  He is in surgery right now and Mikes aunt is going to be making arrangements for Mike to fly out to Arizona.....Please pray that he will be okay and if not, that he makes it until Mike gets to go see him.  So-what started out to be a wonderful start of a vacation has been overshadowed with the news of Mikes dad.  Thanks.   Also, Mels moms funeral is today. I am not going to make it, because I will be driving Mike to the airport and need to be home for that.  Wouldnt my luck be that I got my lovely monthly visitor yesterday too.  I just cant catch a break!! My daughter will be checking the laptop for me to check on Brenda. We went fishing last night and Mike caught 2 of the biggest bass I have ever seen in person besides in captivity at Bass Pro Shop. They are insanely huge.  I caught the first and the most until the last 1/2 hour when Mike got 4!!!  Anyway-am praying that his dad makes it through surgery and the outcome changes before noon so Mike can stay. We are having such a good time with all of our kids and cooking out.  Its been so relaxing.  Even the kids have had their phones shut off. Mikes the only one with his phone on, but only because of his dad. ***Jan, so glad you and Joe had fun and I know you loved dancing!!  Im so happy for you.  Say hi to Joe for me. **Sheila-WOMAN YOU LOOK AWESOME!!! Have missed seeing you and hope your great and feeling better. **Angy-have a good week. **Vesta-thanks again for doing the post. **Chrsitine-so happy your on the losers bench with us. We had your spot all polished and waiting for you..... Everyone else-have a good week and as always, your in my thoughts and prayers.  Love, Janet
Craig Watts
on 5/19/08 2:09 am - Green City , MO
Morning Jan. Im glad you and Joe had a great weekend.... Iam loving my new home ...Got family all around me now that is so wonderful plus old time friends that I grew up with. They are loving the new Craig. Its like old times again. CHURCH Is fantastic. The people there are so fun to be around. Great music. They found out that I play different instruments LOL...The man who leads the Morning worship noticed that I dont use a song book. I guess growing up all those years in Church I learned all the songs they sing by heart.  ANDREW...Hey spongebob buddy..Iam so glad you're back on the board .. Been wondering about you....I will be praying for you Andrew....I hope we get to see you on June the 1st. Its so much fun to visit with Jan..We hope that Brenda will get to be with us but Iam assuming she will be to laid up to be there...We will be praying for her also... VESTA...hey hey girl...Hope to see you there also...and everyone else...FOR a FANTASTIC time you all best show up LOL....HURRAH for the 2nd year reunioners...It doesnt seem possible but yeah its year # 2 already...I got to ask Dr. H how comes IM still losing weight...Iam feeling ok ..sometimes a bit dizzy...You would think I would stop losing at some point..but I did have alot to lose...Iam around 186 now...that is alot better than 426 my highest weight....who knows it might have been higher at some point in time...That was at my give up stage in life..but hey...LOOK AT ME NOW ....PRAISE GOD....LOOK AT ALL OF US NOW..ARENT YOU GUYS SO EXCITED....TELL JESUS HOW YOU FEEL AND THANK HIM FOR ALL THIS BLESSINGS HE HAS GIVEN US THROUGH THE LAST TWO YEARS.....I leave you with this...: Jesus, reach out and touch everyone on the board today. Show them your mighty powers and your love. We will always give you the praise and the glory for all the blessing you give us and the ones to come. Watch over us, and the ones who are in surgery this week. Watch over our sister Brenda who is having back surgery. She loves you Lord....Bless our country Lord. Watch over our government officials in making right decisions...We Pray that we make the right decisions this year in the elections..We ask all this in your precious name..Amen.  GOD BLESS EVERYONE........Craig Lee Watts

Craig Lee Watts 
"Reach Out & Touch The Lord As He Goes By"

426 lbs Starting weight
212 lbs Goal Weight
159lbs AS OF 05,18.2013_______________________

267lbs PRAISE GOD.....


Andy W.
on 5/19/08 3:16 am - Tulsa, OK
Good morning y'all,  Well almost afternoon now,  Thanks for the welcome backs everyone, it really is good to read and be back on the boards,  you really dont know what you missed til you come back and see all the support and stuff.  If I dont keep posting then someone come hammer my head til I post  lol. Im so glad the rain has quit for a bit,  our yard and garden spot has been so muddy that we havnt been able to do anything with it.  The last couple weeks or so we've put off starting a veggie and all with thinking about moving. Last summer I went overboard and had a huge garden, it was fun tho lol.  Jan it is so great to see you are doing so well, I will sure call you this evening, I cant wait.  I did'nt know about the picnic in June, that sounds so great,  I doubt we'd get to come tho,  its really hard for Susan to get off work on the weekend without giving a months notice, crazy I know.  Her job is going ok, they just keep her so busy, she still works at Ryans  in Farmington.  We're hoping where we move she can get a hospital job or at a nursing home, she really misses that type of work.  Her dad is still doing good, the dementia has progressed some so there's days where he forgets alot but he remembers when we miss a day or so seeing him.  We moved him to a nursing home near Susans work so she pretty much see's him everyday.  Hey Craig ya spongebob guy ya  lol.  It's so great to see how well you are doing,  I'm so glad to be back on here to see all the success stories, makes me know I can get back on track and succeed myself. Vesta, wow gurl, its so awesome to see how well your doing.  Thanks for the kind words,  with all you all support I know I can get  back to where I need to be.  I havnt seen Dr. H.  like I was suppose to, there's really no excuse,  it is a long drive from here and with gas its kinda crazy but I need to get back up there to get caught up on my appointments with him.  I'll be coming to springfield sometime in the next month or so for a visit, i'll make sure its when the support group is so I can see everyone. Thanks Angy,  I know I can do it with the Lords help.  Your prayers mean so much. It's so great to see all the new faces on here,  makes me feel like a newbie since I havnt been on in forever lol. I been praying for Brenda today,  I know she'll be doing good in Gods hands. Well I gotta get busy doing a few things,  I'll check back in later and all. Thanks again for all the warm welcome backs,  really means a lot. Andrew

I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Beverly B.
on 5/19/08 5:14 am - Sedalia, MO
Hi all, Well here I am again, I don't post much but I am always on and reading everyone elses post.  I know this is a sad sad day for Melissa and I prayed for her to have peace and strength today. It is very hard to lose your mother.  But she is in heaven now, and we ought to rejoice about that.  Had a really busy weekend. My granddaughter who attends college at Wentworth Military Academy graduated Saturday Morning and then we had a BBQ in the afternoon for them and then Saturday evening my grandson graduated from high school so it was a busy and exciting day... Hope Brenda's surgery is over with and she is doing good.  Sheila you look wonderful, you all are  all an inspiration to us preops. I am still playing the waiting game with my insurance. I called them the other day and they said to call back in about 2 weeks so I will give them one week and call again lol....gotta keep on top of them.... I tell you ever since my blood sugar went wacko it has done a number on my eyes. I was going out to walmart the other day and I couldn't see out of my glasses.  I thought my sugar was up again and took my glasses off and I could see crystal clear. I have worn glasses since I have been about 11 yrs old and have always had problems with my distance. Now I can't see up close. Even having trouble seeing my computer without my reading glasses on. I can read street signs now that I couldn't before. It is amazing but I feel so funny without my glasses on..Has any of you other diabetics out there experienced anything like this. My sugar is running pretty normal now and I haven't had to take any insulin now for a week or more. I go to see my pcp this friday so hopefully I can find out what is going on.... Well better get off here for now. I have a couple of tomatoe plants I want to get in the ground. Hope everyone has a glorious day..



Nancy S.
on 5/19/08 9:32 am - Knob Noster, MO
  My goodness!!!  I feel like a stranger there are so many new posters on here.  I know i haven't been on in about a week,  WOW how things change.  It's great to see.  I send blessings and prayers up to all those who need them....too many to list really.  It has been difficult for so many on here I hope things get better for all soon.  At my house we have been well.  My garden finally started sprouting.  I was getting worried after a couple weeks of seeing nothing.  As of now I will have pumpkins, green beans, tomatoes, and peppers for sure.  I think i saw an onion.  I finally got my fence put up around the perimeter to keep the critters out.  Saw a fat rabbit eyeballing the greens just the other day.  This past weekend my husband got busy building the midget her jungle gym...we bought the kit from home depot and you add your own lumber.  We wanted to do that instead of buying the kits that have the lumber because those aren't very sturdy.  They seem to use smaller cheaper wood.  Anyway....two days into it and he is almost done and that thing is HUGE!  The first platform is 5 feet off the ground and the second is 7 feet and has a tubular twisty slide that goes off it like you see at the water parks.  It's really cool.  I didn't get my patio started like i wanted.  I kept changing my mind about the layout so i decided i would wait until i was absolutely certain about what i wanted to do before i got the sod cutter and took up all the grass.  We are supposed to have some rain this week and i would hate to have a mud pit for a yard right before memorial weekend.  We are having company and i really don't want to deal with that mess.  My weight loss has stalled kind of...down to about 1-2 pounds per week but still losing inches...i figure i must be in a catch up phase.  That's ok with me.  I've lost 41 pounds in 2 months and I'm really ok with that.  Looking forward to meeting a lot of you the first weekend in june.  I am on call and hoping i can run by there for a bit just to say hi if nothing else...i guess i'll just look for the group of skinnies??  LOLOL   Hope this finds everyone doing well....best to all......

Debbie D.
on 5/19/08 11:31 am - KS

Jan & MO Peeps!


Great to see all everyone posting again!  Jan, glad to hear you had such a great time this weekend and you got a lot of good deals!  We love deals, don’t we!?

My tomato plants look great!  I think we’re going to have to start staking them up.  I can’t wait until all those heirloom tomatoes come.  I’m getting hungry thinking about it!  Speaking of hunger, I really need your prayers and suggestions.  I have been finding myself snacking all day on junk food.  I have been doing it for a couple weeks now.  I really need help!  I have gained 3 lbs!  Yikes!  Tomorrow I’m going to try and add a second protein shake to my daily routine.  I also need to start exercising.  My youngest really wants us to join the local YMCA so he can lift weights to get ready for football next year.  I’m thinking it would be a great family activity we could all do this summer.  My husband needs to lose around 20 lbs and he says he’ll go with us.  I’m going to check into that as well.

I know the reason for my snacking, it’s stress!  I’ve got to find another way of dealing with stress rather than reverting back to my old habits of eating all the time!  Please pray for me and give me suggestions!  I really need them!

The boys last day of school is Friday and they are more than ready!  Luke leaves for his mission trip to June 8th.  Please keep him in your prayers as well.

Mel, I pray you recover quickly from your surgery.  Please know we have been praying for you and for the loss of your Mother.  Praise the Lord you will see her again someday!

Janet, I hope Mike’s Dad is okay and you all get to go on your family vacation! 

Vesta, how are you recovering from your ps?  Where did you have it done?  What were the procedures you had done?  I’m seriously considering doing it next year.  Will see.

The rest of the MO Board, I love all of you and pray for each of your requests.  Hope everyone has a GREAT week!


Debbie D.

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