First off let me thank Vesta for doing the post for me on Saturday, Thanks girl I really do appreciate it a lot .
Second….Pray for Brenda Minks today as she is having back surgery, very serious today . I know she is hoping that this will help her back a lot and that is also my prayer but also that the Surgeon is guided by God to do all for her he can.
Our trip this week end was so much fun. The brother that his wife had the surprise birthday party for , they are good people and don’t drink and act crazy like the other two brothers do. Lol That is where we stayed all night at. And we really had a good time. Dorthy , Joes sister in law and I went yard saleing on Sat morning for a while and I found two beautiful formal dresses One is bright red sort of form fitting with sequins whoo hoo. Lol Will need a full body girdle to hold in the skin to be able wear that …but I was sort of looking for something like this for my high school reunion the first of August. Any way Friday night we went to an Auction and it was fun. Bid on and won a really cute comforter set for my Great granddaughter. She will love it.
I got the comforter , bed skirt, sheets, pillow cases and curtains for 5.00 can you believe that and looks brand new.
Then Saturday we went garage saleing and then had the party, with a big dance floor and Joe and I danced and danced and danced. And then we were sore and sore and sore and sore and we are still sore lol .
Saturday night we went to the Dirt race track. Which I love to do too. Like I said we had a blast, Oh year Dorthy and I went to the Nursery that was having a great sale and we found all sorts of things. I got a big plant that is beautiful , never have seen it before and
It doesn’t look anything like what they said it is. They say a climbing bleeding heart?
But when I look that up on the computer the flowers aren’t anything like mine are.
Lot of other things on sale too.
Found 3 brand new interior doors at a garage sale and I talked the guy down to 3.00 for all three of them. Lol With the rental that we are fixing up we will have those already bought. Amazing.
ANDREW:::: wow so good to see you back on the board. Hey do you know about going to
Am looking forward to you calling me so we can talk ok?
CRAIG: hey neat that you and your brother bought a house together. That is fantastic. Good for you and with your other family moving there in that area too will be really good.
Like the new picture, cant wait to see you in a couple of weeks. And your guest too. That will be great.
VESTA::: will you come up to
Thanks again for doing the post on Saturday. You did a great job.
BRENDA NUTT: lol yeah the belly noisies, aren’t they awful. Especially when everything is quite and your belly starts talking , lol Sorry that you didn’t know that one huh ?
How are you feeling ? doing ok now?
CHRISTINE::::: congradulation for the surgery being done and you are home , that is great. Any problems give us a holler. Just sip and sip and walk and walk, get tha****er in , is very important , the most important thing that you can do is get in all the water you can push down your self .
CDECKER::::: we will be praying for you on Monday to have a great successful surgery.
WEASEY::::: welcome to the Mo. Forum board. The best board of the lot of them. Look forward to getting to know you and letting you to get to know us.
SHEILA:::: wow I checked out your new picture and that is awesome, I wouldn’t have know you I don’t think…What did you find out from the Implant doctor???
Need to know.
TAMMY-AMMY:::: your sound like you are really happy about getting your sister near you again. Hope you are going to mess up your quite house again lol
That is ok sometimes that is what has to be done isnt it???
Will pray for traveling mercies for you and your sister.
ANGY::::: it is ok to be an internet junkie , you have to stay caught up with all of us anyway…
Hope the graduation ceremony was nice. They usually are way too long but oh well it isnt done every day is it.
Have to let loose of the babies as each one gets to the edge of the nest and let them soar.
MELISSA::::: glad that you are out of the hospital right now. Take care and don’t let those other ones fight for you. Will keep you and your family in my prayers.
So good to be home and tomorrow is the Garden Tea Party, this is going to be loads of fun I think.