Need Prayers
Hey All,
It's been ages since I posted anything. I really need to get back into posting and reading the posts. I feel like I'm a newbie again lol there is so many new people on the board, that is so great. Its been about a year and a half since my surgery and to be honest its hasnt been very successful for me, but, 90% of the problem has been me i believe. I been trying to get back to basics to where I was when I preparing for surgery. I lost more before surgery then i have since surgery, I just dunno what went wrong but I gotta figure it out and correct it before it gets to far out of hand. I dont have a support group to attend, I'm sure that hasnt helped. It just seems I reverted back to some of my old ways. The wife and I are seriously thinking of moving closer to where a support group is, yeah thats a huge move just to be able to attend a support group but we both feel we need that so much. Anyway, please keep my wife and I in your prayers that I truly follow HIS direction in our lives. From reading a few of the posts it seems alot of you are doing so good, congrats!!! Brenda, sure miss talking to ya, sorry I havnt kept in touch, I will be praying for you tomorrow. Jan, could ya let me know a good time for me to call ya, I sure would like to talk to you and get a few ideas from you on a couple things Susan and I are thinking on. Anyway, everyone have a great week. I'll be sure to keep in touch every day or so.
Thanks so much for your prayers.
In His Love,
Andrew so great to see you on the board. I really have missed you a lot.
Hey you want to call me you can get me most any evening or late afternoon even. I usually am always done what ever and sitting some by then lol
You want to move up here we will be having a rental house ready in a little while lol No joke.
Hope to hear from you and Susan soon. Jan