I'm a looser baby....
Hey all! I'm home. I just got home a few mins ago and had to have my OH fix. I'm as high as a kite so I wont be typing much right now. I'll be back on later tonight or tomorrow when I'm a little more lucid. Everything went really well and I was up walking the halls shortly after Meg left. I'm happy to be home and I've got a protein drink mixed and I'm working on getting that down. Well, thanks for thinking of me, praying for me and just being there! I'll be back soon! Tomorrow is Cody's day!! Yay CODY!
Christine, I am sooo proud of you!!! ((HUGZ)) Man, I have missed ur butt! I havent talked to u in about 4 days since we were playin IM tag, lol. But, I am sooo happy that it went well and u know I am going to picc ur brain and cant wait for all the news... You lost 14lbs already!? OMG! Thats some great news!! Talk to ya soon, take it easy... ~Lo