~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!
Hi Vesta and OH Peeps~
Wanted to get on and say hi and see how everyone is doing today. Have some good news-Mel got released from the hospital yesterday afternoon!!! She looks and she sounds wonderful. She really bounced back good from this one.....Thanks for the prayers-I know she appreciates it-and keep praying for no complications and a speedy recovery. She has STRICT orders not to lift ANYTHING!!! Not even to bend down and pick up a kleenex off the floor-Per her surgeon!!
Lets keep Christine in our prayers for a speedy recovery, and also for Brenda-for a safe trip and for a successful surgery and speedy recovery. Thanks everyone.
**Vesta-Thanks for doing the post. Yes, Mels mom was a very beautiful woman-and she was as beautiful on the inside as she was on the outside. Thanks for the surgeon info. I appreciate it. Holy crap- 5#?? I saw you-and you werent nearly as big as me pre-op, I bet I have 20# in my tummy and apron area that they can take off..... My breasts have gone WAY down the past 6 months-and now I understand what dr. price was saying about maybe needing an implant because there isnt enough in there just to lift them up anymore!!!! Im ready......LOL...Cant wait to see you and thanks again for the plant and taking care of that since you are right there. Its absolutely beautiful. Yes, Mel said she will be taking it home after the funeral. Its got 3 diff things in it-plant wise and her brother sent me a pic of it-its beautiful!
**Christine-WELCOME to the losers bench!! Glad your here with us. We are praying for a speedy recovery.
**Angy-CONGRATS on the weight loss-feels good, huh? Im so excited for you. On the scope-when you go to your appt at MOBAR-ask them. All the surgeons up there do their own scopes-and will take biopsies IF something doesnt look right-I had 4-5, and it all came back ok-and the scope was done at the hospital where you will have the surgery. Columbia University Hospital I believe. Have a great weekend-but sounds like you will be busy.
**Brenda-you are in our prayers. I pray for a successful surgery and that you are pain free-or as close to it as it gets. Also for travelers mercy. Love ya.
**Jan-Hope you and Joe have a great weekend. I am praying for the situation and also for travel. Let us know how it went-and I am going to email you to ask that you call me directly on Monday because I wont be anywhere near a puter to check on Brenda. Thanks.
**Tammy-Ammy-glad your sis is moving back-I know you have missed her. Is she living with you? I hope not-now that you finally have the place to yourselves again!!! Is your nephew home yet? Be safe and your in my prayers. Love ya.
Yesterday the insurance adjustor came and looked at Megans car-because when I had it last Saturday, someone tried to steal it or break into it-and they used a crowbar and tried to pop open her sunroof-and its motorized so it either opens all the way or just pops up in the back-Last saturday it was totally all the way down because it was raining...anyway-they estimated the cost at 1200.00 to repair it- Can you believe it? I only had to pay the deductible...the insurance money will pay the rest. YAY. What a relief that was.
Well, I am going to get off here. As soon as my hubby is done fixing the Suburban, I have to go to town, take 2 cores back so we can get our money back for them-go to the bank and cash in our coins, get the rest of my stuff out of Mels garage-take it to storage and my dad is taking a load to Oklahoma today to his flea market booth and then stop at the grocery store and get the rest of our stuff for our trip. Then gotta come home-get some of the food cooked-get our bags packed and poles etc-and we are off and ready to go......cant wait. Im counting down the hours now-23 hours and I am gone-dooo-dah, dooo-da.....
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Love and prayers. Janet