Scope . . . When & Where?
Not everyone has to have the scope done....And if you have to have it done it's usually done out patient....
Your first appt will be to get weighed, go over your info, discuss your options and set up any test you might need before you get started on the stuff you need to do before surgery....
Once you get the go ahead health wise and insurance wise for surgery then you will have another appt to get all the paper work done and any last minute tests that might need to be done....
I know what I said sounds quick but don't expect it to be lol lol.. Some have had to wait a few month or so to actually get to an actual surgery date....Will depend on several things....
But don't worry they are really good about walking you thru things and they will work with you when you live so far away so that you can get as much done in one day as possible to keep from having to make so many trips....
I had my surgery with in 3 months even with doing a liquid diet to loose 50lbs....But a few have had to wait will just depend alot on your insurance and their rules.....
Make sure to ask any questions you want to ask...You have the right to know!!! If you don't understand something have them explain it again!!
It's normal to be nervous....The is your first step into something new and the beginning of a very exciting journey...
My prayers are with you....Luv & Hugs...Tammy~ammy
~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!
Hi Tammy~ammy, Thanks for answering my post. I think last night, it just hit me that my appointment really is just around the corner, & I started getting nervous. I probably will have to get the scope done because I have alot of heartburn. i have to take meds for it everyday. I have medicaid, & the girl with insurance up there told me that Medicaid was the easiest & fastest to do & get approved. (Their only requirement is that your BMI is >40) so I've got my fingers crossed that all goes smooth & quickly. Why did you have to lose 50lbs before surgery? how long was your liquid diet? Lord, I bet that was hard. Just the 2 wk liquid diet sounds hard enough! Thanks, Angy
Angy....Try to be nervous....BE EXCITED!!! You are about to do something wonderful that will change your life big time!!!! It is amazing how much loosing a bit of weight can change your life.....
I had to do the liquid diet for 3 months....Wasn't a set time I just had to loose 50lbs.... And I had to do that because my BMI was so high.... At my first appt with Dr.Scott I weighed 474lbs!!!!
That was also my reason for doing the VGS instead of the RNY....He insisted I do it because with my health issues he didn't want to keep me under as long as he would have to for the RNY....But it turned out well and I have been doing great with the VGS. So Im glad I done it and didn't have to do the part with my bowels.....
Yeah the liquid diet was definitly an ajustment lol lol.....I done all my protein and liquids during the day and then in the evening I would have a lite high protien meal.....Usually salad made in various ways with tuna, red beans, chicken & etc.....
The liquid diet was a challenge but my hardest two things were to give up Mr.Pibb and to stop smoking!!!!
I have medicad too.....I was soooo thankful they pay for the surgery cause it saved my life!!!! I have to have a hernia repair soon and it might be sooner than I had hoped for....I might not get to have my tummy tuck at the time I have the hernia repair...So thank God I have been doctumetning all my issues with having a big gut... The only way you can have a TT with medicad is if it's for a health reason....So if you think you might want one you need to make sure your doctor starts documenting any issues you have with gaulding, chaffing, boils or etc due to having a big tummy....
Well got to run for now....Im about to leave town for a few days and I need to get finished packing and get on the road....Will give you a yell when I get back....Should be Mon or Tues......You have a great weekend...And hang in there....The excitement is just beginning!!!!
Luv & Hugs....Tammy~ammy
~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!