Have my appointment!!!!
Hi Kerri,
I am doing my famous baby circle dance for you!! What an exciting time in the journey. Its also the scariest and most nerve racking too-so if you need us to answer any questions you may have-or listen to you vent-whatever you may need on this journey-come on in and let us know..... We are here for you from beginning to the end-when your seat is polished on the LOSERS BENCH right by us!!!! Good luck and keep us posted. Janet
Thank you all for the words of encouragement and ideas. I am soooo excited, and nervous too. I wonder what he will do? I know he will weigh me and I am not too worried about that. Heck I am not here because I am a skinny minnie. LOL Well I must be off I have a brownie scout meeting to attend, being the leader is cool and time consuming. Bye for now and thanks again.