Jan C.
on 5/14/08 2:46 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Was going to meet Sugar over in Branson this morning but got sick instead. Sounds like an awful choice and it was. Lol  Sure wish I could have made it, They went and stood in line at the new sight and sounds theater for tickets to the Noah show for 5.00 a piece. What a bargain. I really have been wanting to see that show too. But know I wont get to at the reg price of tickets. I just wont allow myself to pay 40.00 a ticket to see a show, no matter how good it is.

Joe went to mow this morning and the lawn mower isnt working so started using the weed eater and it isnt working well either, We can take the weed eather back to Wal mart where he got it from but the lawn mower is an old one guess we will have to break down and buy another one. Hate too but don’t have a lot of choice.   Anyone have a good one they want to sell .lol. Just remember im cheap ….


Joe started digging a hole in the front for the last pond today, I helped some but my shoulder kept me from doing much, and not feeling well didn’t help either.

I don’t know if I was dumping on something or what but had to stay really close to the bathroom all day. If I dumped on something it would have had to be on something I had yesterday…..wonder if you can do that??


I have ripe strawberries!!!!true only one or two but I do and they are just loaded, I have never seen so many berries on one little strawberry plant. And they are all like that. So maybe I will get some good tasting ones here soon. Those in the grocery store sure aren’t any good. I threw the last ones out that I bought and for me to throw strawberries out they had to be bad lol I guess that is my favorite fruit of all. in any way you want to serve them. I even make strawberry shakes with my protein powder using frozen strawberries and blending in a blender is like a frosty or smoothie. Very very good.



TAMMY-AMMY::::; hey you keep finding people on here to come to your support group you will have a good group soon. Yeah the little cards wouldn’t be a bad thing to have to hand out ….you can make them your self if you have a card printer on your photo thing.

Oh yeah the hospital you ask about that is where my sister had her wls….and I m sure there are a lot more on here that have used it.



NUTTI::::: good to see you made it through the last round of storms too.

So sorry to hear about the girl being your daughters friend that passed away in the storm. That has to be devastating to those kids to have lost that many people.

Your life isnt hum drum , none of us lead a hum drum life now, just think of what it was before weight loss surgery. Now to me everything is sort of exciting. Even digging in the dirt is exciting lol Only because I can do it now and couldn’t 2 years ago.

WOW 18 years of stuff , that ought to be a humdinger of a clean out. lol

Most of the time the big clothes can go to some of the girls that haven’t had surgery yet at a support meeting . Do you plan on coming to the one in Springfield on the 27th this month. Sure hope so.

What is a tipi ??? im curious and why do you have to keep sitting it up??

BECKY:::::hello sweet lady. I know you are having a really good time with your daughter and when the other one gets there you will be in Heaven for sure.

So did you get started on the laundry room painting today? I bet it will look nice, Everything in your house is lovely.

Oh wow that sounds like a pain to have a bowl break in the dishwasher. Hard to get all the glass out if it shattered.

Go ride that trike girl sounds like fun.



JANET::::: Do you plan on going down to the funeral on Monday?

Oh my both of your boys at once sick , tell them they have to get well or you will leave them at home lol . You all need to get away and that is that. Seems like you all must have a lot of allergies in and around your home.  Science says that if you are getting more than 2 colds a year that it isnt colds but allergies. Maybe look into getting them all on some sort of allergy meds like clariten and you can get that in generic too now so it isnt very much at all.

Sounds like you and your entire family are a good caring group of people. I know you are so thankful that you didn’t get hit by the tornadoes. Praise God for that.

That would really be neat to be able to acess the storm cellar from inside the house. Best place ….I have seen some of the new ones that are access thru the garage floor. That would be neat too.

LOL isnt it something when your kids start getting closer and closer to your age. I tell my oldest one now that I don’t know how she did it but she is older than me now .lol

What was the secret that Aaron did for Megan???


Isnt that amazing that you are as little as Your hubby and he is a thin man. Bet you don’t see yourself as being thin tho do you?? Takes awhile before it really sinks in and I think a lot of it is like Mike said all the loose skin hanging that make us think of ourselves as still fat. You can probably get the girls fixed and the tummy tuck both done thru Medicare  Vesta did so I think you can too.

Im with you even if I could magically make all the excess skin disappear, I still could wear a bikini. Im not the type,,,,never have and still couldn’t I know. I might wear one laying out in my back yard if I ever did that but not where anyone could see me. Lol


Hey what is the deal with the blood pressure, Comand number one , quit that.




ANGY::::: girl get in touch with Tammy there is a support group that she is trying to get going over there.

So hope the two of you get together.

Do you know where Fredericktown is? That is where I was born and raised. Left there when I got out of High School and only have been back about 6 times in my life since then.



CHRISTINE:::: well the days are creeping up aren’t they. Just one more basically and you will be a loser. YIPPEE!!!!

Who is going to let us know if you are doing ok??? Hope someone is.

Good luck and know that we will all be praying for you  and Dr. H too on Friday morning.









Tammy H.
on 5/14/08 3:27 pm, edited 5/14/08 3:28 pm - Holcomb, MO
Howdy Guys & Gals... Hope you all had as mild of storms as we had ....We got thunder and lightening but so glad we did not get tons of wind or tornadoes!!!! Jan....Thanks for the info on the two gals...I have contacted both of them today.....Hopefully we will get to meet them both at our next meeting.... Angy will have a bit of a drive but I hope she will at least check us out. So sorry you missed your day with Sugar...I hope your feeling better now. Don't mean to over step Janet but not sure if she would have time to post or not so I wanted to let you all know that Terry called me about Mel this morning....He said things went well but they didnt get to do it lap they had to cut her fully open and they used the mesh again.....Then this afternoon she text me some and said she was doing ok but had a low grade temp and hurt quite a bit....So please say some prayers for her.....She's had crappy experiences with these hernia surgeries before...Pray she gets back on her feet and does well without all the complications she has had in the past..... Janet....I will be more than glad to post for you on the 28th...I will be sitting here on pens and needles till I hear from someone anyways...So if you would like to have Megan or one of them call me it would tickle me to death...... And thanks for the compliment on the pic I sent you earlier....Started not to send it cause I looked so crappy....Ada decided we were going to go trade her cell phone in for a different one and go eat at the last second....So I just threw on some drawers and went lol lol.... Shelly & Angy....I hope to hear from you gals.... Well I got to cut it short tonight and hit the sack....I was lazy today, sooooo now I need to get up early and get things done around the house tomorrow.... I hope you all have a wonderful Thursday.... God Bless each of you..... Luv & Hugs....Tammy~ammy





















 ~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
   Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
   Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!

on 5/14/08 4:58 pm - Diamond, MO

Dear Jan and OH Peeps~

I saw that Tammy posted about Mel-thank goodness-I have NEVER had the computer as slow as it is tonite. I gave up-but when I went to go to bed, I couldnt sleep-so here I am again....Geez...but, I do go through this every couple of days or so where I cant sleep for a few-viscous circle, I tell you.

Yes, Mel got opened wide up today. I know she isnt happy about more meshing being in there because thats what almost killed her that November 2006 was the mesh growing through her intestines and bowel. Dang it. So, instead of being home today-it looks like she will be there at LEAST until Sat-if not Sunday and the surgeon told Terry that he is advising AGAINST her traveling to the funeral. I dont know yet what she is going to do. Havent had a chance to get up to the hospital yet-I will see her tomorrow. If she is up to it, I will ask what she plans to do. I know she doesnt want to miss it. I just dont know. Poor thing-that makes 3 surgeries in less than a year. So-being that its such a long ride-I dont know if she will physically be able to do that. This whole thing stinks!!!! Im so sad for her.

I went to my moms, she drove me for my test and was watching Jon as well. I had a really bad reaction to the dye they put in me. I was soooo sick!!! I really thought that I was going to blow my pouch out I was dry heaving and wrenching so badly. Sweating and shakey. It was horrible. Once that was all over with, I got some valuim, so afterwards, I was really so tired. My mom took me back to her place and I crashed on the couch for awhile. I knew I couldnt drive home until it wore off. My tummy still hurts like heck-and so does my back from being laid flat on a hard surface for what seemed like MANY HOURS, in reality it was prob one hour to an hour and a half. Anyway-its done and over with, but thats why I didnt make it up to the hospital. Was way too sick and then tired.

Terry had said that he thought Mel would be coming home today-and that they were going to have some lady over at the house to help with Mel and the baby etc-while he is at his trial with Mark tomorrow. Well, now that Mel is in the hospital-and they dont KNOW this lady-they are hesitant leaving her in the house alone-I dont blame them.....anyway-I volunteered to watch them for a couple of hours in the morning while he is at trial-and my doctor will see me in the afternoon instead and then I am taking Megan shopping for her bday. Its Mels dads bday tomorrow too-so I will calling him to say Happy Bday.

Terry also informed me today that they got papers stating that they have to surrender Adrian on the 30th of this month. He has to-and here is the kicker-Marks attorney is trying to press charges on Terry for keeping the baby and Terry is facing jail time if he is found guilty. Watch that happen! Mark, who is scum of the earth will get away scotch free, as always-and they will want to send Terry to jail for loving and caring for that child for 8 months now.....sounds like our justice system, doesnt it? Im so angry about that. The other bad news is that Nancy is now trying to get Claire back-and she DID sign and terminate ALL of her parental rights-herself. Claire has lived with other relatives MORE than she ever lived with her biological mother. Her grandma had her forever-this is just unbelievable. Nancy is stating that she wasnt in her "right mind" when she signed all her rights away, but now she is taking her medications for all of her mental problems and wants her kids back. Makes me sick to my stomach to think about it-and part of the reason that I offered to babysit tomorrow morning, because it may be one of the last times I get to be around those kids. You really cant help but become attached-ecspically with a baby.

**Jan-no, I sure dont look at myself as thin. That kinda makes me laugh. 180#, in my book, isnt thin, not for me. Im happy with where I am at right now-but dont think Im slim, thin, skinny-none of the above. Wont break my heart if I am never any of them, as long as I can keep doing the things I am doing now. My life, for the first time in MY memory-is normal. Normal!!!! Its freaking awesome. I love life now. I never ever ever, in a million years-thought I would feel this way about living, because it was such a chore to get through a single day-and now I just love waking up, I love everything about every day. I thank God for every day, even if things dont go my way or whatever challenge I may face-because I am here to face it and I love that. Mike had a picture in his laptop that he put on a disc for me-it was of me, when Jon was a baby-and you will not believe how big I am-I am even bigger than I was when we attended the seminar. I cannot wait to get it uploaded to walmart and pick up a copy to put in my book.

Megan had told Aaron a couple months back that she wanted her whole family to go see the Dixie Stampede. All of us-on her bday. Well, Aaron remembered that-and he got ALL of us tickets to go. Megan and Stephanie have gone to it with my mom years back-when it first opened, and she fell in love with all the horses and the fun they had-and wanted to go back-so Aaron bought the tickets-and he is buying a card-putting the card in a bouquet of flowers and having them delivered to her. I was mad at him for spending that much money on one show-but he said that dad and I are always doing for them and he really wanted to do something nice for Megan and for the whole family. So-for our week of vacation-we are feeding them...LOL...I may have the short end of the stick there-he is a big boy and eats healthy. Lets leave it at that. Heart of gold though. I cant wait to see Megans reaction!!!

I am praying you feel better soon. Im so sorry to hear you were sick-I dont think it would be dumping the next day-but who knows-maybe something just didnt set right with your pouch? At any rate-I sure hope your better as I type this. I hope your shoulder holds out too!

I do believe your right about the allergies-and so does my doctor. I asked him this morning when I saw them. I did go and buy allergy medicine. Darrel ALWAYS gets this-spring AND fall-ALWAYS.....And it seems that mr. jon is following in big brothers footsteps. Ecspically after we have mowed out here. Which, I will keep my eyes peeled for a cheap mower-do you want a push or rider?

We found out one of the things Jon has been very worried about is another tornado coming through here. He asks every day if its going to take us away next time. He had big crocodile tears running down his cheeks when we were seeing the damage ourselves. That made me cry even harder. He is very worried about it-and so he wants the storm shelter done as quickly as possible-not that we cant use it the way it is now-we certainly can-but we want more room for ALL of us down there and our emergency kit as well.

**Tammy-Ammy-please, you werent stepping on my toes-fool!!! If she was texting you this afternoon, you got more contact than me from her until later in the evening. Plus Im glad you updated because I couldnt get the computer to do anything it was running so slow. So-thanks. I LOVED the pic you sent-Woman-you are HOT STUFF....LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT~~ Congrats-what a change! Isnt it nice to know that when YOU think you arent looking so hot-that you really are-its like that o' naturale beauty, you know? Plus-you smile in ALL your pics now-you never did before surgery and I got the pics to prove it-your only smiling in ONE of them!!! Your a beautiful lady and I love you. I am so glad that we have become such good friends-it does my heart good!!!

**Angy-Honey, you can email me any time you want to-and I promise, when I get a free minute-I will get back to you. I do miss talking to you too and I think about you often. When is your appt at MOBAR? Isnt it next week? Refresh my memory. Please dont ever think I have too much on my plate to hear from you. I care-and I love to get the emails anyways!!! I promise, as soon as our family vacation is over-you will be wishing you didnt give me your email address-LOL....Thanks and love ya!

**Vesta-thanks for the prayers. Thanks for everything. We love you too. I sure cant wait to see you. Im pretty excited to see a tummy tuck and new girls-that always makes me feel like I have something to look forward to. Im so happy for you-however-I never did see who did your surgery-in Springfield or West Plains or where??????

**Rhianne-we would LOVE to see you in person...Congrats on the upcoming wedding. Im so happy for you-you look wonderful. Good luck and you will be in our thoughts and prayers.

Well, I am getting off here. I need to try to get at least 3 hours of sleep before I go watching two rambunkshish (SP?-LOL) 5 yr olds and a demanding 1 yr old-LOL....Maybe he wont be so fussy now that he will be in his house in his own environment. I hope anyway!!! All my love and prayers, Janet

Bec M.
on 5/14/08 9:52 pm

Good Morning Missouri, Oh my goodness.....I'm so sore today.... my fingers are even sore! ~tee hee funny but true... they are stiff and just not wanting to type...~ha  My sweet girl and I worked all day long yesterday on the laundry room.... but wow does it look elegant... do laundry rooms look elegant? ~ha  I painted it a contrasing color or the kitchen and then the door going to the garage the same color of the kitchen walls and then the trim in white... woo hoo.  We got it all done except for I have to touch up the trim and give the door another coat since it is navy it is harder to cover then the lighter colors.. my sweet little girl worked like a trooper all day long... I was long gone snoring in the chair with vague rememberances of her and her dad working on the dishwasher to get all that glass out... boyee was that an ordeal.  I couldn't sleep and had gotten up at 4:00 a.m. and just could not go another step, by 10 last night.. I don't know what time my DH took me to bed. Oh well it is another day and much to get done... these days are going by way to fast... it's hard to beleive I picked my daughter up on Monday and it is Thursday.... the rest of the time now that she is here will be playing...  Jan, I hope you are feeling better. Is it tomorrow that you will have the ladies tea?  I know they will have just a real fine time.. and your place is so beautiful... I think the weather is suppose to be nice too. Janet, I hope you have just a wonderful wonderful time on your vacation!  You just set back and relax a bit ... although I know the vacations I have been on are WORK!  I pray you get the rejuvination you so desperately need! and enjoy the Dixie Stampede. To the rest of you dear ones, have a great day. bec

on 5/14/08 10:32 pm - Clever, MO

Well the tickets to the Noah thing were a bust...got there and they said they had sold out! So Mary and I went shopping instead...went to the landing and to Tanger outlets. Bought a cute outfit at Belks and another cute shirt.

Last night was the awards ceremony at my grandkids school, as yesterday was thier last day for the year. They had 2 graduated 8th grade and it was so cute and so much fun to know that this schools first year was complete. Levi, my youngest grandson got 7 awards and all of them got somekind of award. Skylers was for best art student in his age group. Christian got the "Stallion" award (that is thier mascot) for the most improved state of mind thru the year. He was so proud. Well everyone have a great day Im getting ready for a garage sale


on 5/14/08 11:41 pm - pomona, MO
Good morning Jan and board..well Jan sounds you didnt miss anything after all but a nice shopping spree... I had my doctors appointment yesterday everythings fine I go back in 2 mo. for vit. E treatments on the scars, he did a great job, I really like him, he took the drain out and the brace off, i took my spanx with me and he took them and looked at them and pulled on them and said these are great, so I put them on and ask him if they were to tight  and he said can you breath? I said yes then they are ok...lol..the brace was the most annoying of it all, I wear the sports bra for now all time,and the spanx too..except at night I put on a light weight panty girdle,it need to be held in good for awhile to keep down the swelling...  Oh yes I was reading a pamplet in his office about a diamond tome treatments, it is painless and not harmful it helps with wrinkles, age spots and lots of things for your face arms and chest areas there is no cutting or down time, it said it might be a little flushed after for 10 to 30 min it would go away, something to check into.. Tks Janet for the add. I will get the flowers sent this morning and I will put for them to go to Mel. from all her OH family. Janet you will really enjoy the surgery I had, I can stand straighter and feel great.  my prayers are with all you, your surgeries and the trials that some are having to face..love ya all...vesta


on 5/15/08 12:20 am - Friedheim, MO

Good Morning Everyone!  Buurrrrrr!  it's chilly in the house this morning.  Tammy sent me a message this morning about their support group.  I am so excited!  It'll be a good drive, but it'll be well worth it to be able to spend some time with others knowledgeable of WLS.  I went on 2 walks yesterday since it finally wasn't raining.  It was so funny, it was Skyler & I and 2 of our dogs Tasha & Zeek, then there was 5 of our cats following all in a line up our gravel road.  I told my sister, we looked like the freakin' circus.  The fat lady, the buttmonkey (that's what my fiance calls Skyler) & the farm.  we even had a neighbor's dog in on it for a while.  lol Jan:  do you have a big strawberry patch?  I planted strawberries when we first moved into this house about 3 years ago & they just really havent spread out much.  They get an unbelievable number of runners during the summer, but I don't know what happens to them.  I don't think they come back the next year.   How long does it take to get a decent patch?   I have some strawberrys but they are still green.  Can't wait for them to get ripe. Janet, Thank you!   you are such a sweetheart!  Hopefully you can get your surgery & you will feel much better soon. Christine, Hope the Mag isn't too unbearable today.  I've had to drink that stuff alot in the past.  I know it's no picnic.  I'm praying for you girl!     Please have someone let us know how you're doing.  You know we'll all be worried until we hear that you are ok. I hope everyone has a safe day & enjoy what you can with this crazy rain.     Love you all!!!  Angy


              Seminar 260   ~   Preop diet  248    ~   Surgery  235      
Christine F.
on 5/15/08 3:48 am - Whiteman AFB, MO

Good afternoon!  The mag citrate was NASTY tasting, but I got it down.  I'm not a fan of salt, so I guess that's why the taste was so unappealing to me.  It took it about an hour to start working, and it's not as bad as I thought it was going to be.  I associate going several times a day to being sick and feeling sick.  With this, you don't feel sick, you just need to go, and you need to go NOW!  So, it's not as bad as I thought it was going to be.  My only advice for anyone who hasn't done it and will have to.... don't trust a fart! lol Well, enough of me talking about my movements!  I hope you're all having a great day.  I'm going to go pack my bag for the hospital tomorrow.  In 24 hours, I should be in my room and deciding if I'm going to sit in the chair or not! lol  I hope I can be a machine like Meg!  I can't believe that I'm here already.  This really must have been God's plan for me.  Everything fell into place prefectly and quickly.  My family has been really supportive and helpful for the most part.  My dad isn't embracing the idea, he says he doesn't like the idea of me having a surgery I don't need.  I've explained until I'm blue in the face that I DO NEED it.  Oh well, he'll just see a happier and healthier daughter the next time we go home. So, I'm anxious and nervous, as I should be before surgery.  I don't think I need to chill out or relax.. I'm having surgery, and with surgery there are risks, and I'm ok with being anxious.  It's in God's hands and I know Dr. Hornbostel is a capable surgeon.    YAY! My husband will have the lap top and I asked him to post to the site when I'm out of surgery and let everyone know that all is well.  Nancy and Meg are also supposed to be coming to visit tomorrow, so if Robert doesn't post, I'm sure one of them will. Well.. good day all!  I'd like to say see ya on the other side, but i'll probably be back on here before surgery tomorrow.


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