I am getting the area in the shade garden to looking so cute. Now have a pond in there and rocks all around it with a old fashioned pump for the water to run thru. Flowers sitting around. Looking really neat. Like I said I will take a picture of it soon. Today was too dark most of the day. We went to town and got supplies. Bought gas came out to 74.75 went to the dollar store and bought all of those supplies came to 75.74 now isnt that weird?? Went to the gro store and Joe said if this comes out to be 74 or 75 what ever something funny is going on. But it didn’t lol . can you imagine taking 74 dollars to fill up our truck? I told him we are going to start going to town only once a month I guess. Cant afford to go anymore often than that. And our truck gets fair gas mileage , about 25 on the highway. Not bad for a truck anyway.
I have on my calendar the Loralai is having surgery today. Does anyone know her. If you are reading this post good luck and hope someone lets us know that you are doing ok.
Wow the board is hopping here lately. Want to welcome all the newbies to the board if I haven’t said so before ok? Love seeing new people coming on and getting involved.
When I first started on here there wasn’t much going on . maybe 2 or 3 post a day. Now look at it. Wow.
Yeah your strength seems to be less? I think a lot of that is that we lose weight so fast that we lose a lot of muscle along with the fat. So it is important that you build those muscles back up as soon as possible.
Maybe you can help Meg mix stuff with flavored water if hers will do that. Sometimes it is the milk that makes the shakes bad to people.
DEB M:::::lol so will you glow in the dark??? If so take a picture lol just kidding . Hope this gets over with and you get back to feeling well again.
As you say keep the faith, God is there .
TAMMY=AMMY::::so did you get in touch with the girl on here that was wondering about a support group in SEMO area? Hope so , she has lots of questions so maybe you can help her out than I can on the board.
So very happy for your sister , your nephew and your whole family. That is so cool that they couldn’t prove those charges against him. Hope his life will be better now
]Have a great day girl.
JANET::::I cant imagine the devastation you are seeing all around you. Thank God that your and yours wasn’t hurt.
Oh hope you saw Sugars post yesterday, she said to email her or call her about a dress if you need one.
Sounds like you are doing what you do best , taking care of others. You are one of the best people I know of and if im ever in need I want you in my corner. Lol
I think the clothing exchange sounds like a neat thing to have at the reunion this year.
Oh yes it will be great if this year we have a lot more that come. We had a wonderful reunion last year but hopefully this year it will be just fantasic….
If Melissa has a bowel obstruction I don’t know how she has lasted this long without having it fixed..that can be deadly.
I don’t doubt that your blood pressure is high. Just calm down take some deep breaths. Breath breath
Lol. Laugh
So as it stands now you will have your gb surgery on the 28th? Would be great if they could do the other surgery at the same time, expecially if you have abnormal cells….Oh My Goodness girl. Darn.!!!!
The trip to MN sounds like lots of fun ,
Hey im not going to put you in here twice just cause you hit the button twice lol
Oh you ask about Bec…her daughters are home and she is with them im sure. She sure loves those girls you know? Cant blame her they are pretty wonderful girls.
SUGAR;;;; thanks for taking care of Janet….Thats my sister,,,,love you.
ANGY::::so where is Friedheim ???? where in the world is it?? Never heard of it.
We would all love to meet you too.
BRENDA MINKS:::::want you to know that we will all be praying for you during your back surgery on the 19th. Take care and know that God is by your side.
ANGIE:::: sure wish I could be there maybe one day we will get together soon.
RIANNE::::: wow so good to see you, congrandulations of getting married, and for losing so much weight. Cant wait to see you sometime. You look so cute in your pictures . well maybe you can make yourself come to a support meeting some night. All of that stuff is long ago forgotten and gone and done with .
Love you have fun in Vegas.
Love and hugs
Hey Guys and Gals... Jan just wanted to drop in and let you know that I did get your message and I did contact Shelly....Wow it will be so neat to have another groupie lol lol..... We didn't have a metting tonight as we had planned....Brendas grand daughter had something at school and Cindy wasn't sure she could make it because she was going to have her grandbaby...So I didn't drive to the Bluff just for me...lmbo......But then while I was setting here watching tv a bit ago it hit ....OMG!!!...what if some of the people I have been talking to while I been out hitting yard sales decided to show up????!!!!!! I hope SO much that is not the case! Think I am going to make up some cards to carry with me with our support groups name on them with my phone number...Then any time anyone thinks they might want to come they can give me a call to make sure things are still a go..... Janet....How are ya Sis??? Didn't hear from you much today....I hope things are ok your way?....It is so wonderful that you and the kids are going to help out with the mess that tornado caused....I AM SO GLAD YOU MADE IT HOME OK THAT DAY!!! I seen that Jan asked you about your surgery on the 28th..Is that still a set date??? Please make sure Megan or Mike calls me or texts me when they know anything after your surgery!!! Tell them DO NOT forget me...I will be setting here wondering and worrying! Mel....Don't figure you are where you can read this but just in case....GIRL GET OFF YOUR BUT AND GET YOURSELF TAKEN CARE OF!!!...How you going to take care of them babies if you let things go and get yourself laid up??? I have had some cramping and tightening in my hernia area and after all the trouble you have had I am going to get my checked out again....I haven't had it checked since my surgery last June...Dr.Scott told me then it was larger than he had thought in the beginning and that it would have to be taken care of....Our original plan was to do my hernia and TT at the same time...but Im not sure my hernias going to hold out long enough to do it at the time I get my TT done....But my 1yr appt if on my 1yr annv..June 4th....So I hope to find out more then and find out if I'm going to be able to see and use Dr.Fearing or not....If that don't work out I might track Dr.Scott down in St.Louis and go to see him again.... Hope you keep me updated on how things are going....Take care of your self..... Sherry L.....Hope to hear from you soon....I took a look at your profile and seen where you talked about the health issues.....DO NOT give up till you talk to a doctor familiar with the surgeries!! There is probably ways to take care of some of those issues....And I'm sure they mentioned that there was a variety of wls you can have...I had the VGS and I have done wonderful with it and so has Mel.....And it does not involve the bowl at all.....And as for the gaulbladder they will test you and if there is a problem at all with it they will remove it at the time of the surgery if you haven't had to have it removed by then....I know there was a few other things but PLEASE don't get discouraged till you talk to a WL doctor..... Britt....WOW!!!....What wonderful news....My 1yr check up is coming up June 4th....Hope I get as great of news as you did...Keep up the good work..... Cdecker....Getting nervous this close is expected....Hang in there...We will waiting for that bump on the loosers bench that scoots us on down as you hit..... Rianne....Congrats on how well you have done!!!! Hope you will post pics from the wedding so we can all see them.....I have no dought you will loose the 3lbs you hope to drop....keep up the good work.... Christine....My prayers are with you....Will someone be posting for you or calling someone to post for you??? Jennifer...Sorry about your fur baby....I hope things go great with the fix on your band...Hope to hear from you about it soon..... Well got to run for now....I hope all our new loosers are doing great and hope all you new soon to be loosers do fantastic...Will be waiting to hear about each of you....My prayers are with you all.... Hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday.... Luv & Hugs...Tammy~ammy
~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!
good morning Mo!
so glad that all made it through the storms...
Catriona and I were at 7th street Wally world in Joplin when it hit!
wowzers the hail was unreal...I am so glad I wasnt out driving in it! so much devestation.
we are taking up donations at work to try and help in some small way.
the girl who died in Jasper county was a friend of my daughters best friend and she is taking it pretty hard....that is 8 girls gone from their class since they started Sr High. a very sad day.
other than that my life is about as hum drum as it gets...just the way I like it!
we are going camping over Memorial weekend and when we get back it will be time for the great clean out of 2008....we have lived here for almost 18 yrs and every nook and cranny is full of SOMETHING and I am sick of looking at it all! I need a clean sweep!
Catie and I plan on going through all of it and getting rid of alot of CRAP!
she will be moving out soon and if she isnt going to take it she should get rid of it!
going to have a BIG sale and than freecycle what is left!
I have 3 garbage bags full of clothing that have lots of good use left in them...all for 5x and up.
and I will be adding some 4x things to it also.
I hope the weekend is nice since we have to have rainy days now. we will be setting up our friends tipi one more time before we head off on our trip.
Have the best day you can!!
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~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!
Dear Jan and OH Peeps~
Before I begin-I want to post that Mel is in surgery this morning. After some prying, I got her to give me the time and date. She just saw the surgeon yesterday. He is going to fix the hernia AND the bowel obstruction and he is going to try and do it lap-and if he can-then she will be going home today, but if he cant-then she will be there for a couple of days at least. I pray that they can do it lap.
Also-I know several have asked-her moms funeral is Monday, the 19th at 11 am at her church in West Plains. If any of you want to know the exact name of the church or her dads address-shoot me a call or an email, ok? Will be more than happy to give you that info.
Well, Darrel is sick. Got sick last night and Jon was up a couple of times last night too-at 2 and then at 5. Mike went and laid with him at 2, and then when he got up at 5, I went and laid with him. I am standing firm and claiming health for BOTH of them. They cannot get sick before the first family vacation we have had since Jon was 9 months old.
Jon and I went and gave some large size clothes to one of the girls at the Red Cross who had 2 different women in mind. They had already issued vouchers or whatever they do for them to get some clothing at Walmart-but they were having a hard time finding things that fit them (been there. done that) Okay-so they were going to send them to either Lane Bryant or Catherines-which with just 100, they wont get much there unless its on clearance. When we were done, and on our way home-we stopped at Food 4 Less because they had a semi in their parking lot that was taking food and cleaning donations for the victims in Newton County. We went in and got 4 cases of water and 4 gallons as well, A pkg of toothbrushes, toothpaste and shampoo and soap. They were on their 2nd semi yesterday and they still had 2 hrs to go-and it was nearly full-that sure warms your heart to see such help. Mom and Dad (Mikes) got 2 of their trailers moved out yesterday and taken somewhere over on Gateway Drive. I really wanted to go with them, but ran late from my doc appt. Told mom if she ran into someone with kids my kids sz or whatever to let me know. I wish I could help them with clean up, but my back wont allow that.
Last night, Mike, the kids and I took the door off the storm shelter (in ground) and used brooms to dust the cobwebs and spiders-we sprayed real well (as we were getting out of there) and since the space is so small-we are removing the shelves that are on each side (they have mason jars full of pickles and veggies down there-who knows how long they have been sitting on the shelves!!). We are going to put our radio down there, some water, blankets-you get the picture-we have lived here almost 5 years and Saturday was the first time I ever went down there. That hit too close to home-so now we will be ready. We are going to ask the owners (who are going to let us buy this property in a couple of years anyway) if we can make a trap door from the 4th bedroom, which Mike uses as a hobby room-because the storm shelter sits right under that room-Mom and Dad (Mikes) said that they have thought about doing that several years ago anyway. Would be nice not to have to go outside. Just open the door and climb on down.
Im going to shoot an email off to Sug. Meant to, and started it last night, but had to get off the chair and get on the heating pad. My arthritis was kicking my butt last night-and it stormed here from about 10 pm on-thunder, lightning and rain to beat the band (AGAIN!!) and then we had MORE tornado warnings!! My gb was wreaking havic on me too-so it was just a bad night all the way around.
Well, my first born turns 22 tomorrow. I have a 22 yr old daughter!!! Where does the time go? I am taking her shopping for a bathing suit and a new outfit tomorrow. She has the day off and we are hanging out, well, when she isnt busy that is~ I cant say what Aaron is doing-but it is awesome-she gets in here and reads every once in awhile-and Aaron would never speak to me again if I posted it and she got in and read it. Dont want to spoil her gift. She is going to LOVE it though and he kept it a secret this time-he usually is like me-and gets so excited that he either tells or gives it to her early-LOL....
Megans insurance is suppose to cover the vandalism on her car the day that I had it. An electric sunroof is no cheap item. It doesnt even open OR close anymore-and rattles badly when she is driving. I have never felt so bad about something!! She and Aaron BOTH kept saying dont worry about it mom, but I do-because I have never been the type not to fix a wrong. You know? She says-well, I damaged 2 of your cars, Dads truck and then your van and you didnt make me or let me pay for the deductible on either of them-you just made me pay the difference when the insurance went up. After she had her accident though, we had to drop her from our policy or pay triple. So we dropped her like a hot potato-LOL....
~~~A lot of you have met my hubby-Mike....well, guess what? Mike and I are only "10 POUNDS" apart-10!!! Can you believe it? I was sitting next to him on the couch last night and told him I was down to 180 now-he is 170. I looked at him and got tears in my eyes because for the very first time since I have lost all the weight-it hit me that I am not my old self anymore. I really havent comprehended that I am so much smaller. I mean, I dont know how to describe it, but I just havent seen myself as small as Mike-ever. I dont look at myself being anywhere near as small as him-but I have to be since only 10 pounds seperate us, right? He says I dont let myself cause I dont cut myself any slack ever- I do, but.....and he says because of the apron I carry around-and my loose skin on my arms, thighs and tummy that I dont see myself as thin because of all the loose skin. Maybe he is right. It does make me pretty self conscience at times, thats for sure. Mel gets real mad at me because I dont wear tanks or such, because I dont like my arm skin flapping all over. I dont care if others do-thats their choice-and more power to you. I really give you the thumbs up, I am not like that. Too self conscience and to be fair-I was like that when I was really big too. Have NEVER been the type to just let it all hang out. Never. Even if I got down to a perfect size 10, and didnt have loose skin, I dont think I could wear a bikini or anything that brought any kind of attention to myself. Its prob one of the things I love the most now-is that I dont stick out in a crowd like a throbbing sore thumb anymore-I blend in with other people and they dont all look at me like I am the fat lady from the circus.
Okay, I gotta get off here and get going. Had my blood pressure taken this morning and it was still high. Dang it-I will have to start meds on Friday if it doesnt go down. Have been having palpitations off and on as well. Not looking forward to that. Didnt lose 258# to be put on b.p. meds NOW!!!! I have been meditating and my parents havent been letting me help out there without getting help to help me (Did that make sense?)
**Jan-I am planning on the 28th for the surgery. Yes, I am trying to have the other surgery at the same time, but the gyn dr doesnt want to. He is such a jerk but the gyn specialist I WANTED to see-couldnt get me in for over a month, so I went to Cox because he assisted in delivering Jonathan. He said sometimes they can freeze your cervix and scrape it, theres a really nice thought~YIKES.....I am NOT even letting the "c" word enter my mind. I refuse to think about it.
Thanks for the compliment on being a good person. I try so much. I always want to do good things and help people. When I went through the really bad depression before I had surgery and all of that-and I didnt ever put myself out there or get close to people because of my weight and all of that-I made a pact with God. He touched me, he healed my soul and changed me forever. I will NEVER forget that feeling or the change in my life-never!!! Long story, but wonderful ending. I even stop sometimes and give money or food to the people who hold up those signs at intersections. Not every time-but sometimes. I just listen to that little voice or nudge (LOL....I know-the voices in my head) Your good people too, and so is Joe-I adore you both so much!
**Bec-have fun with those girls! I know you will. I sure wish I could meet them!!! It sounds like you have a lot planned and I am sure you guys are going to have a blast. Im glad you got on some meds that arent going to be addictive and that they are helping some. I pray for you and love ya.
**Tammy-Ammy-thanks for listening to me the past couple of days. Sorry I didnt get much time yesterday. Between appointments and my parents, I didnt even make it home until after supper time. Jon and I stopped at the store so we could donate water, and of course, had to shop-still forgot 2 things when I got home, dishwasher liquid and trash bags-LOL....Didnt have the list with me tho-so I did remember the important stuff-like coffee, dog food, cat food and litter.
**Does anyone want a kitten? I have 5 of the cutest kittens you have ever seen. My oldest is taking the black one-it has really long hair and a really cute personality. It was the first born and its the biggest. Beautiful kitten. So-I have 4 females left. I was going to give a male to my neice, Claire, but our cat had ALL girls-so we arent even keeping one. If not, we will take them to Walmart when we get back after Memorial Day and give them away. I dont want to take them to the shelter-
Weget back home or I will text or call Tammy and have her post it. I know people get anxious when you have to play the waiting game. All my love and prayers to everyone. Love, Janetll, I hope you have a wonderful day-and I will post about Mel later on today when I