I'm the worst OH'er ever...UPDATE, crossposted

Rianne D.
on 5/13/08 8:43 am - MO

Hey ya'll!  I can't believe it's been so long since I've been on OH...but things lately have just absolutely INSANE in my life.  I miss you guys so much! School is finally over for the semester....praise the Lord!!  I am SO ready for summer...and next semester I decided to take an easy course load and relax a little bit because I am getting SO burnt out on school and I don't want to mess up and get so burnt out that I can't recover from it!

I have officially 14 days until my wedding and I am SO psyched!  We are flying to Vegas in 12 days, and getting married in 14.  We've booked a gorgeous evening outdoor wedding in a lit gazebo filled with flowers....yayyy for that!  We are also going to spend some much needed quality time together, so that'll be wonderful since I haven't really seen him these past few weeks thanks to school being so crazy!

I am down to 128 lbs...that is a loss of 113 lbs since last July!!  I am doing wonderfully with that, I am still trying to lose 3 more lbs...so hopefully I'll be able to do that this summer.  I've always said I wanted to get to 125...but I am very happy where I am since I am in the normal BMI range for the first time in my life.  I have gone from a size 20-22 to a size 4-6...that is a fact that is absolutely amazing to me.  I never ever have been in the single digit clothing sizes before, and I've never been able to walk into any store I want and find something to wear.  My food habits have gotten a lot better, I don't go "one bite too many" anymore....and I'm getting a lot more protein in.  My labs all came up perfect except I was low in B12, but I started sublingual and my B12 came back up so yay for not having to get shots!! Other than that, I am just excited that it's summer...and I plan on spending a lot more time with you guys.  I love you all! Rianne

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"I come this way only once, so let me do all the good I can, for I
will never come this way again."
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Jan C.
on 5/13/08 8:52 am - Cedar Creek, MO
wow i bet you are the cutest little thing now. Sounds like you are happy and the wedding will be on the 27th???? that is the date for our next support meeting. Hope to see you at one of them one day.  It is amazing that we are finally looking like we are suppose to isnt it? I hope you lots of happy days with your new hubby .take care and have fun. 



Rianne D.
on 5/13/08 1:35 pm - MO
Thank you so much!!  I'm going to be posting some update pics ASAP...but I just haven't taken any recently because I have been soooo busy in NURSING SCHOOL...as I'm sure you understand that one!! Yup, May 27th is the wonderful, fabulous day and I'm soooo excited :-) I've missed ya'll so much, I'm definitely planning on jumping back on the OH bandwagon....esp since I decided to lay off a little next semester on my schedule.  Might take me a bit longer but what's a few extra months in the grand scheme of things..... *hugs*
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"I come this way only once, so let me do all the good I can, for I
will never come this way again."
scales.gif image by strawberryswirlnet
Charlotte B.
on 5/14/08 9:54 am - MO


This is Charlotte, I also am up there with the "Worst OHer"

I have been gone way to long too! So now I can relate to someone else and not feel so guilty. You sound so happy and your life is going well. Congratulations girl! I am thrilled for you.  Hope to chat again and keep up the terrific work. 



Rianne D.
on 5/14/08 1:57 pm - MO
I'll definitely be around so I'm sure we'll talk ;-)  Maybe we can help each other stay faithful to the board!! Thanks so much :-D
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"I come this way only once, so let me do all the good I can, for I
will never come this way again."
scales.gif image by strawberryswirlnet
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