I'm the worst OH'er ever...UPDATE, crossposted
Hey ya'll! I can't believe it's been so long since I've been on OH...but things lately have just absolutely INSANE in my life. I miss you guys so much! School is finally over for the semester....praise the Lord!! I am SO ready for summer...and next semester I decided to take an easy course load and relax a little bit because I am getting SO burnt out on school and I don't want to mess up and get so burnt out that I can't recover from it!
I have officially 14 days until my wedding and I am SO psyched! We are flying to Vegas in 12 days, and getting married in 14. We've booked a gorgeous evening outdoor wedding in a lit gazebo filled with flowers....yayyy for that! We are also going to spend some much needed quality time together, so that'll be wonderful since I haven't really seen him these past few weeks thanks to school being so crazy!
I am down to 128 lbs...that is a loss of 113 lbs since last July!! I am doing wonderfully with that, I am still trying to lose 3 more lbs...so hopefully I'll be able to do that this summer. I've always said I wanted to get to 125...but I am very happy where I am since I am in the normal BMI range for the first time in my life. I have gone from a size 20-22 to a size 4-6...that is a fact that is absolutely amazing to me. I never ever have been in the single digit clothing sizes before, and I've never been able to walk into any store I want and find something to wear. My food habits have gotten a lot better, I don't go "one bite too many" anymore....and I'm getting a lot more protein in. My labs all came up perfect except I was low in B12, but I started sublingual and my B12 came back up so yay for not having to get shots!! Other than that, I am just excited that it's summer...and I plan on spending a lot more time with you guys. I love you all! Rianne
This is Charlotte, I also am up there with the "Worst OHer"
I have been gone way to long too! So now I can relate to someone else and not feel so guilty. You sound so happy and your life is going well. Congratulations girl! I am thrilled for you. Hope to chat again and keep up the terrific work.