One more day until poo juice!!

Christine F.
on 5/13/08 11:15 am - Whiteman AFB, MO
Well, here I am with only two days between me and surgery.  I spoke to my math prof and he let me take my final early.  I was supposed to take that final on Thursday, but he allowed me to take it on Monday.  I had my last final today (that's why I haven't been around, I've been BUSY and CRAZY this week!).  I am finished with school until June 2nd.  I'm just waiting on my grades now... Cross your fingers, I think I have straight A's!  LOL Tomorrow I'm planning on having NO bars and doing slim fast liquid only and I'm going to be a crazy cleaning machine.  I've already bought the mag citrate and I bought some gas-x strips too!  I'm going to do some serious laundry and pack my hospital bag.  I'm ready!  People keep asking me if I'm nervous/scared/anxious/insert random emotion here.  The answer is yes and no.  I have been anxious.  I have been scared.  I have been excited.  Now.. I'm just ready.  I've questioned myself so much and tried to bargin with myself.. but I know that the part of me that's bargining is the part of me that's addicted to food.  It's just like any other addiction.. the "drug" is trying to talk me out of rehab! lol  Sad, but true.  So, I've told myself that I'm going to have the surgery and deal with the consequences later!  LOL  I know I NEED this, but the foodie inside me doesn't want it.  It's like an alcoholic thinking that one drink isn't going to hurt anything, or saying that they don't need rehab, they can do it on their own.   So, I've come to terms with my crazy food issues for the time being and I'm ready. So, tomorrow is my day to get everything that I can done, and then Thursday is my poo day!  I'm hoping to be able to get some more stuff done on Thursday, but since I don't know how mag citrate works on me, I don't know if I'll do anything outside the bathroom, and for how long.. so we'll see what happens on Thursday, Thursday. Good night to you all!  I'm sure I'll check on here tomorrow and lurk around while taking a break!


on 5/13/08 11:46 am - Friedheim, MO
Christine,  I forgot about your finals being this week.  I was wondering where you were.  Hope that all went well.   Sounds like your a really good student, so I'm sure you did great.   I've been thinking about you alot since its getting closer & closer to your day.  If I don't talk to you tomarrow, I wish you the best & will pray that you have an uneventfull surgery & smooth recovery.  Good Luck to ya, Love ya!!!    Angy


              Seminar 260   ~   Preop diet  248    ~   Surgery  235      
Brenda Nutt
on 5/13/08 1:02 pm - Harrison, AR

God bless you Christine, you will be in my thoughts and prayers on your surgery day!  Wish I was around to visit you!  It is quite the drive from Harrison, AR to Sedalia though...ha!

I think we have too long to dread this surgery, by the time it arrives, we are already exausted and just ready to get on with the program-

I've had company all but 2 days since I had surgery on the 28th.  Tomorrow is my first free day to myself....maybe now I can get a routine going !

I have been able to eat everything I should, and have advanced on with the diet and nothing has made me sick yet.  Boy am I ever careful though!

Bean soup has been good, and mashed potatoes.  I usually eat something twice a day now.  If  I don't eat something, when I do eat, I try to eat too fast- so small snacks more often work good.  I get busy and forget to eat some days and I really have to watch it when I do sit down and eat at that point.

My weight loss has been so slow...spending 4 days flat of my back to stop my lymph fluid leak was miserable.  I felt just fine and dandy...but knew the only way to handle this was to stay down.  So, all my company had to fix or arrange all their meals and help themselves to everything....  It was cool, they were good friends we seldom get to see and they helped me pass the time off.  Then my Mom came and stayed several days.  She left today.  Wed. I'm sleeping late, and then making myself some sort of routine.  I'm a routine person by nature...

I hope your grades are good and that all goes well with your surgery.  You wll love not getting hungry, it will amaze you.  I hope you don't get a gass ball!  And, I also hope your mouth does not get as dry as mine did.  That day of surgery dry mouth was terrible!  But you can do anything if you know it is short term!




Jan C.
on 5/13/08 1:09 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
Christine im wishing you the very best and praying that all will go well. Who is going to let us know when you get thru with your surgery? You have a good attitude and all the rest of us have or had the same thoughts....will be waiting by the losers bench for you.


Christine F.
on 5/13/08 1:23 pm - Whiteman AFB, MO
My husband will have the lap top and he can post to the site once I'm done, or Nancy can post if Robert doesn't.. Meg and Nancy are going to visit me on the day of my surgery, so if my husband doesn't post, I'm sure they can when they get home.  I'm going kick this surgery's a$$!!  LOL Bring it on!  LOL


Christine F.
on 5/13/08 1:11 pm - Whiteman AFB, MO
Thank you guys for thinking of me!  All is well.  I'm just anxiously waiting for my grades and dreading Thursday.  I can't believe that Friday is my surgery day.. it just doesn't seem real!  I thought this time was just going to drag on by, but it has really flown by!!! YAY!  I'll be off and on tomorrow.  Do any of you use instant messengers? I'm on yahoo messenger.. my screen name/ e mail is andstuph at yahoo dot com  (I'm trying to avoid the spamers)   Brenda, i'm glad you're free at last!  I bet it's going to be nice to have your home back.  I'm sorry you were sick while you had company, but at least it was good friends and family!


Sheila H.
on 5/13/08 8:47 pm - Marshfield, MO


 GOOD LUCK !!!! see u on the losers bench


Sheila H.
on 5/13/08 9:09 pm - Marshfield, MO
i have posted NEW pics on my profile.. ..cant get 1 to go in my avitar spot i have a appt to go to audiolgy the 30th and have implant reprogramed until then DEAL with it they say...


on 5/13/08 2:22 pm - Osage Beach, MO
Hi Christine, Everything you're feeling are the same things we all felt and still do sometimes.  It's that addict in you that is in panic mode knowing that soon the thing you crave most will be no more.  It's a hell of a road but so worth the rewards.  Food has been my addiction since I was 2.  I never smoked or did any drugs because no matter what I ALWAYS had food around me.  I can say that being without my crutch has been difficult and not always easy to walk without down this road of life but it was so worth it and if I had to go back and do it all again I definately would.  I started out at 557lbs the day of surgery which was 1/22/08 and now I am down to 413lbs, that's 178lbs gone forever!!! You seem like a strong willed young woman so I know you'll do just fine---I'm waiting for ya on the losers bench honey!  Happy journey! ~Angie!
on 5/13/08 6:52 pm - Joplin, MO
Congrats!!! Gurl, u are almost there!!! I know u are sooo excited!! I will keep you and your family and Dr. H in my prayers. I know everything is going to go just fine. Hey, let me know which bars and shakes u liked the best... I am going to try some probably this week. I havent been on here much the last few days.. pretty hectic around here. I will try to leave u a message tomorrow or get u on yahoo. YAY!!! Your there!!! Congrats!!! I am so happy for you!!~Lo



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