1 yr check up long over due!!!!
So back in April I think the 22nd of April I went for my one year check up. The doctor told me I was right on track and that I looked very well and had no hernias that he could feel or see. That was great news. They did the usual blood work and I got my results back 2 weeks ago. I am NORMAL!!!! The great news is that my colesterol went from 341 back in March of 07 to 188 (normal range) April of 08. Then my triglyerides (sp?) went from 369 March of 07, to 121 April of 08. He said that EVERYTHING was in the NORMAL range. I have never been normal when it came to numbers.haha
As for everyone on here sorry I havent been on much I have been busy with yard work and planting flowers. I am a go go goer now.haha Hope everyone is well.
Brenda I hope you are doing well. I will be in Harrison tomorrow probably b/c my dad had surgery today. So if I am in town IM me and give me your number so we can get together.
Thanks all!!!! I know NORMAL!!! AHHHHHH
Jan, I am stuck at 315 lbs. So about 187lbs. I think I have not weighed since I went to the doctor back in April so I might have lost more but he seems to think that I am at were I will probably stay. So I dont know. But after plastics I think I would be like 40 pounds lighter.haha NO REALLY
Britt, I've been doing flowers too...Mom helped me yesterday and today I cleaned up most of the mess we left on the deck. I'm starting so late this year! But, since I still can't lift anything, I and just doing as I can then waiting for Randy to come home to move things around for me. I'm free tomorrow I believe....write me at [email protected] and I'll shoot my phone number back to you. We are also in the phone book, not too many Nutt's in there.....ha!
Brenda- who is glad you are 'normal'...... ha!