when 2 schedule Dr.s Appt and Protein Drinks

on 5/12/08 7:30 pm - dexter, MO

Hello to all.  im new and have a few questions.  When do you actually schedule your first appt, I mean do i have to wait untill i have tests ran?  I already have a issue that im seeing a gastroenteralagist(pls excuse spelling) for.  Will that complicate things?       Are there any support meetings in the semo area?  Thats a heck of a drive to make once a month with the price of gas as it is...lol.

Is it ok to start trying out the protien shakes and bullets now?  Ive been trying the all liquid diet to see how long i can last.  So far ive made it 2 days...  Theres just only so much jello, broth, and water with lemons in it i can take.  What are some of the things you are allowed on the liquid diet. Is the protein powder for shakes they have at wal-mart the same thing, if not where can i get it.    Sorry so many questions, im just so ready to do this.  But im just as nervous about actually doing it. So any comments would be very much appreciated.  I look forward to hearing from everyone thank you

Jan C.
on 5/12/08 9:09 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
first do you have Medicare/medicaid  or what type insurance. If Medicare/medicaid you have to pick a doctor that takes that. ..if so the closest for you is Springfield, or Sedalia. dont know where you live exactly you can also go to Columbia too.  First you pick the surgeon you want and go to a seminar , you will sign in and probably fill out paper work that has to be turned into them and they will make your first appointment to see the surgeon for a consult. to see if they will take you as a patient. they will have the paper work you have sent in by then so if they call and make an appointment with you it usually means they are going to take you as a patient. then things go from there. A seminar is different than a support meeting , a seminar is a lecture that the surgeon himself conducts will tell you all about everything and then answer questions. so that is where you start.  You can start trying protein shakes anytime you want  and the liquid diet isnt until about two week before surgery and yes it is hard to do but you will do it if you want surgery bad enough. it is different then than it is now as now you have nothing to lose or nothing to gain. lol .  There is a support meeting that has just started up in SEMO ,,,,,Look on here on the posts for Tammy=Ammy. and contact her ....i will email her and have her to contact you too.oK?  Take a deep breath and relax it will all work out. you will be fine. and Welcome to the board.



on 5/13/08 5:09 am - dexter, MO
Thank you so much for all the info jan, i really appreciate it.  Ive been trying to get myself used to smaller portions, and more often.  I know i'm just starting this journey, but its great to have a place like this to talk to others who have went through it.  Now i have already went through a seminar from MU in Columbia, will i have to go to another after i pick my doctor?  Or can i just take my pick now...lol.  I do have medicare/medicaid so i guess that really narrows my options.  Oh and by the way thanks for letting me know about the support group in semo.  I'm gona try to contact tammy today.      Thanks again for every thing.
Jan C.
on 5/13/08 6:31 am - Cedar Creek, MO
what ever doctor you want to go to you have to go to their seminar....Medicare can get surgery in St. Louis , columbia, sedalia and Springfield.  dont know if there is any more of them or not. Some take Medicare /medicaide some only take Medicare .... Your welcome and hope you will use the board to ask as many questions as you want. that is what us post ops are for. 



Tammy H.
on 5/13/08 2:13 pm - Holcomb, MO

Shelly,  Just sent you a message about our meeting in the bootheel area.... As for your 1st appt...If you have done a seminar in Columbia you are ready to call and make an appt....If you choose to go somewhere other than Columbia you will probably have to attend a different seminar for their group or area. Do you know who you want to use for your surgery yet? And no it's definitly not too early to start working with protien and other surgery related things....I always post suggesting that people start early, especially with protein drinks.... I had to do a liqid protien diet for 3 months befor surgery to loose 50lbs.....It was a struggle for the first few weeks and there was a few issues with my protien drinks....So YES do your self a favor and start playing with them now and get to know what you like and don't like...There are so many to choose from....And many sites to go to that you can order them from.... I choose to use one from Wal Mart....I use the vanilla and flavor mine with sf instant pudding mix, assorted flavors of yogurt and a few other things....                                                                                             Would love to chat with you sometime....I sent you my email addy and that is the same name I use for msn and yahoo messenger....If you use yahoo please let me know ahead of time because a lot of times I don't bother with my yahoo....                                                                       And if you do not have an Angel and would like one, I would be tickled to be your Angel....I have been an Angel a few times before but they lived pretty far away and all I could do is chat on line, email or talk on the phone a bit....It would be neat to have my Angelette this close to me, we could visit at times or go have lunch.....                                       When you get time pleasae drop me a line or give me a call.....Hope to hear from you soon....Luv & Hugs..Tammy~ammy





















 ~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
   Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
   Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!

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