Another day of working in the yard. Finally got all the tree limbs burned and cleaned up well. Now to straighten up the pathways where the trees were felled across them. It still looks weird to me where we took out the two trees.
If it doesn’t rain so much that we cant get outside we will finish up some neat touches in the shade garden. I am excited to get it fixed up and looking pretty in there.
I will take some pictures and share with you all. oh while I am thinking about it I have added some new pictures of flowers and garden this year on my web site. They are under I think spring and summer o8….i think , you know that was 2 days ago I did it so forgot by now. Lol
Oh yes while we are all here wanted to say that on June 1st that Who ever wants to can meet some of use at Liberty Park in Sedalia at noon. I will try to get there early enough to snag a pavilion but if I don’t bring you a chair to sit on so you don’t have to stand around.
We called it a picnic but everyone bring your own food to eat if you want. If you want to bring something for everyone that is fine but you don’t have to. .
Anyway afterwards some of us anyway are going to go to Dr. Hornbostels support meeting that way we don’t have to come back later to see him for our yearly appointment. Pretty neat huh?
The support meeting is at 5pm at the Hospital so we have all sorts of time to visit in the park.
Hope to see a lot of you there , doesn’t matter if you used Dr. Hornbostel or not as your surgeon, doesn’t matter if you have had surgery or not. All that matters is that you would like to meet up with some of us and get to talk and meet in the flesh lol
Hope to see a bunch of you then that is on Sunday June 1st at noon in
Was a lot of things going on today on the board, I think I responded to most of it now for the Whats happening crew.
SUGAR::::: boy im with you on this weather. Now it is suppose to rain all this week I think ….I guess if it is raining Friday morning you can cancel and do it some other time ok…
I had to read that amount over again twice actually lol. You had half of a half.lol
Yep you can map quest me , im actually on there , it says Jans place with a big arrow….
Anxious to see you and am always willing to show off my flowers to everyone. Wish there would be more in bloom but it is what it is. The weather has kept things sort of slow. With the show. Lol
JANET:::: Well bless your heart you have been thru the wringer this past week haven’t you. I am so glad that you have patched things up with your mother, There is no one in the world like your mother and no pain like you will have when you lose her. It is like part of you is gone.
Sounds like the driving in the tornado the other day was an experience that you might want to forget soon. Lol
Oh I use to love all those little gifts that the kids made me when they were little , nothing like them is there? Pulls at the heartstrings. And years later when you find the little box of handmade cards they made it will still bring a smile and you remember the feelings you had all over again.
Oh boy you aren’t by yourself about your knees hurting , well one of mine hurts lol and all my other joints too. I guess most of it is the weather. I emailed Margie, Dr. Hornbostels , nurse/wife to ask if there isnt something we can take beside ultram for the pain and she said we can try celebrex but need to take prilosce with it to keep from hurting the stomach since we don’t have stomach juices to help it along.
Hey about a dress you might check with Sugar she has gone out of 14s and is almost out of 12s so she might have something don’t know.
Wow wal mart was out of plants??? Good grief people are sure planting a lot aren’t they?
Glad to hear that your left foot is starting to work better. Keep up the work and hopefully they will be better soon.
The attitude is everything in any recovery as you well know. Keep it going and you will win.
~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!
Dear Jan and OH Peeps~
Before I start my normal post-I would like to say Happy Birthday to ddddeb~Happy Happy Birthday and Hope you have a wonderful day!!!!
Yesterday was a sombering day, thats for sure. Mikes parents had volunteers at their place erecting their tractor that was tipped over off of the trailer it was strapped to, they moved a couple of trees that fell down, and then just helped with misc pickup stuff with us. Then we went to our neighbors, who the wife is disabled and in a wheelchair and the hubby is a retired pastor and is close to 90, but still gets around good. We helped pick up their yard and limbs and the guys patched a couple places on the roof of their little house where shingles and such had blown off.
Megan and I went to Neosho and both of us were crying when we saw where the tornado blew through. A mile long of destruction as far east and west as your eyes could see-cars twisted and mangled in the fields that once had houses. The pet resort-gone! The alpaca place-gone! At LEAST 40 houses demolished-but all the walls would be gone, but there sat a sofa and chair? 7 people on that stretch of road lost their lives, either in their homes (one whole family) and the others in their car-going to attend a wedding. My hubby talked to a lady whose sister lost her home and she had 2 small boys. I sent Mike to work with some of Jons clothes and toys for her to give to her nephews. I called Red Cross yesterday to put me on the list for anyone they get in there that may need clothes from 16-22. They already had called me last night. Im taking a couple bags of clothes to Red Cross today. We bought 2 cases of water yesterday and I am donating that as well. I wish I could do more. That destruction we saw with our own eyes-although its sombering to see it on the television set-when you are looking at those people-looking at their homes that are gone-or digging through their rubble-it makes you cry and it makes you want to puke. They are more than likely going to tell you that they thank God they made it or at least them and their loved ones are alive-they all seem to be thankful for that, in the wake of something so horrific. I know that I had never, in ALL my life-been as scared as I was Saturday, and I thought for sure that Mike and I were goners. I really did. I was even praying the Shepherds prayer. No joke. I was thanking God for sparing my home and my family. Since my kids were with my parents-I was edgy until I heard from them~
Megan is going out to her cousins, Barbara, who lost her home-she is going to see what we can help them with. Mikes parents are going to be lending out their camper/trailers to those people who will be misplaced while they rebuild or such. We are going to see if Barbara needs one of them first, and then get them on the list for some of the others. They have 4 total, so at least 4 families will have SOME place to have shelter if they dont have anything else.
Wish I had a dependable vehicle-I would LOVE to go to Osage Beach and go to the Potluck and Clothing Exchange. Maybe Angie needs to plan this years reunion (LOL)...I know, I know-just saying, IF, for some reason I cant-maybe she can????? Maybe we should or could add a clothing exchange afternoon or something at the 2nd annual reunion? That would be so much fun. Wish and hope that some of the peeps that couldnt make it last year-can make it this year!!!
West Plains hospital discharged Mel yesterday, and her dad drove her home. She is suppose to be seeing her surgeon this morning and I guess go from there. I cant imagine with a bowel obstruction and hernia strangulation they are going to sit and wait too long. Cant imagine she can eat or go to the bathroom correctly right now-cant let that go too long, that will equal loads of pain and sickness. I will keep you posted as long as she keeps me posted.
AND.....Because so many of you have asked, hounded me (LOL) and asked some more, emails, calls and texts-get the pic? Anyhow-I was going to have my gb surgery this morning, BUT....I got a call from the doctors office and my blood pressure is too high. He doesnt feel comfortable doing the surgery till it goes down-it could be nerves with everything going on-and plus I was in a ton of pain yesterday too when I went in for my labs and such-so.....I am to have it checked everyday at my PCPs office-no charge for that-and IF it goes down, they will schedule the surgery BUT....if it doesnt in the next couple of days, my PCP will be putting me on medication. The reason he isnt just going to go ahead and do it-is that when I have been in his office 2 other times, it has been borderline and he told me he wanted my PCP to keep an eye on that-and his office DID call my PCPs office-so now I have to go to Neosho and do that crud every day (so its documented)!! GEEZ, if its not one thing-its 10 others. I did tell my nurse, Jeannie-that I have been under a lot of stress lately and I gave her just a couple of examples-and she said Woman, I recommend you get away. Good plan, Jeannie-so we were already doing that. LOL.....So-now it looks like it will be after Memorial Day. They were going to schedule it for Tues morning-but I did it for Weds instead. My oldest 3 kids will be out of school and can help me out around the house. My little guy will be fine with the older ones here. My mom has asked the kids and I to join her going to Minnesota the week after that. We are going with her. I get to see my brother and his family-I havent seen them since my grandparents passed away. I have never seen my one neice-and the other was just 3-4 months old-and she is almost 5 now! Plus I get to see my ex in-laws that I adore and then my best friend growing up-her and I were so tight from the time we were 14-and she was my maid of honor in both weddings, but havent seen her since Mike and I got married-she will NEVER recognize me! Her parents live in Swan River, MN, which is up by Brainard-by the Canadian border-and they have 10 cabins on their property (they have 15 kids!!) so they have said we are more than welcome to stay in a cabin and that we can fish every day, in one of their boats etc-and just relax......Does that ever sound relaxing. Cant wait. They are not telling Niff that we are going to be there-she is going to be invited up for the weekend and we are going to suprise her.
Well, I am going to close for now. Have to call the doctors office. I am TRYING to get that female surgery issue out of the way at the same time as the gb.....will see. Wish me luck with that. Please say a prayer or two for me-I had to have my pap re-done due to having some "abnormal" cells show up on the first one. This has happened to me before-but I dont think prayer will hurt the situation any. Thanks a bunch!
**Jan, Thanks-I will email Sug. I have been meaning to email her a recipe anyway. Maybe she will sell some of those clothes to me? She has awesome taste in clothes. I know some of her bigger clothes she gave me and Mel that I have given a lot of it away to Tammy and to Nutti, but its been awhile since Ive had time to go through it all-I have piles, upon piles, upon piles of them in my bedroom-some of them are going to the Red Cross today. I have a BUNCH of stuff for Ms. Tammy-Ammy when she gets down this way again.....We are going to shoot for July-and we can swim in the pool and all that good stuff. Providing the weather is hot and smeltering like it usually is in July!
Have you heard from Bec? Havent seen her lately-want to make sure she is okay. I know she was having some pain and all. If you talk to her, please let her know she is in my thoughts and prayers?
Take care everyone. We are suppose to get more threatening weather today. Cant wait for that. For crying out loud, we just cant catch a break this way. This is getting rediculous!!!~
As always, your all in my thoughts and prayers. Janet
Dear Jan and OH Peeps~
Before I start my normal post-I would like to say Happy Birthday to ddddeb~Happy Happy Birthday and Hope you have a wonderful day!!!!
Yesterday was a sombering day, thats for sure. Mikes parents had volunteers at their place erecting their tractor that was tipped over off of the trailer it was strapped to, they moved a couple of trees that fell down, and then just helped with misc pickup stuff with us. Then we went to our neighbors, who the wife is disabled and in a wheelchair and the hubby is a retired pastor and is close to 90, but still gets around good. We helped pick up their yard and limbs and the guys patched a couple places on the roof of their little house where shingles and such had blown off.
Megan and I went to Neosho and both of us were crying when we saw where the tornado blew through. A mile long of destruction as far east and west as your eyes could see-cars twisted and mangled in the fields that once had houses. The pet resort-gone! The alpaca place-gone! At LEAST 40 houses demolished-but all the walls would be gone, but there sat a sofa and chair? 7 people on that stretch of road lost their lives, either in their homes (one whole family) and the others in their car-going to attend a wedding. My hubby talked to a lady whose sister lost her home and she had 2 small boys. I sent Mike to work with some of Jons clothes and toys for her to give to her nephews. I called Red Cross yesterday to put me on the list for anyone they get in there that may need clothes from 16-22. They already had called me last night. Im taking a couple bags of clothes to Red Cross today. We bought 2 cases of water yesterday and I am donating that as well. I wish I could do more. That destruction we saw with our own eyes-although its sombering to see it on the television set-when you are looking at those people-looking at their homes that are gone-or digging through their rubble-it makes you cry and it makes you want to puke. They are more than likely going to tell you that they thank God they made it or at least them and their loved ones are alive-they all seem to be thankful for that, in the wake of something so horrific. I know that I had never, in ALL my life-been as scared as I was Saturday, and I thought for sure that Mike and I were goners. I really did. I was even praying the Shepherds prayer. No joke. I was thanking God for sparing my home and my family. Since my kids were with my parents-I was edgy until I heard from them~
Megan is going out to her cousins, Barbara, who lost her home-she is going to see what we can help them with. Mikes parents are going to be lending out their camper/trailers to those people who will be misplaced while they rebuild or such. We are going to see if Barbara needs one of them first, and then get them on the list for some of the others. They have 4 total, so at least 4 families will have SOME place to have shelter if they dont have anything else.
Wish I had a dependable vehicle-I would LOVE to go to Osage Beach and go to the Potluck and Clothing Exchange. Maybe Angie needs to plan this years reunion (LOL)...I know, I know-just saying, IF, for some reason I cant-maybe she can????? Maybe we should or could add a clothing exchange afternoon or something at the 2nd annual reunion? That would be so much fun. Wish and hope that some of the peeps that couldnt make it last year-can make it this year!!!
West Plains hospital discharged Mel yesterday, and her dad drove her home. She is suppose to be seeing her surgeon this morning and I guess go from there. I cant imagine with a bowel obstruction and hernia strangulation they are going to sit and wait too long. Cant imagine she can eat or go to the bathroom correctly right now-cant let that go too long, that will equal loads of pain and sickness. I will keep you posted as long as she keeps me posted.
AND.....Because so many of you have asked, hounded me (LOL) and asked some more, emails, calls and texts-get the pic? Anyhow-I was going to have my gb surgery this morning, BUT....I got a call from the doctors office and my blood pressure is too high. He doesnt feel comfortable doing the surgery till it goes down-it could be nerves with everything going on-and plus I was in a ton of pain yesterday too when I went in for my labs and such-so.....I am to have it checked everyday at my PCPs office-no charge for that-and IF it goes down, they will schedule the surgery BUT....if it doesnt in the next couple of days, my PCP will be putting me on medication. The reason he isnt just going to go ahead and do it-is that when I have been in his office 2 other times, it has been borderline and he told me he wanted my PCP to keep an eye on that-and his office DID call my PCPs office-so now I have to go to Neosho and do that crud every day (so its documented)!! GEEZ, if its not one thing-its 10 others. I did tell my nurse, Jeannie-that I have been under a lot of stress lately and I gave her just a couple of examples-and she said Woman, I recommend you get away. Good plan, Jeannie-so we were already doing that. LOL.....So-now it looks like it will be after Memorial Day. They were going to schedule it for Tues morning-but I did it for Weds instead. My oldest 3 kids will be out of school and can help me out around the house. My little guy will be fine with the older ones here. My mom has asked the kids and I to join her going to Minnesota the week after that. We are going with her. I get to see my brother and his family-I havent seen them since my grandparents passed away. I have never seen my one neice-and the other was just 3-4 months old-and she is almost 5 now! Plus I get to see my ex in-laws that I adore and then my best friend growing up-her and I were so tight from the time we were 14-and she was my maid of honor in both weddings, but havent seen her since Mike and I got married-she will NEVER recognize me! Her parents live in Swan River, MN, which is up by Brainard-by the Canadian border-and they have 10 cabins on their property (they have 15 kids!!) so they have said we are more than welcome to stay in a cabin and that we can fish every day, in one of their boats etc-and just relax......Does that ever sound relaxing. Cant wait. They are not telling Niff that we are going to be there-she is going to be invited up for the weekend and we are going to suprise her.
Well, I am going to close for now. Have to call the doctors office. I am TRYING to get that female surgery issue out of the way at the same time as the gb.....will see. Wish me luck with that. Please say a prayer or two for me-I had to have my pap re-done due to having some "abnormal" cells show up on the first one. This has happened to me before-but I dont think prayer will hurt the situation any. Thanks a bunch!
**Jan, Thanks-I will email Sug. I have been meaning to email her a recipe anyway. Maybe she will sell some of those clothes to me? She has awesome taste in clothes. I know some of her bigger clothes she gave me and Mel that I have given a lot of it away to Tammy and to Nutti, but its been awhile since Ive had time to go through it all-I have piles, upon piles, upon piles of them in my bedroom-some of them are going to the Red Cross today. I have a BUNCH of stuff for Ms. Tammy-Ammy when she gets down this way again.....We are going to shoot for July-and we can swim in the pool and all that good stuff. Providing the weather is hot and smeltering like it usually is in July!
Have you heard from Bec? Havent seen her lately-want to make sure she is okay. I know she was having some pain and all. If you talk to her, please let her know she is in my thoughts and prayers?
Take care everyone. We are suppose to get more threatening weather today. Cant wait for that. For crying out loud, we just cant catch a break this way. This is getting rediculous!!!~
As always, your all in my thoughts and prayers. Janet
Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right..
Forget about the one's who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason.
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.
If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy,
they just promised it would be worth it.