Wanted to say that before I got any where with this and forgot it . Also want to wish Julia Davis HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you girl. Birthday and Mothers day all together this year wow !!!
Well we got all the cut down trees cleaned up the limbs all cut off and burned or piled up to be burned , the wind got too much yesterday to burn much. But got the wood part all cut up and piled up , about a rick of wood I think? Not real sure but there is a lot. IF we had a fireplace or wood stove would be some good wood to let sit and dry out.
If we cant get someone to take it we will just burn it in the fire pit when we have company and want to sit outside .
Seems I have gotten into the habit of taking about an hour nap in the middle of the day. Doesn’t make me stay up any later or anything but I just work so hard that by about 1pm im just so worn out I go lay down for awhile and im out like a light. Feels good and I told Joe well shoot I think I deserve the right to lay down for a nap if I want to. Lol
Anyway we get more done in the afternoon that way too.
I hope today , Mothers Day isnt cloudy and cool like Saturday was. I want the little ones to be able to be outside and playing instead of cooped up in the house.
All this damp weather is really playing havoc on my bones and joints. But I cant complain too much I guess most of it I did to myself by being so overweight for so long that it just wore them out. I really was hoping that all of it was just the weight when I started losing I hoped that they would quit hurting then but no such luck. And with us not being able to take arthritis meds it really makes it bad. I wrote Margie a email to ask her if there was any arthritis meds we could take at all maybe with something for the stomach at the same time. Sometimes it is almost more than even I can stand. But I refuse to just sit cause that doesn’t help either.
Oh well enough my complaining . nothing good ever came from complaining. Lol
I am really worried about Melissa . Seems like that girl cant get a break on anything. Is always something it seems, now her own health is demanding attention. I hope she doesn’t put it on hold for too long. I guess all we can do as friends is Pray that God will touch her and heal her.
One thing I do know she has going for her is a friend like Janet. If we all would be so lucky to have a friend like that. Bless you Janet , as someone said you are really earning your stars for your crown someday.
ANGIE::::: so good to have you posting , I saw where you all had your first support meeting, that is awesome, How many did you have come?
Where did you have your surgery done? The reason I ask is there is this lady that im in contact with that thinks it is hopeless her bmi is very high.
Didn’t you have that problem? Anyway if you can send me the info about your surgeon and all I would appreciate it …my regular email is [email protected].
How long did you have to stay in the hospital , did you stay in
She weighs 596 right now. She is trying to diet and lose some but you know how that goes.
SUGAR::::::yeah that timing should be about right. I will have all of my stuff done and ready.
Skyler always has been a tenderhearted little boy and so adorable. Talented too.
Wish I could have seen the play im sure it was so much fun.
HEY do you think Chele would take some good pictures of me one day. And one day soon I want us to go shoping for me some clothes. Just a couple of nice things maybe a new dress or something I just don’t seem to know how to dress this body now. Lol
Hope you have a great Mothers day will your kids be coming to your house or what?
DEBBIE D. how was your mother daughter tea yesterday? That sounds so neat.
I know you looked so cute in your new dress and sweater. Lol
WE are hoping for pretty weather next Friday so if you all would say a little prayer for the ladies to have a pleasant lunch and visit.
VESTA:::: Was neat to talk to you today…You sound really good, She said that she was a lot sorer than she was from the wls. Which everyone always says that it seems.
Sure hope you will come to the meeting at the library on the 27 that is a Tuesday this month. we all want to see those new (girls) lol get well and will see you the end of the month.
BRENDA MINKS:::::: sounds like you and Dennis had a great time fishing. And yeah seems like they always want to do the speed boat driving just a little bit anyway lol
I know what you mean about dreaming of the motorcycle only Joe and I want a Honda Gold Wing Trike. Beautiful bike and so easy on these old bones. Hopefully in about a year we can get one. We will have the rental house paid for by then if we can get it rented and keep it that way.
Just keep me in your prayers for me to be able to last till the summer is over. I hope to get the arm and the left knee both done sometime this fall and winter. Do you think I can get them done and ready for spring lol
I figured that if I could have the shoulder done the first of August and the knee down the first of December maybe by spring I would be doing well lol who knows. That may be pushing all of it but got to try.
DEB M::::::so happy to see you again girl what have you been doing? That would be wonderful if you could come to the picnic in the park at
What is the RAI scan for? Something new or still the thyroid?
Yes on Vesta she had a tummy tuck and the girls lifted back to their original postion lol
Will you be gone for a week for the scan , that is what it sounds like from your post??? Don’t understand , hope you post tomorrow and help this old mind understand ok ?
SHEILA::::oh wow mastoiditis huh? Most of the time that can
Cured with injections of antibiotics …is your ear red and behind it swollen? I guess that is what the bumps are you were talking about?
Will be keeping you in prayer that it can be cured and you get all better.
Oh wow I guess it didn’t dawn on me that you would have to learn all what you were hearing. I guess that is stupid of me. Of course you would . I guess it is a combination of reading lips and hearing the sound that you would learn as you said like a baby. Do they recommend you go to classes or just learn it as you go?
Well looks like since you went to the E.R they would have kept you and put you i.v . antibiotics , why did they not sounds a little goofy like they were passing the buck so to speak.
Hope everyone will have a good Mothers day and get to spend it with your children or with your mother if you are lucky enough to still have your mother give her a big kiss and hug from all of us that no longer have our mothers to hug and kiss.
We were under tornado warnings all night Saturday night , hope it didn’t get anyone , it was all around us in Taney county but so far nothing ha**** us. It took turns all evening being bright yellow outside and calm as could be to black and windy and thunder and lightening.
Love to all of you and

Happy OTHER mother's day to you sis! Mama always said that I thought you was my other mama, and I sure wish I had the original still here to hug, but I'm so happy that I still have you around! Sis, please dont wait too long to have the shoulder done. You knowDr said it will just get worse and take you longer to recover the longer you wait. Everyone says that you have more success in recovery if you dont let it get too bad....
Yes Skyler is tenderhearted and talented. Yesterday he convinced me to take him to the store and let him get his mama a gift. He decided on a hanging basket of flowers...didnt want to get her one that needed to be planted cause she would have to work to get it put in the ground!!! lol! He is so funny. I think the kids may come over after church and we will go out to eat...wanted to go to the park or something for a picnic but it is tooooooo dang windy for that!!!! Hey do you have a sarape or anything that looks like a mexican blanket??? Well everyone please have a glorious MOTHER'S DAY!!! And for sure hug and kiss and tell your mama you love her so much ... because when they arent around to tell anymore, your regrets lye in the fact that you didnt tell her enough while you had her around!!
Happy Mothers Day Jan and OH Peeps!!!!!!! Hope eevry one has a GREAT day and PLEASE hug ur mom if ur lucky enough to still have her around....my mom has been gone 5 years but i miss her so much, wish she could of been here to see how ive done with my WLS she is so proud of me i do know...miss u and love u mom Jan....yes it is like a baby starting all over. most people dont realize that and it doesnt help if u dont have a lot of patience which i dont seem to have much of any more lol....i have been taking antibiotics but hopefully tmrw when i go to implant Dr some thing can be done the easy way... just 26 more hrs to tough it out.....sighs.... Prayers are up for Mel and her family and every one *****quested em...i say 1 when i read that u need one.... god bless and amen love n hugs
~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!
Hello, everyone!! I know it has been a while since u heard from me. I have been going through alot with my emotions with somethings including the surgery. I am doing pretty well now. I wanted to wish Everyone a Happy Mothers Day!! I just talked to my mother and she is doing pretty well. They got some of the Tornado ( more of the winds then anything) yesterday and it put holes the size of your fist in the roof, siding which is new and holes in their camper; not to mention there electric is all messed up. Their fridge was going on and off, so they called the electric company which screwed it up and there was NO power to the kitchen.... Not just the fridge. So, they called again and PRESTO power... But, the fridge is acting weird and she thinks it might be ruined... I feel so bad for her. I asked what can I do? Want me to store food at my house? She said no thanks. Atleast, we are okay and alive!! She is so right! Things arent that bad .... Things could always be worse! My brother had windows broken out of 2 of his cars but their family is safe and their neighbor who is 90+ had some broken windows in his sunroom. So, my dad will be going and cleaning up for him and putting in new windows so he doesnt have to pay anyone. I am just glad everyone is okay... The tornado was bad. It over turned a semi and several cars. Several ppl died. So, lets pray for these ppl and their families.. We were going to have a cook out, but it is real windy and who wants to cook when stuff is going like that? They were invited out for dinner tonight and she usually doesnt eat out, but wants to take them up on the offer. :) So, I started soaking beans yesterday and it looks like the kids and I will have ham and beans... minus the ham. We dont eat pork. I am fighting the allergies thanks to the storm and winds so I am taking lots of benedryl. School is nearly out!! I cant wait! This is a hard school year with all 3 kids now officially in school. Next year there will be 2 in Middle school and Jazlyn will be in 1st grade. I cant believe it! I got approved to get out of my lease at the apts where I am. This place has really gone down hill since the onsite management quit. The owner let a realty company take over and they arent running any kind of background checks or anything??? Anyways, we have alot of domestic violence, drugs and tenants beating up other tenants and quite frankly this is not something I want my kids seeing. So, all my complaining has finally paid off the landlord is letting me get out of the lease. So, I am now looking for a townhouse/ duplex in the Joplin area. There arent a whole lot of them either... But, I will find something.. I am wanting to be somewhere the first of July. Well, this is a little update on me . Hope everyone is well ! ((hugz)) ~LO My main focus is surgery and losing as much weight as possible in the first year. But, if I can arrange it I want to start babysitting out of my home once I get moved, have surgery and feel I am ready.
Happy Mothers Day to all!
today is a slow and easy day...my mother who is alot like Jan is comming over to help me look at my yard objectivly and do some planting of a few items...wind is blowing and its nippy but when you have limited time you just have to go for it and hope for the best. a few Iris bulbs and a pink peonie and some calla lillies for Catie.
the sun is shining and Ill take all the vitimin D I can get naturally!
I hate to hear about Mel health crisis in the midst of such personal grief. I hope all works out for the best and she can get her self on track again...her sweet mom is at peace and only wanted the best for all her children!
its so inspiring to read all about Janets little trips to the woods with her DH...sounds like so much fun!
Tammy....your looking good girl! and ty for keeping us updated on all the happenings I know its a comfort to those girls!
congrats Vesta!!! how exciting to have PS and getting a whole new you to look at and dress!
Tracy??? hurry back! hope all is well!
Dean BBQued but did not plant anything for me. oh well I didnt either! but I sure enjoyed sitting out in the sun with mom watching the grandbabies!we sat and watched Dean cook and talk about how BAD the yard looks and how we are the neighbors we never wanted in our neighborhood! sad but true! after today I think a dumpster is in order....I will have to check into this!
there is so much to be done now that I can do more but I dunno about this mess!!
I hope all had a nice day and enjoyed time with thier families!
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