Jan C.
on 5/9/08 2:19 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

We had the tree company out today and they cut down two trees that were by my greenhouse. The other day when we had lots of wind we had a big limb from these two trees blow off and just missed the green house so we called them and they came out and cut them down. Now Joe and I have been all day cleaning up the mess. It really looks different out there now. I don’t like cutting trees but sometimes it cant be helped.


That is about all I did was help Joe and I couldn’t help as much as I use too . I couldn’t pick or pull like I use to with this right shoulder like it is. Darn I just don’t want to have a surgery in the summer time. There is too much to do. I waited , and not patiently , for spring and summer and im not going to be an invalid and all I would be able to do is doing PT and eating pain pills.

I am going to wait till the fall unless I get to hurting too badly then I guess I will have to.

Sure don’t want to tho.


Wonder how Vesta is doing ? haven’t heard from her yet , maybe she will get on and say hi to us tonight.




SHEILA:::: wow I hope it isnt the implant that is causing the problem and if it is it is an easy fix. Did you not like being able to hear? That you didn’t use it or what?



Picnic in park at noon and meeting is at hospital I think at 4:30 or 5 will look and see for sure.


Someone ask me what the name of the park is don’t remember I just know it is right off highway 65…Hope someone takes pity on this senile old woman and helps me out with this. Lol



Looks like you would have had your strawberries by now. Who did you order them from? Email them and ask them about them….do you have the order number and all.



Wouldn’t that be neat to have a baby on Mothers day. How appropriate



I sure hope you find out something for sure on Monday about your head. Is this the regular doctor or the doctor that put the implant in your head?





ANGY:::::glad the test yesterday was good.  Oh another benefit I have found since surgery is that my veins are so much easier to give blood or what ever. I guess it really helps when you don’t have all that fat on top of them .


I hope as the day has gone on you are feeling better and better.




            SUGAR:::::lol I would buy them all small boxes of sugar free chocolates they really taste good and at least there isnt sugar in there …


Oh about the tea party what time are we going to do this , for lunch or for early afternoon or morning? Just wondered. Doesn’t matter to me really


Yeah when I looked and saw what day it was yesterday I remembered it was Daddys birthday …Certainly doesn’t seem like it has been 14 years since he was here on one hand and on the other seems like he has been gone a long time. As grief is not raw anymore for Daddy and Mama it is still there. It just changes from the raw hurting grief to a sadness that they are no longer here to share with you the things that are going on . and then it is memories of your life with them. There are many days when it is something financial that I wish Daddy was here to talk it over with him. Or how do make something and I say well mama use to make that , but as all kids do we never paid as much attention as we should have. Regrets , yes, but knowing that it is the same regrets that most everyone has when they lose their parents does help.


And as a Christian it is wonderful to have that peace of mind that we know where they are and that we will see them again one day. Wont it be wonderful there.


Lol you can have one humdinger of a party there.


Which daughter is it of Bud and Pats getting married….the oldest girl or the youngest?


Love that Irish blessing…thanks




BRENDA MINKS:::::::well as much as the endo doctor doesn’t want to think so it has been proven now that the surgery does reverse diabetis. Maybe he is thinking about how many patients he would lose and all that money. Lol


If Dennis could get on s.s. disability right now and in two years have medicare then he could get the surgery . it is so sad that people like him cant have any surgery that they need to have a good balance of life.



Im sorry that your granddaughter is pregnant but there is always a silver lining to everything. This may be hard to find but it is there and there is a sweet little baby going to be brought into the world.


I know you would have your doubts about her being a good mother but maybe this will help who knows.?


Mothers day and then Fathers day both are hard for me too. I don’t think it ever gets any better either. Still miss them after all these years.


Hope you all caught some fish, Joe and I haven’t caught any thing this spring. The lake is just way too high.




BECKY:::: well I will do you in pink since that is your favorite color lol . This board takes a lot of praying to get thru all of it doesn’t it. But what better way to spend time is praying in petition for others. Yeah I have a notebook beside the computer that I write the prayer request down and just wish that I always knew when it was answered but seems most people don’t let us know that but that is ok. I just think that God should be praised for answering our prayers. Take care of yourself too.





TAMMY-AMMY::::: what good news about the nephew. I bet your sister is really thrilled and he too. I hope this has taught his something good and not all the bad stuff that can be learned in there.


Anyway he will just have to put that all in the past and he is still young enough that it wont make much difference as far as what he can do. Just think about those poor guys that are sent to jail for rape or something and years later they run the dna and find out for sure it wasn’t him…oh my gosh can you imagine????



How wonderful what your girls have planned for Mothers day. That is great.





JANET:::::::Im so sorry that Theresa passed away this morning but she is with Jesus now isnt that amazing that she is at peace and in no pain.no sorrow, everything is great for her now, no sickness. She is whole , well and healthy now.



When you know when the funeral is and where would you post it online. Some may want to send something for Melissa and you to take home with you.


We will all be there with you in spirit if not in presence.



When young kids get their first glimpse of death and really understand what is going on it can sometimes scare them and they wonder if their mama is going to die too. Of course they are too young to put it in the proper context all they know is that they are going to keep you from dying by staying right with you at all times. I can see Jon holding on to you. He doesn’t want to lose his mama.



What happened in court the other day about Terry and Mark? You never said did the judge dismiss it or what?



What size dress do you need? I don’t have any I know but someone out there may have one you could at least borrow for the funeral…would save having to buy something ..



Oh my lord , if her hernia ruptured she wont have any choice but to stay and get it repaired it wont be an option. They will just have to hold off on the funeral.


Let us know when you can about all of the questions we all have ok???


Im sure Mellissa has her lap top with her hopefully?  Tell her that we all love her and will continue to pray for her. And all her family .





CHRISTINE::::: Lol well don’t know about normal or crazy or not but I do know that your thought processes were mine exactly and to the others that I have talked to about that it was what they thought too. Yes if we knew and if we could and why not this and where, why, how, who  etc. etc.   I decided that it was like this::: You know as a Christian we get tempted by satan lots of times and it always looks good but we know it isnt the truth. Well I think FOOD is our Satan … And food knew that he was losing his power over us and sure would lose it if we had the surgery so he was trying to throw things up and in the way, telling us that you can do it on your own you don’t need surgery , when all the time we knew and still know we cant do it ourself , we do need the surgery, we need that controlling factor that does let us be in control, instead of letting him be in control.


Wow that was deep or insane which ever, lol you are not any different than all the rest of us were. I kept thinking well you have learned all of this stuff, all you have to do now is eat right and the right amounts and you will lose weight. Lol YEAH and if you believe that I have  some ocean front property in Las Vegas for sale lol  It isnt long now…one week away. Hang in there girl. Keep YOUR EYES on the PRIZE.

















on 5/9/08 2:59 pm - Osage Beach, MO
Hello Everyone Sorry I don't post here too often, I just don't know what to say lol.  Jan you're so awesome you really keep this board going.  I'm really excitied about the Support Group in Osage Beach tomorrow or well today---I haven't been to one yet and I'm 3 months pre op.  I really hope we can get it going on a regular basis.  I read up on how to make it an official Support Group---gonna feel everyone out and see if they want to do this monthly---I was also thinking about organizing a clothing exchange where we can all bring our clothes that we've grown out of and find something "new"---I figure since we're all changing sizes so ofter that we could help each other out with clothing cost.  Lemme know what you all think about that---and maybe we could all bring a WLS friendly dish and have a pot luck--just an idea--if you're intrested lemme know and I'll set it up.  Janet please send my love to Mel---it's so sad this happened right before mother's day---my mom passed away 13 years ago and I miss her everyday---I wish I could wrap my arms around Mel and squeeze her tight. Hope everyone has a great day!!! ~Angie!
on 5/9/08 10:26 pm - Clever, MO
Hey sis, I thought I would leave Republic around 10 and that would put us in at your place around 11:30 right???? Then it would give us to noon to get everything set up and ready for them to eat. Pat and Bud's daughter Christie- the oldest one is getting married. When you talked about kids getting a glimpse of death, the other day Skyler was looking thru his scrapbook and came across a picture of him and nanny and I said look, there is Nanny and he said "I know, I try not to look at her cause it makes me too sad!"  He is so tenderhearted. The play went so well. The cutest thing you ever did see. The Umpa Loompas were hilarious. Skyler apparently, during all thier practices never showed any emotion or anything, but last night he included facial expressions and all that were hilarious. Melissa ask him why she couldnt get him to do that at practice and he said, "I guess I just do better when I have alot of people watching me!"   They all were great, out of cast of 14, 6 of them were my grandkids and 3 of them played 2 roles each...lol! It was a hoot! Well, I need to go exercise and then I think Chelle is coming over to take some new pictures of me.... Love to all and have a great day.


Debbie D.
on 5/9/08 11:56 pm - KS

Good Morning, Jan & MO Peeps:



Glad that tree missed your green house!  Good thinking having those trees cut down so to avoid that happening again!



Our church is having a Mother Daughter Tea this afternoon.  My Mom and my stepdaughter (Erin) are going with me.  I went dress shopping this week and was it an experience.  The only place that had any pretty dresses was JC Penny’s.  Found a really cute sleeveless shirt dress that is medium pink with white floral embroidery and a ribbon for a belt.  Also found a really pretty ¾ length sweater and a cute pair of shoes to match.  Everyone says I look just like my Mom since I’ve lost the weight.  I will take pictures today and post them on the site later this week.  We had a tea party last year, however, just Erin and I went.  I’m glad Mom said she would come and I am hoping we have a good time.  After the tea party I am planning on taking her out to dinner.  I’ll bet your tea party in your flower garden will be beautiful!  Thankfully, ours is indoors today since it’s cold and rainy out.



Mel, please know I am praying for you and your family in the loss of your Mother.  I am currently in a Bible Study for the Book of Daniel by Beth Moore.  A few weeks ago she described the physical death of a born again believer as simply removing this earthly robe of flesh and it falling to the ground and us immediately being given our immortal bodies! She is no longer in pain and you will see her again! It’s instantaneous!  Praise the Lord! 



I hope all of you ladies out there have a Wonderful Mother’s Day tomorrow!  I am finishing up the laundry this morning and picking up the front room and kitchen.  Then will start getting ready for the tea party.  Can you tell I’m excited!?  Lol



Love all of you!



Debbie D.


on 5/10/08 1:55 am - pomona, MO
WOW this was something, I sure am sore, everything went ok, I have a drain in the tummy, that is bothersome... I tell you I wonder how much more Mel can take. bless her heart, I stay in prayer for her and Janet, I cant think about my self I just keep worrying about her... Ill talk more later, tks for all the prayers.....vesta


Brenda Minks
on 5/10/08 2:15 am - Silva, MO

Good Morning,

Well Dennis and I caught several large mouth bass that were good eating

size and a couple big blue gill. We were fishing in the rain quite a bit.

It did finally quit but by then I was freezing to death so Dennis

said he had enough of it also . We headed back to the boat launch,

but not before Dennis had done his little hot rod boat thing.

I think all men never really grow up. The saying is and it's oh so true.

"The only difference between men and boys is the price of the toys"


We stopped at a Harley dealer the other day on our way back from

St. Louis and boy did we find the one we want. When Dennis and I

started dating all he owned was a motorcycle so that was what we

rode on our dates. When we got married he decided we needed a

car so he traded in the motorcycle.

We sat on a Harley I forget what it was called but it was the big one

that they use to put the trike kit on, but anyway I think it was about

$22,000.00 and of course the salesman was ready for us to drive it

home. It was beautiful, it was pearl white with black trim. Then we

looked at all the leather apparel and decided what we would just have

to get to go with the bike, just for a coat and chaps for both of us

was about $1200.00. We have talked about getting a Harley but right

now it is not affordable for us so we will just have to have our dreams.

Where you think about the movie "Easy Rider" and hear

“Born to be Wild” playing in your head. lol

I hope all you Mom’s have a wonderful day tomorrow.

We have long stem roses to give out to the Moms at church.

I don’t imagine I’ll be receiving anything special, my son and I

are kind of on a stand out to see who calls who first.

I won’t go into all the detail’s about it but some of you all ready

know. It really is sad because when he was growing up he

was the one that was so like me and we did so many things together.

And my daughter is really in a daze about becoming a grandmother.

I told her she didn’t have to buy me anything. All I wanted was

for her to come to church with me and that would be the greatest

Mother’s Day present she could give me. We will see if she does.

Jan I hope if you do wait for fall to have your surgery

that you can have a wonderful growing season with out to much pain.

I want Melissa and Janet to know I am praying for them and their

family. And Vesta I pray you are doing ok. And everyone else

that has asked for prayer. May God Bless each of you richly.

Love to all.

Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right..
Forget about the one's who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason. 
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.

If it changes your life, let it. 
Nobody said life would be easy,

they just promised it would be worth it.




Debbie M.
on 5/10/08 3:20 am - Harrisonville, MO
Morning all... Wow, was just reading and catching up when I saw everything that has been going on so I had to take time to write. First off... MEL... I'm sooo sorry about your Mom sweetie! As I'm sure you already know, she is in a better place and better off! No more pain and suffering and she couldn't be in better company, with our Lord and Savior! I read somewhere on here that you may be upset over the fact that you may not make it to her funeral because of your own health issues. Honey, don't be concerned with that. She is with the Lord now and she understands why you couldn't or can't be with her. I was not able to be with my Mom when she passed and I went through all kinds of thoughts before I allowed the Lord to come into my heart and put me at peace.  I was laid out with my back, in so much pain I was paralized and the more I fought to get up to be with her, the worse I got. I had to have surgery on it just days later so I didn't make it to her funeral either.  The Lord gave me peace over it and I know in my heart that she was and is okay with it now.  I am sorry to hear about your health right now too! Man, when it rains, it pours, don't it? Just when you think you get one thing under control five other things go wrong! It all seems like you don't have enough hands, time or money to take care of everything! Just remember to take one day at a time right now and if that's too much, take one minute at a time!  I know how much you have been going through and I wish I could take at least some of it away to give you a little relief but as we all know that can't be done but girl, please know that the Lord has laid your issues on my heart and you are in my prayers and will be until we see light at the end of your tunnel...and then some.  Keep your faith strong and know that our Lord is in control! Healings are happening everywhere, believe and you shall receive!           WE  LOVE  YOU  GIRL!!  HAN IN THERE !! JANET... what an awesome friend you are to Mel and the rest of us and with everything you have on your plate to boot! The Lord has a very special place picked out for you when it's your turn to return home! An awesome place!! Please know sweetie that I am holding you up in prayer, as well! Stay strong, our Lord has you in His arms as well! JAN... you seem to have your hands full with the "What's Happening" board and in your own life as well. I will be praying over that shoulder of yours and if you have to have surgery on it, that it can wait until all your gardening is done! Wow!!... with the trees and the greenhouse. I'm glad everythings okay and all your alls hard work didn't get ruined! I'm glad to see that you haven't lost your gardening gift either and that your keeping up with beautify our Lord's earth, she needs it! Depending on what happens with the RAI scan next week I might see if David and/or I can make it to the picnic on June 1st...would be great to see everyone again! We might even try it on the harley. Vesta....I missed out on why you went to the hospital...tummy tuck maybe? If so...cool! Congrats on that! I bet you look awesome and feel like a million or will soon huh? I hope that everything works out for me in the near future and I will be able to get one too! This skin hang really gets in the way...a lot!!  Lol, I guess it's better than being fat though. 66lbs lost and counting! Well, I'm off to get things done, a lot to do before the scan next week. Gotta separate everything for a week, to keep David safe. Love you guys and please keep us in your prayers as well. Deb M

Sheila H.
on 5/10/08 3:33 am - Marshfield, MO

 hello   im back...i guess i got so bad yesterday my daughtern law called 911 and they took me to the hospital, apparently i passed out a few times up there..anyway they did a  cat scan and says implant  looks ok but i have chronic mastoiditis...and to tell Dr monday....well according to the online info that isnt good either...but will try not to think about it over the weekend to much. the implant... yes makes me hear but i have to learn ALL over like a baby and it can be very discouraging cos i dont know what i hear...but if i get this ALL fixed i will try to start wearing it again and having more patience with it.... tks for all ur prayers but keep me in prayers for all to go good monday...im afraid it will still require surgery love n hugs


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