Does anyone know where to get unflavored protein powder? I am just so sick of sweet, I startd out loving the stuff I got at gnc, but I am getting sick of straw, choc , and especially the vanilla. I would like something I could mix with tea, water whatever with no extra flavoring. I also bought 4 cannisters of the fruit stuff online, I can't even stand the smellof it now, i thought it was good before I had the surgery. I get "head hungries" for old foods, but strangely sweets just hold no appeal for me whatsoever anymore, I guess as a former 3 butterfinger at a timer that's a good thing lol. Anyhow any advice gratefully appreciated.
you can get it at www.bariatriceating.com. But it isn't really unflavored it just doesn't have a specific flavor.My son ordered me two containers of it and I don't like it at all.Still have one and 3/4 of a container left.Hope you find something you like. Tammy V.
I bought the AnyWhey "tasteless" powder from Amazon.com, but it definitely has a taste to me. I haven't been able to stand eating anything I've tried it in. Not that it's a bad taste really, it just has a taste that makes the foods/drinks taste like it. (kinda hard to explain) Wish there was a way you could try some before spending a lot of money on it, just in case you don't care for it either. I haven't seen it sold in samples, maybe somebody else has? Good luck .
Here is a link to Bariatric Advantage, for Any Whey. http://www.bariatricadvantage.com/catalog?cat=Protein%20Powd ers&so= I have heard others say that you can even cook with this. I don't know. I would like to try it myself & see how it is. I will probably order some within the next couple of weeks. Good Luck to you. ~Angy
I use the any whey in lots of stuff...i don't notice much alteration in flavor as much as i do texture. Anyway...I get it on www.directsupplements.com