went to seminar YEA!!!!

on 5/9/08 10:18 am - Kansas City, MO
Hello all and I must tell you that I went to the seminar and Doctor Hornbostel is a hoot.  I felt as though he really cared about each of us in the room.  I went on a Sunday this past to be exact and had a call by Wed.  They needed to have a copy of my insurance card and my psych eval.  I had the doctors office fax over the card and spoke with the psychologist and was told the report was faxed.  I then did not here anything thursday or today.  Did I do something wrong?  I know my psych eval was cool.  Just Anxiety issues that is all, on medication for that and feel great.  What is the hold up you think.  Do they go in abc order or something?  Well need to go and feed my children.  Hope you all have a wonderful Mothers Day this sunday and god bless you  all.  :) Kerri
Christine F.
on 5/9/08 12:31 pm - Whiteman AFB, MO
What they're doing now is waiting for your tricare referral to process.  Did your PCM already put in the referral for the consult?  Do you know if it has been approved?  Once they get your referral, your psych eval and all of your paperwork (did you complete and return the packet they gave you at the seminar?) completed and turned it, they'll be in contact within probably a week to schedule you for your first consult appointment. You're getting there, just try to be patient (I know how impossible that is, but you'll get the call).  If you can't be patient much longer, give them a call on Monday and ask them if they need anything from you or your doctor.  It wont hurt to call.  Don't be rude or pushy, just tell them you were wondering if they got the insurance card and psych that were supposed to be faxed.. you wanted to confirm reciept! LOL  If they say they've got all of that, ask them if there's anything else you're missing or need to do.  Chances are they'll tell you what they told me! LOL "Margie has all of your paperwork.  She's very busy and when she's had a chance to look over everything and make sure she's got what she needs, she'll give you a call." Just hang in there!  You'll be in my shoes before you know it... less than a week out from surgery and living on slim fast, chicken broth and decaff/splenda sweet tea!  Good luck! Christine


on 5/10/08 1:44 pm - Kansas City, MO
Thank you sooo much christine, I really appreciate it.  I feel for you I was going to try the liquid diet for a week to see if I can do it but do not want to loose any weight.  I will wait to call her on Wed., if I donot hear from her.  Thank you for you words of encouragment and good luck to you for the surgery.  How are classes going and what is your major?  I am a nurse by trade and a mom for life I say.  Well gotta go need to get some sleep church tomorrow .  Talk to you soon.  Send me a buzz if you like. Kerri
deb C.
on 5/9/08 11:22 pm - Lake of the Ozarks, MO
You must have been at the same seminar I was at.  I weent to Dr. H's seminar last week ,too.  I felt the same way about him, I was very impressed.  I am bipolar and my doc told me that if I passed the psych eval, which I should b/c I am very stable on my meds Dr. H would not have a problem.  I have not sent anything yet and don't plan to until July when my new ins kicks in.  But I can only imagine how busy Marge is is only half that grouup has sent in their paperwork!  I agree with the subtle phone call on Monday idea.  Good luck. 
on 5/10/08 1:46 pm - Kansas City, MO
Where were you at in the room?  I was in the back with my husband and twin girls.  I am from KC North, it was a 1 hour and 45 minute drive for me.  Where are you at.  I know Marge is busy I am just in a hurry I guess.  I want to get my new life started. Kerri
deb C.
on 5/11/08 4:59 am - Lake of the Ozarks, MO
We were in the front left of the room.  We, too had a long ride, but got there early.  I used to live in Liberty and worked at William Jewell College there.  Small world.  I know what you mean about wanting to get started ASAP.  I have to wait until July to do anything.  It seems like forever. How old are your girls?  Hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day. Hugs, Deb
on 5/11/08 7:14 am - Kansas City, MO

My girls are 7 years old.  I am blessed beyond words.   I gave my first sermon today at Tonganoxie Community of Christ church and it went really well.  I just wish that I could see the call list that Marg has so I could see where I am on it.  Patience is a virtue I guess, I must remember that.  Happy Mommy Day to y ou too!!!  Want to be friends?

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