1st Post Op Visit
I just came back from my 1st post op visit to Dr. Hornbostel and he came in the room asking how "Super Meg" was? (Thanks Christine!!) I talked to Margie about the liquid b vitamin and my issue wiht it. She said that at a local shop there was a different kind she had been told tastes decent. But she also told me I could go without it. It is for nausea right now. It is up to me. I went to the shop and yes they were out of what I went for (I left me info). They will call when it comes in. My total weight loss from day one visit until now is 21lbs! YEAH!!! Well, time to pick up the kids!!! I hope everyone is having a great day! On to stage 2!
You are going to be fine! I just followed some advice given to me by other who have gone before us and it worked. They said get up as soon as you can into the chair. Walk that night. The faster you get moving the better off you will be. And remember, I only have 2 weeks off of work...that's it. So I have to get back to normal as quickly as possible. I also hava ahigh pain tolerance. Not everyone does. Your body will let you know. Listen to it. I will be right there for you!!!!