Today was a forced take it easy day lol. I did get an iris bed cleaned out before the rain, Joe put a coat of polyurethane on the cabinets finally.
I did get a pot of caladiums planted too hopefully they come up. They didn’t look that great , the bulbs didn’t but I planted them anyway.
Cleaned house , got the ham for Sunday out of the freezer to thaw. Looks like the only people that will come down to see me is granddaughter, and two great grandbabies.
I guess anyway. Haven’t hear anything from the two girls. Son has to work so I can understand that. Oh well not like it is something too important in the grand scheme of things , Sure wish my mama was still around tho. I really miss her sometimes .
I found darn iris borers in the iris again, the iris are blooming very good now but will get rid of the bad stuff this fall and going to buy some chemical to spray on them next spring. Hopefully get rid of those dang things once and for all. I have so many chemical now it looks like a pharmacy. One kind of stuff for this and one kind of stuff for that. Something else for something else lol. But there is something for just about any problem you have with flowers.
Tammy –ammy::::Sounds like the house cleaning would be good that is if you all can get enough people that want their houses cleaned. I would love to have someone come once a week or so but couldn’t afford it lol.But like you said there are plenty of people that can afford it
Ok Flower answer to your question: sounds like you are talking about crab grass , you can spray round up on it if you can keep from getting any of it at all, not even a drop on your flowers. You can try covering up your flowers with something like a bucket.
But----roundu*****t much of anything really will kill crab grass. It is a bugger.
Better to sit down with a weed digger and dig out as much of it as you can, then spread Preen thick all around the flowers. You will probably have to re pull the crab grass several times during the summer but the preen will keep it from getting too deep and will be easier to pull. Sorry I don’t have a good solution for that stuff , as you can tell I have problems with it too. I have even done like you said put down plastic and then fill with potting soil only to have it come back in the potting soil lol. If you happen to find a solution for the problem PLEASE let me know too ok?
Sheila::::::Oh my goodness sweetie I really feel for you , I know that has to be very disheartening…I had a ringing in my ears one time and that like to drove me insane. Hey maybe that is what did it lol
We will all continue to pray for you that the doctors can fix You. Bless your heart.
Debbie D:::::; HEY glad you came to say hi to us. Sorry to hear that you are having back pain, please let us know what it shows ok?
I know you are worried about your son leaving the nest, so to speak but we have to let loose after awhile you know. I will be praying for him and that his mission trip will be all he wants it to be and can spread the gospel thru his life . Yes we do know who wins in the end but Satan sure can cause a lot of havoc in the meantime cant he.
Lol that pretty blouse I loved , I went back there to get it the next day and it was gone from there too. Darn. I love yellow but I have a hard time wearing it, too much yellow in my skin but that one had the other colors that I could have used it I think. It sure was a perky blouse wasn’t it?
Working is very hard when you go back to it isnt it? I know that is what I thought about nursing wow I knew it was hard but I sure didn’t remember it being that hard lol
SUGAR:::::: would love to start you some candytuft from seeds but I don’t have any and cant find them online at any of my seed places , I am still looking tho. I can find the annual ones but the perennial ones I cant find , I can find the plants for 10.00 a pot full wow sort of expensive. And I assumed you want the perennial ones so they will come back each year and get bigger and bigger.
I have figured out where I want to put the tables for the ladies tea party, in the shade garden. I am fixing it up and have several pots of red geraniums that I will put out there
I think they will like it. I am working on putting in a small pond and fountain , you remember the girl holding the goose that mama had I am using that.
I am having fun getting it all set up.
JANET::::wanted to tell you that most hotels have airport shuttles….if that would be an option. We have used them before. And they are free lol even if they don’t have a bus they usually have someone to pick up out of town guest. Check into it . especially vegas should have something like that.
Oh my lord did that doctor not turn them in for feeding that baby peanuts.? He could have his lic. Revoked if he didn’t. Medical personal HAVE to turn in any indication of abuse. Doesn’t matter whether it is true or not we have to turn it in and let others find out if it is true abuse or not. So Melissa needs to find out if anyone investigated that . and if not she needs to get that info to her lawyer.
God didn’t put those babies there in Melissa and Terries path to just let them go back to that stuff so we need to all pray that God intervene with those too evil people that they cant get them back some how don’t know how doesn’t matter but let God do it.
It is a scary situation I know.
LOL wonderful that Darrel stood his ground and told Steph off. All the kids need to tell her that. She is using this situation just like before. Gets her attention. Quit giving her the attention I mean none at all even not negative or positive. When she starts acting up or whining everyone needs to get up and walk out , not say a thing just walk away from her. And then let her hear all of you having family fun. If she comes out and joins in that is fine but if she comes out and starts in again, everyone walk away from her again. don’t do it mean or anything just like you all don’t even hear her. Wonder if all of that would work…might ,
Garden latest date according what you are wanting to plant most anything will go ahead and produce if you plant it by the end of this month. you might think of buying some plants instead of seeds now.
Elephant ears should be great if you get them in the ground soon and plant them about 3 feet apart …this winter put about 6/7 inches of straw over them. They will be fine.
ANGY::::: lol every time I see your name I think it says angry lol it is a very unusual spelling inst it? Don’t envy you the colonoscopy , but they aren’t nearly as bad as I though they were. Go in and go to sleep so you don’t know anything. Lol
BEV::::::Growing herbs is really simple, and you can buy starts of them in small little pots at any nursery or you should be able to. I put mine is about 10 inch pots and keep them close to the kitchen in the summer, in the winter I bring them inside and that way I have fresh herbs all the time. I bought a plant stand to put in the dining window and that holds all of them .
That sounds like a great idea to go to culinary school. You could become a chef and work in some really upscale restaurants. The pay for a good chef is wonderful pay. And if you are really good the reputation of your food will spread fast and you can get offers to work about anywhere. Sounds like a good idea
Hey wish you could come to
Call him and see if you can do that to. That is on Sunday .
Do you have any medical reasons to see him?
If you continue to have rashes under your tummy , do you have medicare or medicaide then that is all the reason they need to pay for your tummy tuck….enough of a medical reason ..
TAMMY V.:::::::good to see back on. You are doing really well on the weight loss but let me tell you it isnt a matter of choice ,,,,you do have to get some protein drink in , at least 80 grams a day , it doesn’t have to be shakes made with milk, have you tried it with crystal light? How about sugar free pudding? Expermint with it you have to do it. Otherwise you will be one of the people that everyone just knew that we would all become, really sick or dead. You HAVE TO DO IT. Your job is to make yourself healthy , don’t worry about eating if you cant, you cant but you have to get the PROTEIN DRINK of somekind in . I don’t mean to come across as mean but you just have to.
I know you feel good right now but it will have long term problems ….you know you have heard that we are Hybrids….well we are. We use a different fuel than others do, we have to have predigested protein and we get twice as much mileage as others do on half the fuel lol love you and want you to be around for a long long time.
Glad you got to see the grandsons. Arent you glad that God is so smart about who he gave the babies to. Lol . love on those babies as much as you can to hold you for another few months.
You better get up the critter fence soon as those critters will love that garden.
Boy sounds like you had a great day (not) I remember those inspectors when I use to work in Nursing homes. I love working with the elderly , always have but those inspectors can sure throw a wrench in any thing and everything. I use to tell the aides ,just do your job and do it right all the time then you wont have to worry about whether the inspectors are around or not. I saw one of my former aides here while back and she said was what everyone liked about me when I was working , you could count on things being done only one way and that was the right way , not a bad thing to be remembered for I would say …
Well were you able to hide from the kids for awhile?
JENNIFER::::Oh goodie you will be able to make this next meeting since it is on Tuesday the 27th mark it on your calendar ok?
Sounds like you had a great time on vacation and lots of WOW moments….
So your band malfunctioned? And now noone wants to fix it? Maybe the maker of the band itself should do it since they shouldn’t be making something that is going to malfunction should they?
Hope it gets worked out for you.
CHRISTINE::::OK I wont jump on to you because I see you already have an appointment with a pchy. Maybe she/he can help you with this issue. Of course the surgery takes care of a lot of it for a long time but one day you will be able to eat more , nothing like you did before but a lot more than you do now. And is important that you face what is really behind the eating. A lot of people don’t and I think those are the ones that really have a problem later on. Sorry I said I would do tthat didn’t i?
Good for you on your liquid diet today. Way to go.
No I haven’t heard from Lori either. She was emailing me a lot but haven’t heard from here for a couple of days.
OK Lori!!!!!! A call has been put out to you. Where are you???

Dear Jan and OH Peeps~
Where is everyone? Only one post to the thread and its almost 3 pm? I hope everyone is okay. I just got home and got some bills made out and ran down and got them in the mailbox before the mail lady gets here-and then I wanted to get on here and check and see if there was any word on our Vesta yet-but I dont see anything so far. I have been praying for her safe surgery and speedy recovery. I hope one of her kids will either call or post for her-to let us know how she is doing.
I am feeling so numb right now. I really dont know how to describe it. I did one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life this morning. I left mom, knowing that I will not see her alive again. I knew yesterday morning when I talked to Mel, that mom was in worse shape than dad and grandma had let on, or didnt want to see-just because. We all know how that is-you dont want to see what is staring you right in the face-because the outcome is not one that we want to deal with. Were selfish like that. Mom is going to be so at peace, no more pain, no more sickness-she will be in her glory with her savior, and she is going to have a crown with many jewels, because that woman would give you the shirt off her back-even if it were the only one she had left. So-when I got a message from Mel on my phone and she called herself Melissa-something was BAD wrong. That never happens. I call her back and she says that the family is being called in-and that she has to leave and at the moment they were waiting for another couple they knew to get back with them, to follow them down there because Terry didnt want Mel by herself (she emotionally was not good) Ok-so I said, you know what? I am going. I am packing a bag and Jon and I will be there in a couple of minutes-and we will go down with you-and then Terry would bring us back in the morning with him because he had to get home because of his dad and the Mark stuff. Well-the roads were all flooded here again-Megan couldnt get Stephanie home in her little Pontiac Sunfire-my dad had to bring Steph home in his SUV and he still had some problems. It was pouring down horribly, thunder and lightning and we were in that storm almost the whole way there. It broke for maybe 1/2 hr-and then, of course-started raining again right before we pulled into mom and dads place-cause we had to get the 3 kids in the house and unpack-so of course, it had to pour down on us-kind of how our day had been, thats for sure. Crappy weather for a crappy situation.
I was praying so hard for strength and wisdom on how to help everyone and what to say and do-and I did fairly well until this morning. I was prepared for what I saw. However, I wasnt prepared for Jonathan asking me where Grandmas hair went-and would I please give her some of mine since mine is so long. Mom kept telling each one of us "Im sick" and "Can you take me home?" " I want to go home" When told that she was home, I think she meant with her savior. She has lost all control of her bodily functions and even with oxygen, she cannot breath. She has no strength and she cannot stay awake very long. Terry and I got an hour and a half of sleep-and Mel woke us at 7:30 saying it was time to get up and that mom was up. I dashed in there to see her-and she was already out of it. Got my coffee, my smokes and headed to the garage with Mel. A little bit later and mom and Mels sister, Rosemary and Mel were all in the bathroom and getting mom cleaned up and I was standing there when my sisters ask mom if she wants to go to the hospital-No. Do you want to stay home and be made comfortable-Yes, she said. Rosemary got on the phone with the cancer nurse and hospice was started immediately. The cancer doc said that there is nothing more they can do for her. No more chemo-no more anything-her body is shutting down, her heart is in failure her lungs are filling up-and she is going to be gone. She has been married to dad for 40 yrs and dad cant handle this right now-he keeps saying-well, what if she isnt thinking in her right mind and I am suppose to do that for her-and I dont MAKE her go to the hospital-where they can make her better? Thats going to haunt me until the day that I die. I took his hand and looked him in the eyes and said Dad, Mom is NOT going to get better just by going to the hospital and seeing a medical doctor or being put in the ICU. Mom WANTS to be home-home is LOVE and family to her-the most important things in her life-THIS IS WHERE MOM WANTS TO BE...... He said-But, Janet-I asked her if she wanted to die and she said no-and I said-Dad, it was the way you worded it-of course she doesnt WANT to die-but had you said-Honey, are you tired and you want to go? Her response may have been different dad. Plus-she is worried about you, dad and I am so afraid she is waiting for you guys to give her permission to go, dad. I have already told that to Mel too-Mel asked How do I do that? I cant do that. Yes, you can. I dont know where we get that strength-but I have done it-3 times before-and you will because you dont want her to hang on and suffer or be in pain. The last thing mom said besides that she loved me before I left-was when us three sisters were standing around her-all of us crying-and mom says-I dont want you guys to cry anymore-when I am gone-I want it to be a celebration of my life-that is when I really lost it. She was being so brave-and she gets it. I am just praying that mom doesnt pass on Mothers Day-and would we love to have one more Mothers Day with her? Heck yah, but is she really there? No she isnt.
Im feeling guilty, that I couldnt stay. I want so badly to stay and couldnt. I feel that when they all needed me the most-Im not there to help them. Of course-them being who they are-grandma, dad, Rosemary and Mel and Terry-thanks for everything????? For what? Riding down in a car and talking? For making a pot of coffee or holding moms glass when she wants a drink? I dont feel like I did anything-but feel like I left when they all need family the most. Okay-I gotta get off this subject.
My gb surgery was scheduled for tomorrow morning at 7:30-and I cancelled it yesterday. I had a gut feeling that things werent going to go so well-and Im glad I did now-I would have had to have had some labs done this morning-and couldnt have made it to the hospital from there..... no matter how mad you guys get at me-it was really important for me to go and say goodbye to mom. I have to trust that God will help keep my gb from bursting until I get the surgery. He understands that I needed to be there. So-sometime next week-as long as I dont have to go back down. I have a call into Susan to ask her how long after surgery before I would be okay to take a 3 hr road trip, or if any of you know-and then I will reschedule-and I was also told to ask if they are going to take the ducting too? Whatever that means-LOL....The one thing I did like-is that he said they could sedate me-and I wouldnt have to be technically put under to have the surgery, as long as I tolerated it okay. I have stayed awake with 3 of my other surgeries (my request) and they went great. Would have loved to stay awake for all, but some docs dont let you. I will update when I know more. It may be tomorrow before I get that call back.
**Jan-I know what you mean about Stephanie. I assure you-we are not allowing her to do that to our family again. Thanks for always knowing what to say-and for caring. I am so glad that I have you in my life-and Joe too. I would have to say-IF I had the chance to live my life over again-and be thin from day 1, but wouldnt have met you and my other wonderful friends, whom I consider family-I would have to say-I would be fat again, and go down the same road-so I didnt miss the chance of meeting you and my other peeps I love with all my heart. Hope you know how much I adore you (and yes-you others reading this too!!!)
**Tammy-thanks for posting even though Mel had done so beforehand. Love you girl. Would LOVE to see you in West Plains! Anytime-they do not know strangers-I can tell you that. So NO motels-and you will have to stay overnite too-Would LOVE it!! Love ya and thanks-and yes-your included in the message to Jan~~
**To all the rest of the MO Board Peeps-Thanks for all the prayers and pick me ups. I LOVE to get on Jans thread every morning and read about your lives and how you are. You all have a special place in my heart. I am going to get off here and start my casserole for dinner, cause the boys have RC car race night and I want to feed them before they leave-cause I have a feeling I will fall asleep when I have peace and quiet. Love and Prayers to all, Janet