Jan C.
on 5/6/08 1:51 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

I heard from Traci, she is beyond tired her Iron is down to nothing and doctor is trying to decide which infusion to give her since she had a reaction to the last one. She said to tell us all hello and that as soon as she felt like something she would be back.

That must really kill her as busy as she stays.

Brenda Nutt is ok too someone asked. She had to go to Sedalia today for her one week check up, Im sure she will post about that.

Havent heard from either one of the Debbies as of right now.

Bev have you been in contact with Deb  D?  


Well today isnt like yesterday that is for sure, cloudy and sprinkling rain off and on this morning (Tuesday)

I planted 60 celosia this morning during one of the sprinkles.

I am going out to the green house and transplant some of my tomatoe plants into bigger containers so they will grow more.


Probably Thursday if it isnt raining will have Joe to till up the garden so I can get it all planted.

Except for the tomatos, I like to wait on them for awhile. get them a really good head start.



SHEILA::::that has to be so miserable doesn’t it? I am praying that you find out what is wrong with you too.  I sure hope the doctor does something different for you.

You sound like you  have reached the end of your rope. Just hang in there girl. Help is on its way we hope right. ?




DEB:::::hope one day soon we will have three days in a row of sunshine , just not going to be this week. I know how that feels wanting to do something and the weather not behaving its self.

So you hate shopping for groceries too.? Since surgery I don’t like it cause nothing looks good or at least not enough to buy.



ANGY::::::I am so glad that you are doing the diabetic diet you will have to live with that after surgery too. You will never be able to eat like you did before, you will be able to take bites of stuff eventually maybe if it doesn’t make you sick but will be tiny bites .

Boy sounds like you were really tramatized by the fish cleaning visual. Lol sorry about that .



JANET::: I think it was so pretty yesterday that every one was outside they didn’t want to waste such a day. See post above about Traci.


I have one of those ice machines like Mike has, it really helps reduce the swelling in a knee, I got mine when I had knee replacement surgery , they sent it home with me. I still use it some.

That is a shame that Mike cant pick when he wants to be off on vacation isnt it?

Sounds like they really need to hire someone else.

I will be praying that Terrys brother gets put in jail for a long long time by then maybe Adrian would be grown.

Glad to see you are trying to get hold of your surgeon to have the gall bladder surgery.


When we had our bike before we had all those leathers coats, chaps etc etc.

Of course I was so big then that the none of them fit right. And I was uncomfortable being that much bulker.



CHRISTINE:::: the days are going fast aren’t they?  Well for me they are lol

You are doing great  just keep up the good work, Remember keep your eyes on the prize. And take care..








Tammy H.
on 5/6/08 2:53 pm - Holcomb, MO

Howdy Yall.... Had a few and thought Id drop in and say howdy... Jan....My job is a job...lmbo....I don't mind it and don't have a problem with cooking but the new owner is totally different than my other boss was.....She is very unorganized and real messy cook....Not to say I'm not messy at times...but she gets stuff out to work on something and leaves it setting, then when you try to do anything else it's in your way....It is way to busy there to be so unorganized and I have said lil things here and there. But I'm not the owner or boss so there's not a lot I can do about it. I think we could work at a faster pace if we were more organized and more preped.  My friend Chell and I use to clean houses together and we are thinking about doing it again....We have to get to gether and get an ad run and see how it goes from there....Economy sucks right now but there are still several people that like to get help around the house. And there are still folks out there that can afford it so hopefully we will get several and get going at it soon.... I might even check around and find another elderly person to sit with...I don't mind doing that at all...Sometimes it gets a lil slow paced but I like working the elderly. The 100 mile yard sale goes from the Friday before Memorial day till that Monday....The crappy part is I will have to work Fri & Sat. I might be able to hit a few before work. I will be off Monday-Memorial Day but things will really be picked over by then, so I probably wont even bother to go then.  Got a flower question......I have no ideal what kind of grass it is but I have some coming up in one of my beds that is soooo darn rooted it's almost impossible to pull out...Can I use some weed killer on it that wont kill my plants too? I want to dig em up and put down plastic then potting soil and not have to deal with it but I don't have the time just yet to do it and that grass looks terrible and getting bigger and bigger lol lol.... Well got to run....Got a lot of running to do tomorrow...Lord I hope it don't start storming or anything till I get home..... Hope you all have a wonderful and Blessed Wednesday!! Luv & Hugs....Tammy~ammy





















 ~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
   Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
   Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!

Sheila H.
on 5/6/08 11:11 pm - Marshfield, MO

Hello well im no better  and no worse still waiting.....thanks for the prayers but pls keep em coming that i get some results done today.. Janet i will pray for ur kids and Mel and for you to get ur appt  SOON!!! Hope Traci got  her iron fixed..

Jan YES i have reached the end of my rope..ive never been so miserable be4 in my life....i'd rather have broken bones or back aches or etc...

hope every one is doing good


hugs and love


Debbie D.
on 5/6/08 11:18 pm - KS

Good Morning, Jan & MO Peeps!

Yes, I am still out here.  I read the posts everyday just don’t post myself.  To be honest, my upper back has been hurting again on and off these past few weeks.  I am schedule for a nuclear study on Friday to see if it’s my gallbladder.  Margie told me that I chances of another internal hernia are rare (but it does happen), however, she felt I need the nuclear study.  I know my back didn’t hurt this bad when I was 100 lbs heavier.  Very frustrating to say the least!

My oldest son, Luke, leaves for a month from tomorrow.  I can’t believe it’s almost here!  Please be in prayer for him and the rest of the team who are going to go to to share the gospel.  Satan is never more at work than when we try to share Jesus with the lost.  Praise the Lord we know WHO wins in the end!


Jan:  I did take back that leather swing coat.  I also exchanged the white t-shirt for a

¾ sleeve daffodil shirt with a keyhole.  Looks great with that bright colored jacket I bought.  Also found a pair of white slacks which were 65% off!  I went to the store on the Plaza.  It was about ¼ the size of the one at Branson Landing.  Needless to say I was disappointed.  I have since found one in Leawood which they say is about the same size as the one in Branson.  I have called around looking for that white, black and yellow blouse you liked so well.  How I wish I would have bought it when I had the chance.

Bev and I are going to meet for lunch or dinner before she leaves on the 15th.  I can’t wait to see the “new” her.  She’s excited about the change in her life, I am happy for her.  I’m sure she will continue to post once she’s moved and settled into her new home.

I have been subbing a few days a month.  I subbed for a 6th grade class on Monday.  I came home from school ate dinner and was asleep by 7:30pm.  I didn’t wake up until 7:00am the next morning.  It literally wears me out.  That and the fact my back was hurting really bad.  

Our church is having a Mother-Daughter Tea Party this Saturday.  My Mom and my stepdaughter are going with me.  Should be a lot of fun!  I’m thinking I need a new dress for Mother’s day.  All my dresses are too big now! 

Well, I’d better scoot.  Hope all of you have a GREAT day!


Debbie D.

on 5/6/08 11:31 pm - Clever, MO

Hello Sis and all other OHer's, My trip to Canton was great....except for the tornado action the first day....we survived and shopped all day! Then we shopped all the next day too! It was fun and I got a few good deals, but mostly looked and looked and looked!!!!!!!! What a lot of stuff!   Well yesterday I skipped the gym...one of the first times in over a year that I just decided not to go. What's up with that? Hope it doesn't become a habit.  I need to run this morning because I sure cant miss another day at the gym.  Sis, can you start me some candy tuft and I could pick them up when I come down for the tea party? Do you happen to have any seeds for them? Just let me know....I would like to have several starts of that to fill in my front bed. love to all....have a great day!!!



on 5/6/08 11:51 pm - Diamond, MO

Dear Jan and OH Peeps~

Well, I am listening to the thunder move in from a distance and its been raining all morning. We have severe T-storm warnings for today and tonite they are saying more. Geez. We did manage to get the rest of our yard mowed last night-and then Mike, Jon and I played with our RC cars for a bit before I had to run Stephanie to the convienent store-because she waited until we were eating dinner to tell me she needed gummy bears for her science project today at school. Had I not forgotten to pick up kitty litter at the store yesterday when I went-she wouldnt have gotten her gummies-she knows the rules-she knew about it a whole week-and waited till the night before-just 2 hours before bed time-ARGH! When we got there-she didnt even get the gummy bears-????? She picked something else all together. Ok-so did I get suckered? I dont know. Too tired to care right now I think.

Well, I can tell you now-Mike and I still had those tickets from Jan and Dave and we were going to use them and go to Yosemite Park in CA for a couple of days-his dad and aunt were going to pick us up at the airport and take us to Yosemite and pick us up and take us back to the airport-Man, was I looking forward to it. Well, we called and the airline wants an extra $150 per ticket for us round trip. I assume its because of gas prices, but thats what we were going to take with us for camping fees and food etc. So-we arent going that route. We can go to Dallas, Vegas (red eye flight to boot) and one other place without paying extra. Mikes dad said he could get us in Vegas-which is 6 hrs from him-but he is in poor health and that is a lot of driving for him to do. Scrap that idea.

I hate to get in here and just always have bad news or something-so I am going to start by telling you that Kenny is home!!! YAY YAY YAY!! He has lost a bunch of weight-and he still has dialysis 3 times per week-but he is out of the hospital. He has asked my mom or I to take power of attorney over him. I denied that request. I love and adore Kenny, I truly do-but that is just too much on my plate right now. I just cant do it for a bit. Some things have to get ironed out with me and my family first. Mom is going to-but they are afraid they wont be able to keep taking care of him. He has a very strict diet and mom has to do all of his cooking and so on. I told them to check into assisted living and see what it costs. He gets his retirement check and so maybe he can get into some senior housing? Will see. Thanks to everyone who prayed for Kenny. I appreciate you guys so much!

Well, now for the bad news. Terry had to go to court AGAIN yesterday, because his peice of crap brother charged him with harrasing phone calls-well, Terry only called to tell him to STOP calling his wife at 1:30 in the morning and stop threatening her......anyway.....While he was at court-the biological womb for the 2 kids they have right now-came into the courtroom and gave the brother some papers and then walked out! Terry went out to talk to her-and she informed Terry that she is now living with Mark again and that she has an attorney????? Come on here! She is back with the guy who has beat the crap out of her more times than we can count-he threatened to kill you in front of the police-and they arrested him and charged him with assault etc- ON your behalf- he has said and done the worst things to you-and your gonna get back with him-and then-he cant stand Claire-he only wants Adrian-he has said before that Claire could stay with Mel and Terry, he just wanted Adrian-and Nancy said both or none. Holy Crap. Now-her parental rights have been terminated-and she didnt even want to know when court was-she didnt care. I believe Claire will be safe-BUT....I am scared. God, I am so scared, for those babies. For Mel and Terry. For the babies!~~~I cannot stomach the thought of them having to go back there. I cant. No one knows how bad their housing is-you wouldnt believe it. The roaches-the fact that Adrian was 6-7 months old and they fed him peanuts-PEANUTS!!! Then-Mark blamed Nancy-and Nancy blamed Mark-but the fact is-that they said they saw the other person give that baby peanuts-and your dumb*ss stood there and watched and it didnt occur to you to say-Hey, he CANNOT have nuts yet! HE is still a baby-babies arent suppose to have nuts or even peanut butter when they are that little....He didnt have teeth...and then, when he went to the bathroom (#2) he just screamed and screamed-he was in pain-it hurt him. Mel took him to the doctor the next morning-WITH the diaper and the doctor sent the stool sample off-and yep, nuts in his stool! Peanuts. People that stupid-shouldnt be allowed to raise farm animals-much less the leaders of our future! Those precious babies. Where are the state organizations?

Well, the division of Child Services called me like 2 weeks ago-and then the ladies boss called me-because they had been told that the kids were in the house (at Mels) unsupervised and there were drugs (Whatever!) so-they go out there, with the police-and what did they find? Children in the kitchen, with their parents-eating dinner. She took Claire in the other room to talk to her-and then it was over. Well, they keep getting calls-and they know the situation is bogus-so they are now calling me when they have been getting the calls-instead of going in and disrupting that house. I told her that I dont trust MY son to just anybody-and before they got the kids-Mel would come and get Jon and do stuff with him....and that he plays with Claire all the time, but that because of Mark-I dont let him go over there like he used to-because I never know if Mark is going to show up and what he will do-Mark is ruining their lives. I still hope and pray he will do some hard jail time-because Nancy will NEVER go after those kids by herself. Mark has her convinced that he wants to marry her and raise the kids as a perfect little family. GAG ME.

Please join me in prayer for this situation. Please. I have sent 2 emails out. One to GMA (good morning america) and one to our channel 12 here in our area-and asking WHY he keeps getting away with this crap. WHY he has had 13 DWIs....Why he has restraining orders ALWAYS and ALWAYS by different women-and he just keeps walking around terrorizing people... I do not understand-but I can tell you one thing-when it comes to the safety of those kids- I cant just sit here and think-well, whatever will be will be! We all know that too many kids get given back to their biological parents and something traumatic happens to them.

Which leads me into my next subject-when my ex left town-he had asked me to text or call Steph for him (he was SUPPOSE to pick her up from school Monday and take her out for a couple of hours and leave here at 7 pm) and tell her that he had to leave early and he was sorry. He loves her and wanted to give her another hug (gag me again)....I told him NO WAY- YOU call or text her-I AM NOT doing your dirty work you wuss (have to keep it clean-my verbage with him was NOT that nice)....so-yes, she had her meltdown, crying and boo-hooing and my life is horrible, yadi yadi yadi....Ok-so Darrel stands up-right to Stephanie and says-Your 17 years old-you should be used to this by now-look at me and Megan-ever since I dont have anything to do with Angie in my life and Megan doesnt have anything to do with Eric in her life-we are great- when are YOU going to learn? Frankly, I AM SICK of you taking it out on everyone around you when you should expect it and know better-but you treat MY mom like crap-because your dads a peice of crap and we are sick of it-just go to your room and I will do your chores so that we dont have to see you or hear you....I about fell off the couch! She told Darrel to go to hell and went in her room to feel sorry for herself. The funny thing is-Eric is not going to want her living with him. It takes up to much time-to give her attention for more than an hour or two. He cant handle it-so-I would almost take bets that since I told him that IF he moves back here, he better get a 2 bedroom because she WILL be living with him-no excuses, no nothing. I am packing her up and dropping her off on his front door-so I really dont expect them to move back this way. I can only hope.

I would like to ask for prayer for my family please. God knows what our needs are-they are all different, but from physical issues to emotional. Im including Megan and Aaron and my parents in that prayer request for my family. Ive already asked for prayer for Mel and her gang, including her extended family as well. There is so much going on. Im not sure where we will go now or what we will do-but I cant wait to get away for a couple of days. Maybe we will go into our woods and pitch a tent-LOL....no one would find us out there-if we didnt tell them we were out there.

Megan has finals this next week and is really stressed out- Stephanie has to do summer school or repeat some of her classes next year-and she is going to be a senior, so I am glad she chose summer school-but this stupid guy she keeps getting back with (Spencer-the liar from Carthage that treats her like crap)....I just want to pull every hair out of her head and HIS! I cant stand the creep.

Well, I am gonna get off here, get Jon-O into the shower and we are gonna get ready to go to town. We have some things to get done and then I am helping my parents today. My dad is really really sick-and moms got her hands full right now with Kenny and paperwork etc. SO-Im helping today and then I have 5 errands-and have to drive Steph to work tonite as well. YAY....

I am thankful that Traci is okay. I was praying for her-and Brenda-and our others who are having surgery or just recovering. We have our Vesta having her surgery tomorrow.....

**Jan-whats the latest we can plant our garden? IF I plant my elephant ear bulbs-will they bloom at all this year? Also-I know just to put hay or straw over the area for the winter- how far apart should I plant the bulbs? Thanks Thanks Thanks.

**Angy-Good Job with the weight loss-Im so happy for you!!! I will really try and get some time to answer your emails. Dont take it personally, this is the only thing I have been doing on the puter lately. Too much going on right now. Thanks for the compliment on my picture in my profile-I dont even look like that person anymore-I look more like my avatar pic-but about 40 pounds lighter than that pic and my face is smaller. Too many people now say I dont look healthy-my face is too skinny and so on-but I dont see that....I guess I didnt like myself for so long, that I just havent been able to cut myself any slack yet. I love the things I can do now-and I am so emotionally happy with what I can do-and accomplished, but not completely happy with how I look. Oh well, maybe one day-Im very comfortable at the weight I am now-so I am very happy in that aspect, wish I was comfortable in my skin though-feel like a Shar Pei dog-with rolls and rolls of loose skin.! LOL...

To everyone else- ALL my love and prayers to all of you-Janet

on 5/7/08 12:10 am - Friedheim, MO
Hi Girls!!!   Tomarrow I go for my colonoscopy, so you know what I'm doing today. . .liquid's all day, 32 pills and alot of .       Good lord I'm not looking forward to this.  But it's one of those things that I need to get done before surgery.  Needless to say I won't be leaving the house today.  I need to get laundry caught up & do some dusting.    It's getting dark outside, so I guess the storm is not far off.      Jan - I don't know what happened with the fish thing.  I love to watch surgery shows on tv, heck I used to work at a vet & help with surgeries.  But the fish cleaning just really stuck it to me for life.  I know. . .I'm weird.     I hope everyone has a great day!   Be safe!             Love, Angy


              Seminar 260   ~   Preop diet  248    ~   Surgery  235      
on 5/7/08 2:01 am - Wichita , KS
Good morning OH family!  Well, it was raining a little this morning on my way into work they say it's gonna rain more today...yuck!!! Today is my last day of work....YEAH!!!! I'm excited about the move but I still have a lot to do over the next week inorder to get everything ready for the movers on the 15th.  This may be my last post until I get moved and a little unpacked so if I dissapear for a week or a little longer don't be alarmed I will be back asap..... I have no new job yet in Wichita so after we get settled I will be looking for something, not sure what I want to do I thought working with animals but not in a vet setting would be fun and rewarding since I love animals.  I'm kind of burnt out on the office job I just have done office work for so long and only because of my weight I needed a sit down job now I don't feel I need a set down job as much since I have restored energy! Jan, my sister mentioned something to me yesterday which I never thought about until then but she said since I love to cook I should grow my own herbs how hard is that to do?????  I thought it was a good idea but I wasn't sure how to go about doing that?  Can you help? Well, I'm down 92 pounds only 8 more to go and I can join the century club!!!!!  I go see Dr. H on June 11th boy is that going to be a long drive from Wichita!!!!  It's already about 2 hrs. from KC and Wichita is 3.5 hrs. from KC so I'm not going to want to make that drive very often.  Maybe after this appt. I won't have to go back for a while? I'm going to the Dr. this afternoon to see if I can get a sleep study to decrease my cpap pressure and I have one of those annoying rashes that hurt so bad around my panty line and under tummy.  I want to see if my dr. can give me a Rx for something to clear it up cause it sure does hurt.  I usually use Monistat cream (the vaginal yeast infection cream) and most of the time that doesn't work real well especially if it's real inflamed.   I made some really good Romanoff for my sister last night.  It was really good I only ate about a Tbs. full cause I know better then to eat much pasta but she liked it.  She said she used to buy the kind in a box that you make but they no longer sell that so I found the recipe for it on the internet and surprised her last night.  I love to cook and make new things.  My oldest sister told me I should go to culinary (sp?) school I never thought about that I guess because I knew it required a lot of standing and at my before wls weight  I was too heavy to stand for long periods but now I feel as though I can do anything!  I might just have to look into that cause I think I would really enjoy that even if it's just a hobby. Question, is there going to be another OH reunion this year like you all had last year in Branson?  If so when and where?  I wanted to come last year but I didn't like the fact that it was at a resort that wouldn't allow you to bring your pets and I can't stand to be away from my babies so I'm hoping this year it might be somewhere where my babies can come if so I would love to come this year. Well, guess I better do a little work since it is my last day and all....lol Take care everyone and have a safe day.  

on 5/7/08 4:39 am - Kirksville, MO
Hey Jan and All,        Just wanted to check in and say Hi.Everything is going well. Except I am still stuck at 296-297, have been there since April 18th. Just can't seem to break it.I know i am not getting in enough protien. But it has gotten to the point that the shakes just turn my stomach everytime I try to drink one. And I don't get enough from food cuz I hardly ever eat.I don't know what to do.        I had told you about me going to Nebraska to see my kids. Well I went and was gonna stay about ten days. Well I was there about three days and my husband called and said his mother was in the hospital in Illinois with pnemonia(sp) and we needed to go there. So I came home early and we went there. She is doing fine now.        So since I didn't get to spend much time with my grandson, on April 27th I met them half way from thier house and got my grandsons. So I have had them since then and am meeting them again on Mothers day to return them.I have enjoyed vert much having them, but I now know why we have children in our twenties and not our forties!LOL They are wearing me out! At least its easier at 73 pounds less. I could have never kept up with them this long at my highest weight.       I go next Tuesday to my Dr. to see if I need another round of aquatic therapy for my lower back. It really seems to be helping so I hope she lets me continue with it.       Well gotta go, the boys are needing some attention. How all are doing good. Take Care and God Bless,Tammy V.      

My journey to live life to the fullest!!!


Nancy S.
on 5/7/08 8:54 am - Knob Noster, MO
What a day!  We had inspectors in today from Joint Commission (the health care rule nazis...lol) and i had the pleasure of taking one of them with me on a patient visit.  Man...I say again...what a day!  I got my garden in over the weekend.  I planted so much stuff.  If it all comes up and thrives I'm not sure what I'll do with all of it.  I planted one edge as my herb garden and put some lavendar on the ends.  I'm looking forward to that.  I planted nasturtiums on another side and marigolds on another.  If nothing grows in the middle at least I'll have a pretty box....LOL.  The last side has watermelon, acorn squash, and pumpkins.  The middle has the green beans, gr peppers, jalapeno peppers, asparagus, onions, strawberries, and tomatoes.  Whew....  I have the stuff to put up a critter fence but it has been raining so i haven't had a chance to get out there and do it.    Not much else is going on here but the rain.  The boys went to a royals game...for all i know it's been rained out.  They already had their tickets so they figured they should at least go up there and see for sure.  If nothing else they can go to the museum or something.  Who am i kidding??? They'll probably go to a sports bar or something and watch another team play.  Anyway...I am going to go relax and hide from my children for at least 30min.....wish me luck!  Hope everyone is well.

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