Osage Beach Support Group this Sat May 10th ALL WELCOME!!!
Hello Everyone!!!
I just wanted to remind you all that the 1st meeting of the Osage Beach Support Group will be meeting this Saturday May 10th @ Shoney's in Osage Beach near the Grand Glaze Bridge @ 2pm.
Directions from Camdenton:
Highway 54 east to 4717 Highway 54 on the left hand side after you cross over the Grand Glaze Bridge in Osage Beach.
Directions from Eldon:
Highway 54 west to 4717 Highway 54 on the right hand side after you pass Osage Beach Outlet Mall in Osage Beach.
When you go in just ask for the OH Support Group Meeting.
Hope to see you there!!! Bring a friend!!!
Shoney's Resturant
4717 Highway 54
Osage Beach, MO 65065
(573) 348-5753