
Susy most everyone has a stalled period between 3 and 6 weeks out. your body has been losing at a fast rate and it stops every once in a while to catch up with itself....the weight loss if graphed would look like a stair case not a down hill slide. when you arent losing weight you more than likely will be losing inches. Dont worry try to up your protein DRINKS and water, dont worry about food so much but your protein drinks. that is where you get your protein from. water helps your body flush out the toxins. you say you havent went overboard on the carbs and fat , just knpw that the more of them you eat the less room you have for your protein drinks. good luck it will start back up again and no it isnt the end of the easy losing part but will be if you eat carbs and fats.
Thank you Jan, I guess I just needed to hear it from an experienced someone, I don't know why I alway's have this negative attitude on weight loss, first (up until the day of surgery) I was positive something would happen and I wouldn't get to have it. Now that it's over, I feel like I will be the one that it doesn't work for....why is that? does everyone think that way? I wish there were more in the "white binder" about the mourning of food, I am embarrassed to admit it, but sometimes (and I am not hungry) I just want to eat so bad, I have even gone so far as to chew something up i'm not supposed to have and then spit it out!! I hope these feelings go away, i can't stand the thought of sabotauging myself, I used to think if I wasn't hungry it would be a peice of cake (lol) now I know there is a lot more to it, emotional eating is harder by far to give up than actual hunger, pre-ops please take note of this, i'm sure i'm not the only one ....right...?
I know exactually how you feel I just went through all that myself. Your right that little white binder that everyone is so thrilled to get does not tell you everything you need to know as they say it does. I morned food too and still do however it gets better because just keep in mind that even though you can't have something right now doesn't mean you'll never be able to have it because you will just not very much of it. I am 3 months out well about 3 months and 2 weeks and thankfully I haven't had a big stall but I know that some days I get on the scale and I may lose a pound or two then the next day I may gain a pound but then the following day I would lose the pound I gained and then some so I don't tend to get discouraged about a pound up. I have done what you have done chewed up something only to spit it out I still do that at times especially when I think it may not go down very well. I just continue trying new things and see what works for me and sometimes things don't work and I end up throwing up but I don't get discouraged I just think that maybe some day I'll be able to get it down. I have lost 91 lbs in 3 months and I drink a lot of fluids and eat very little. I do eat all kinds of things but only a few bites then I wait 40 min. after I eat then I start drinking again. I would make sure you drink a lot and if you can exercise but I don't exercise much I just ride my bike but I have started parking further away from doors to make me walk further little things like that will help get your exercise in.
Good luck and try not to get discouraged cause everyone is different and we all lose pases.
Oh are going through such a normal feeling... I went through a terrible mourning period over food. Now I pretty much accept it...for the most part anyway. I still have times when I want a certain thing really bad. Last week it was tacos. Keep in mind your body will hold onto whatever it doesn't think it is getting enough of. If it is calories you will hold fat...if it is water you will retain...that is why it is so important to get in enough water. As long as your body is expecting the right amount it won't have any reason to hold onto whatever it is getting. I also went through the period of thinking I would be the 1% that this surgery wouldn't work can't fail this....remember you have been given a great tool and it will work for you....I still struggle with that, but dear Jan reminds me that I will have ups and downs....I asked Dr H about the slowed weight loss and he said it would be in steps like Jan described. You have to play catch up sometimes. It gives your body a chance to shrink and lose inches. Keep the water going and keep the nutrition levels up with your protein drinks and you will be is physically impossible for you to fail at this point!!!!