Jan C.
on 5/5/08 2:09 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

 WOW wasn’t today great? Beautiful sun , no wind, just pure sunshine and no rain. I had to go give another vial of blood to the lab, seems they lost one to run the B-6 test and since they were doing all the others they wanted to do that one too.

Then when we got home we weeded two flower beds and I planted a bunch of impatients. Still have a flat of celosias to plant. And some more petunias. Trying to get the petunias bigger tho.

Then Joe and I went fishing. Didn’t catch anything but was a fun time. We laughed and had a good time. . Didn’t even get a bite. Darn. With the lake being so high it really hasn’t been good fishing at all. Really seems weird to be able to see the tops of the bluffs without leaning back to look up.


They are saying rain starting tomorrow sometime. Hopefully we wont have the storms along with it.


Traci where are you? I have emailed you on here and still no answer. I hope she isnt sick, Anyone out there know anything? If you have her phone number could you call her? I thought I had it but it isnt stored in my phone so I guess I don’t.


BRENDA::::::Hey great we get to see you two times in a row. Lol .well we certainly got out of the sweaters today. Altho I didn’t think it was hot. I worked right out in the sun most of the day and never even broke a sweat. Joe was sweating like a pig , so unusual for me and the way I use to be lol.


Like I said in your post last night it always seems like there are only a handful of people that want or are willing to do the jobs in church.

Someone will step up and help out hopefully , you don’t need to worry about it, your job after your surgery is to get yourself healthy.



SHEILA::::::I sure am sorry to hear that your head continues to roar. I know that has to be so distracting and awful. Did you find out anything else today? I sure hope you did and have some way of fixing it.

I didn’t know you had a cochlear implant, doesn’t that make you be able to hear? Do you not like it?

Take it easy and yes we will be praying for you.



BEV::::::wow it wont be long now till you quit your present job. Do you have another job lined up to go too? Gee whiz girl 91 pounds that is amazing, you will soon hit the one hundred mark.

Yes packing and moving is a huge job and the longer you have been in one place the worse it is. I try to go thru and get rid of lots of stuff every year but there is a certain amount of things you have gathered during the year that isnt things that you throw away. So it accumulates that is for sure.

So you already have a new house ? I know you are very excited ….If you already have a new job what is it?



TAMMY-AMMY:::::::how is your new job going? Hope you like it.

Will keep your son and all your children in my prayers.


I know what you mean about going to church. Joe and I use to go all the time and when we moved out here it is so far that we use that as an excuse which really doesn’t work as an excuse really.  But that is what we say . Would love to get back again .


I will talk to Sugar and see if she would like to do this, if not this year next year for sure. So does it start on Friday the 30 or Sat the 31st? I know she would have to be back home on Sunday morning , she teaches Sunday school.

We may just do that and would welcome the offer to stay all night with you.




VESTA:::::wow just 2 more days till your plastic ? I would be so excited if I were you. Yea!!!!! Gonna have that girlish figure back huh?

Oh how great that you found great hardwood floors in the old house you bought. Isnt that something how things have gone full circle again. started out hardwood floors and then carpet came out and all the rage to put it wall to wall, now people are taking out the carpet and throwing it away and finding hardwood floors again.

What is new is old and old is new.

That would be great to have you at the next meeting up here. And bring a bunch of your people. I am so glad your meeting down there is going well.

I have sent Traci private messages and all and so far she hasn’t answered back , That is sad when someone loses contact with us like that.

Will see what I can come up with for seeds ok?




JANET:::::::lol I could just see those crazies when all of those bikers walked in with them.

Did you get your appointment made for surgery yet? If they didn’t call you back today please recall them in the morning. You really need to have that done.


Oh what a crappy thing to happen on the hunting trip. That is so sad. Was this the last week end for turkey season?




JENNIFER::::I guess they are saying that , that just happens sometimes with the band, I hope you get it resolved soon.

I miss seeing you at the support meetings. Wish you would come back.

Where did you go on vacation? Tell us all about it please.  

Hope to see you soon.


CHRISTINE::::::great that you made it all day without cheating lol that is what they say that it gets easier after the 3rd day, who ever they are. Lol ???

Keep up the good work, and remember to keep your eyes on the prize…

Love you










Sheila H.
on 5/5/08 10:02 pm - Marshfield, MO

morning Jan and OH peeps well i went back to the Dr yesterday morning and of course its still alergys but meds should be working so they tell me to make a appt with the cochlear implant Dr....the fastest i can get in is may 22nd OMG!!! i cant do this 16 more days im about to lose it....yesterday afternoon me and my daughter Traci decided i needed to go to ER so off we go....was 2 people there when we got there and hrs later i still hadnt gotten in...so we came home...she is 8 1/2 mos preg so i said lets go....she is gonna try calling Dr this am and see if maybe changing meds or some thing will help...be4 sat it just came and went on and off thru day but since sat its stays 24/7 and its very ANNOYING and making me dizzy..i just have to sit still and try not to move.....and all i wanna do is be OUTSIDE and i cant... and now they r syaing rain rest of week YIKES

yes the cochlear implant helps u to hear but i lost my outside piece a yr ago ( long story)

anyway hopefully Dr will do some thing today...tks

hugs and love


deb C.
on 5/5/08 11:17 pm - Lake of the Ozarks, MO

Hello Jan and everybody.  I'm glad you mentioned impations, that may be just what I need for a couple of spots I've been trying to figure out how to fill.   My tomataos I had potted were looking bad so anticipating root rot  or over fertilization I decided to repot the last night.  I discovered that the biodegradable pots that they cam in were not biodegrading.  the tomatos were root bound.  Lesson learned.  I tore off the pots and repotted the  and they look great this am. Not looking forward to rain all week.  The moss on the pond keeps growing and without three sunny days in a row we can't treat it.  We haven't had three sunny days all spring! Today is grocery shopping day--ugh. Hugs, Deb

on 5/5/08 11:24 pm - Friedheim, MO
Hi Girls!!!   Yesterday was BEAUTIFUL!!!   I spent most of the day outside.  I'm still doing good on  my diabetic diet.  Down from 260# to 255# since Friday.  Plus my daughter & I have been walking everyday, I'm trying to get in better shape before surgery, cause I know that will help my recovery. Lynn just called & said that it's not supposed to rain untill tommarow. (I hope he's right)   We have all of our planting & mowing done, so nothing really to do outside.  We have a hammock swing out in one of our big trees.  Maybe I'll grab a book and go out & relax & read.  I have work to do inside, but with our freaky weather, if it's nice we had better take advantage of it. Jan - Sounds like you had a GREAT day yesterday.  I haven't been fishing in years.  I like to fish but don't like to eat 'em.  Watched my mom clean catfish one time & it really grossed me out & I just cant hack it anymore.  I know, its a psycological thing, but that's all I picture in my mind when I try to eat it. Janet - How are you feeling?  I haven't talked to you in a few days.  Hope your daughter's award ceremony went well. Christine - How's it goin'?  I think about you so much on this liquid diet.  Hope you're still doing well.  Stay positive!  I'll all be worth it in the long run. I hope everyone has a GREAT Tuesday!                                       Love you all,   ~ Angy


              Seminar 260   ~   Preop diet  248    ~   Surgery  235      
on 5/5/08 11:46 pm - Diamond, MO

Dear Jan and OH Peeps~

Where is everyone? Wow-the board was slow yesterday and only one has posted on your Whats Happening so far today-thats wild. I hope and pray everything is okay with Traci. Usually she is on here, and its been days!!!

Yesterday I did call the dr ofc and no rtn call. If they dont call me today by noon, I WILL call them back. I have a lot of things to do today, and its raining to beat the band out there AND we are expected to get some severe weather this afternoon and again tomorrow.....Mom (Mikes mom) and I were just saying that we should start painting the pool yesterday and then I heard the news and weather.......No, glad I didnt start, but I sure wanted to. I think we are just going to buy some tarps and put them from one fence line to the other and hope it will work-this every other day rain is for the birds and at this rate-we will end up letting it go like we did last year out of sheer frustration-and then the pool looks all patched up and different colors-and doesnt look very nice. Which-when its 90 out and hotter than hell-I dont personally care WHAT it looks like-it holds water and the pump works-but it just will look nicer......

I am really feeling the affects of that fall on Sunday! Mike has been hooked up to his knee contraption-it pumps cold ice water through it-and squeezes the knee-it pumps and its really theraputic. He has hurt both of his knees and I fear that IF he puts off HIS surgeries on his knees much longer, he will be looking at knee replacements just like me. Dang it. He always feels so much pressure from work since he is manager and they rarely have any help for him that he can rely on! The really sucky thing is that they hired this guy 2 months ago-and when they hired him, he stated that he already had his Disney vacation paid for the end of May first week in June-so they, of course, gave him that time off-not paid though, as he is not eligible for paid vaca yet. This gentleman has worked in copiers for over 10 years and Mike says he can do the job IF he wanted to-but he is lazy AND he wants to argue with Mike at every turn-AND he wanted Mike to trade him work vehicles so HE would have the brand new HHR and Mike would have the older work truck-the boss said NO WAY...Mike said I dont care-and they said- WE DO...You have worked here 12 years and IF anyone deserves the new car its Mike, not some whiney baby who has been there 2 months....I agreed. Well, to get to the point-they have found out that after the vaca-he is not even coming back to work-he is quitting and he hasnt said a word to them. So-now Mikes boss said that Mike HAS to take a week off before David goes.....Which-our kids arent out of school yet-they get out the Thurs of the week Mike gets off. That sucks. Geez. I mean, I am glad that at least they are making Mike take the time, because ordinarilly he just doesnt get a vaca-but-its just not good timing for us. My dad is mad because he wants me to work in the office that week so he and my mom can go away and Mike told him no. He has had me reserve time 2 different times in the past-so he and mom can go for a week or two-and then he spends all their money at the casino-and they leave for one or two nights and then come back and it ruins my schedule-but he just expects it-but I told him that he would probably need to go the week after if he needed me to help-since he is flexible, since HE is the manager and his boss doesnt care what he does-and Mike doesnt have a say-it is what it is. If he doesnt like it-I just dont know what to say-LOL..

My kids had the hysterical giggles last night-when I was sitting on the heating pad after dinner and Darrel asked if my back was hurting-and I said yeah, a little, from the fall while me and dad were hunting-and I said, the worst part about the fall-for me-was that I landed in cow crap-and they asked what part of my body-and I said MY WHOLE RIGHT SIDE! They were rolling on the floor-and I had to sit in that dang hunting blind smelling myself ALL morning! I was so disgusted with myself. Yes, those of you who know me-know that IF it CAN happen, IT WILL happen to me! Thats why Im extra careful with the shotgun, cause it scares the crud out of me-and yes, it was strapped TO ME when I fell-I fell right on it-so glad that it wasnt loaded at the time!

All of our kittens eyes are open now-they are so adorable-each of my 3 kids at home wants to keep one-ARGH...NO, NO, NO!!!! No MORE CATS here-we have cats all over-and yes, they are great hunters-but no more! They are gonna be so sad when its time for them to go!

I got a text from Mel last night that Adrian was running a really high temp. It did go down, but he sure didnt look sick or anything yesterday-have no clue what was wrong with the little guy-please say some prayers that he will be doing much better today. Could I also ask for prayers on their adoption-the court appointed child person Lay asan (sp is wrong I know) she did the home study yesterday and she acted like she was on Marks side and told Mel and Terry that she didnt think they would be keeping Adrian since Marks parental rights were never permanently terminated and that he wants his son back. PLEASE GOD-do NOT take that child and give him back to Mark-he will NOT have a good life. He wont. He had roaches in his bassinet at Marks house-Marks house, when you would open a cabinet-would have 50 roaches all over-nasty, nasty, nasty!!! Mel has pics and the welfare has been out there-and inspected-and let it go after 6 months-and the outside is like a junkyard. There is no where for a kid to play thats safe, there is junk everywhere-and our STATE ATTORNEYS office-Jay Nixon or Nixa-has a case against Mark-and Mark is being fined 10 grand PER DAY, for every day his place is that junked up-and yet-he is over half a million dollar in fines-and he keeps getting away with it! He gets away with everything. I am just praying that one of the bigger cases that he has against him-FINALLY pays off and they put that POS in jail for a long period of time-so that there will be no question where that baby will be-thats the only way Adrian is ever going to be safe! Please join me in prayer-I fear that really is the only way they will be able to keep him.

**Jan, Yes I called to make my appt-and I am still waiting for a call back~

There is one more weekend for turkey hunting-they extended it a week due to the population. Dont think I am going to get one this year. Oh well, its been enjoyable and I have learned alot with the experience. Love spending the time with Mike and when I get that adraneline ru****s pretty neat.

We havent gotten to plant in our garden yet-hope they saved us some space-because the kids have been at school or doing extra carricular things when they have been out there planting-so we plan on doing ours this weekend, providing its not raining-Ive heard rain on Sat on one channel, but not on another-who knows? Im sure it will rain since its the last sat for hunting!

I thought of you and Joe yesterday because some of the bikers have trikes. I could see you and Joe all decked out in your leather and all-Woo Hoo.....I love a man in leather and biker boots-LOL....I think I will buy them for Mike-and he can get the bike whenever-LOL...Just kidding (maybe)...

**Sheila-Im praying for ya sweety. I would hate to hear that all the time or get dizzy. I sure hope they will do something for you! Please keep us posted. Love ya. Hope to see ya soon and BE CAREFUL with that getting dizzy all the time!~

**Vesta-thanks for the prayers-it means a lot to me. I am also keeping you in my prayers and I know your surgery will go off perfectly-and you will do great. We have awesome prayer warriors here and we are praying for you! Love ya.

**Brenda-its so good to see you on here. We sure miss you when you arent here. I am praying that your surgery goes perfect and that your recovery is speedy and uneventful. Wish I lived closer to you so we could help you out! I would even sing in front of people-JUST for you! I bet that they would be volunteering to help then-just so they dont have to listen to me anymore!!! I pray all is going well with Dennis too! Is it your grandaughter, Sydney thats graduating this month??

**Bec-thanks for the email about the elephant ears-I will definitely get them at WalMart and save almost $10 PER elephant ear!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. I love you so much and you are such a sweet person-I just cant wait to give you a hug-and spend some time in your presence!

Has anyone heard from Deb M? Deb D? Brenda N? Traci? Where are you all? Our MIAs- Come on now-post and let us know your okay...If your a lurker-we would LOVE to see you post here and get to know you.....We love our newbies-it makes the world go round-LOL....Seriously though, we are so loving here-and we remember how you feel-we have been there and we can give you advice and/or just listen....give us a chance!

Well, Im gonna get, while the gettin is good. My phones been ringing off the hook today-but none of the calls have been from my doctors office...Crapola!~ Prayers and love to ALL of you-no matter what your need is-I pray a blanket prayer over this board and my peeps! Love you all!~ Janet

Christine F.
on 5/6/08 12:44 am - Whiteman AFB, MO
Good Morning!  Today is my 5th day of liquid diet.  I can't believe that my surgery is only 9 days away!  I don't have classes today, so I'm going to spend the day in comfy clothes, dividing my times between getting caught up on my homework and cleaning the house.  Finals start on Monday and I've got to get everything done and turned in for grading... I thought now would be a good time to get my house cleaned up, with finals next week, I'll be taxed when I get home and then surgery will leave me pretty tired for a week so I wont get much done then.  Ok, there's a lot to get done, so I better get started.  I hope everyone has a great day!!  Take care! ~Christine


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