Jan C.
on 5/4/08 2:20 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Sunday was a beautiful day, we didn’t get frost here after all. Thank You Jesus. …

My flowers are doing really well seems like I think that after last year and not getting to bloom , a lot of them didn’t bloom at all. they have saved up all their energy to produce bigger and brighter blooms. Some of my iris that are blooming have blooms on them about 6 inches across and so bright.

My peony that my daughter gave me on mothers day a few years ago , it never has bloomed but this year is loaded with buds, it is a red one, I know it will be beautiful .

All the little vinca plants that Michele planted for me last week all seem to be doing well and growing. I hope to be able to get my tomatoes out this next week if the temps will start staying above 50 at night will be time to plant them otherwise it is too cold at night for them to grow.

Joe tilled up a new flower bed for me all along the front of the guest house. It is always shady there no sun at all so planted lots and lots of Impatience seeds there. Will have to keep it moist till they come up.    



TAMMY-AMMY:::::::sounds like you had some fun at those garage sales. I love doing that but way out here and as high as gas is I don’t get to do them very often anymore.

The 100 mile sale is that the one they have on tv once in awhile? That just looks like so much fun. I might get my sister to come with me and us do that some time. She loves garage sales too.

I hope your meetings get bigger each month. it will happen just hang on .



ANGY:::::oh good another gardener?    Wonderful. Hope your garden does well this year. Looks like a lot of people might need to grow one if the economy doesn’t improve.



CHRISTINE:::::Just keep on keeping on and as I tell everyone Keep your eyes on the prize. It does get easier the farther you go on the liquid diet. I just don’t understand the slim fast idea tho. Why not a good protein shake instead. They are lower in calories and higher in protein. Seems like it would be better for you,.

Wont be long now you know. 10 more days????




JANET:::::oh I bet you were such a proud mama with Steph getting her award weren’t you?

So what did the ex have to say in front of her about her moving in with him ? what did she say?

I am so glad that you are calling TODAY to make that appointment. You will be so surprised about how well you feel afterward. Wish you could get the other done at the same time .



NUTTI:::::I thought you looked really good the other night . You look a whole lot smaller than what you say you wear. I would imagine that you like anyone that has lost that much weight have a lot of apron to get rid of and that will make you go way down in size when that is removed. 

Oh wow the camping sounds great. Where will you all go to camp?

Joe and I use to love doing that but neither of us could or would do it I don’t think any more.



BRENDA  M.;;;;so good to see you on again. Yes that is always the way about a lot of people in the church . they are observ ers .

Boy it isnt long till your surgery is it? Are you ok with it? I don’t have any great words of wisdom since I have never been there except I will pray that God guides the hands of the surgeon and will bring you thru with a much improved back.

Love you God Bless you.



And love all of you

GOD BLESS         




Brenda Minks
on 5/4/08 2:58 pm - Silva, MO

So Jan I am glad your flowers are surviving the cold and frost. I do wonder when we will get out of the sweater and furnace weather.... burrrrrr!! Well Jan I don't know why I didn't just wait and post on Monday's  post instead of Sundays? I guess I had'nt realized how late it was. lol   So I thought I would cheat and use what I posted a little while ago.  We had church this  morning and then  went to a funeral this afternoon  Was a brother of a friend. Other than that just pretty much did nothing else.  I talked to some in church this morning about somebody  being ready to  fill my place in church, because after my back surgery I won't be at church  for a few Sundays. It seems to me as a preacher's wife that we have to  wear a lot of different hats in church. I am the adult Sunday School teacher, song leader and most of the time I am the only one singing specials. So somebody has got to step up and  do some of these things, and it's not  like we don't have anyone to do it, it's just the ones that can do it - won't.

So now I will get off my soap box. I pray the Lord will bless you all today.

Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right..
Forget about the one's who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason. 
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.

If it changes your life, let it. 
Nobody said life would be easy,

they just promised it would be worth it.




Sheila H.
on 5/4/08 8:53 pm - Marshfield, MO

Good Morning

 Yes it was a beauitful day i ended up having to stay in the house ALL day...roaring and humming or whatever u wanna call it..im at the end of my rope...i will go to work this morning only becos i cant use the phone then i will have my supervisor call the Dr and DEMAND some thing has to be done....im wondering now if its some thing to do with my cochlear implant cos its on same side Dr said i had the eustacian tube disfuction.. cos the implant spot feels  swollen some what...so i dug out the Drs name and nmbr that usually works with implant patients...since i lost my out side piece about a yr ago...maybe not using it is affecting it? I know you all probably think ive gone crazy but its been 4 weeks of this and some thing is wrong...so PLEASE say a prayer i find the answer today to my problem. Im kinda scared that its some thing major...thank you..will post what i find out if i find out anything... and god bless you all... love and hugs


on 5/4/08 11:41 pm - Wichita , KS
Good morning OH friends!  I had to be at work this morning at 7:30am can't believe Wed. is my last day here doesn't seem possible after 5yrs but I am ready for a change, change is good! I got on the scale this morning and I am now down 91 lbs in a little over 3 months can't believe I have lost so much....only 9 lbs more until I'm in the onelander(sp?) club.  I found some cute tops at Walmart the other day for a dollar a piece couldn't pass that up and one for $3 I even got a few size smaller then usual so that's a good thing. I'm still packing what a big job that is.  Trying to find someone to help us move kind of hard when there isn't very many men in your family might have to hire a moving company which is sooooooo expensive they want at least $1200 that's to start with.  I'm trying to get 2 of my nieces husbands to do the job and earn a little money but not sure if they want to do it or not there's only one that is allowed to drive the other has a suspended license.  Moving day is next Thurs or Fri. so don't have much time to find someone.   My oldest sister keeps telling me she doesn't want me to move but I told her it's not forever and this way she could have some place to go to get away from her family when needed.  She says it's boring now and if I leave it's going to be worse.  I told she was the only one who could change that if she is so bored she needs to do something about it.  She hates change but most people do but what people don't realize is that when cange comes about it's a God thing and God knows what's best for us change is good it enriches our lives. I went garage saling Sat. found some cool things for our new house.  I got some greenery and fake plants (probably kill real ones!  lol) to brighten the house up.  I found some kitchen apple things (my kitchen is apples) as if I needed more apples.....I know I'm strange but I found my puppy a kids rocking chair made out of wood with hand carved bears on the sides it's very cute and my dog loves to sit in chairs I haven't showed it to him yet I put it in storage until we get moved.  I also got a cool rotiron thing (can't explain it but it looks like two magazine racks one on top of the other?????) well, anyway I got a can of paint and I'm going to paint it red and put it in my kitchen (will go with the apple theme) and I'm going to put like my veggies/fruit in it I think it will be cute..... I'm so excited about the new house cause I haven't had a place to call my own for 8 yrs now and all my things have been in storage so I haven't seen most of my things for 8 yrs so this is going to be so much fun!  Oh, and to also be able to have a craft room in my house something I've always wanted I just can't wait.....:) Well, I hope everyone is having a wonderful Monday take care and be safe!

Tammy H.
on 5/5/08 12:12 am - Holcomb, MO
Morning Yall... Got to get on the run this morning....But wanted to stop by and ask prayer for my boy....He is leaveing for Alabama today. His crew for the roofing company he works for is going down to roof a college......He's going to be 19 in Aug and been off away from home before but I'm a worry wart...lol lol.... And my lil Princess could use a prayer too....Her moms going to have to put off her ear surgery again cause she has bronchitus. Poor things been up the past 3 nights coughing her head off...She thinks going to bed is making her cough and don't want to go get in her bed..lol lol lol.... Been saying I was going to go to church but just keep putting it off.....Was going all the time until about a year or so ago and then started letting everything get in the way. Didn't get up in time to get around and go yesterday morn so I decided I would just go for evening church service.......I was in shock....SOME OF THEM DIDN'T RECOGNIZE ME!!  I know that 180lbs can make a big difference in a person, but I sure didn't think I acutally looked totally different lmbo...... Jan....You and Sug would love the 100 mile yard sale.....There is nothing you can't find!....All the towns along hwy 25 have yard sales and there are yard sales all along the hwy.....And some people save up their stuff until than for a better chance of getting rid of it all and they don't want to have to take it back home, so they sell it really cheap....They year Ada was PG with Christa I got tons of baby stuff and 60% of it was name brand...like old navy and etc. I probably got a total of 2-30gal trash bags full for her and my sisters daughter and I only spent like $50...... It's always done on Memorial day weekend, so there are tons of people that go to it cause alot of people have that weekend off....Maybe you can plan ahead of time to do it next year and yall are more than welcome to stay with me if you want.... I can promise lots of noise and action lol lol....Memeber I got 4 kids and three of them with bf's or gf's...A lil Princess and an Angel on the way...So it's hardly ever boring around my place....But we got clean beds and always got food.....I can even make room for a camper if yall have one. And if you feel adventureous....I got a three room tent..... LMBO!!!!!! Janet......IT'S MONDAY...DON'T FORGET YOUR MAKING AN APPOINTMENT FOR THE DOCTOR..... I know, I'm picking on you...But I worry about you!!!! You have had to let some of that stuff go waaaaayyyyyy tooooooo long!!! I want you to get it taken care of and get to feeling better....Besides I'm older than you member....Big Sis's are suppose to look out for lil Sis's!!!! Mel....MY PRAYERS ARE WITH YOU GUYS TODAY SWEETIE!!! I can not wait to get a phone call really soon with you saying those babies are yalls!!!!!.....When they get older and realize the fight yall have put up for them to keep them out of the crappy life they came from....they are going to be soooo thankful.....And it is going to be such a blessing for them to be able to live in a home with soooo much love!!! Bev....I just might take you up on your offer when I come to Columbia....I sometimes take the transit bus. But the lady I like to drive me has had to retire, so I am driving myself if nothing happens between now and then....And I may make the trip alone this time.....With my drive being 6hrs each way, the wait at the doctors office and then labs & etc, sometimes my trips to Columbia are 15-20hrs long! Needless to say when I go and come back in the same day I am poop'ed big time the next day......I will know more about what I'm going to do when it gets closer to time.... If any of my Angeletts are lurking....DROP ME A LINE!!! I have been wondering about you guys and wondering how yall are doing.....Hope all is well and hope all three of you are big loosers....lol lol.... Well got to get off here and get around....It's about time to take my son to his drop off point....Where I'm taking him is only about 10 miles from where my best friend lives and we haven't got to visit in about 4 mo or so, so I am going to go spend the after noon with her. I hope you all have a wonderful and Blessed Monday Luv & Hugs....Tammy~ammy





















 ~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
   Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
   Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!

on 5/5/08 4:39 am - pomona, MO

Hello Jan and board, ever one remember me in their prayers for thursday, I am kinda scared, I will be glad to get it over with. I got a surprise Saturday, when we were stripping carpet, and linolium off the floor in the old house we bought , under the layers was beautiful hardwood floors I could not believe it ,I love treasures like that..lol  I will be glad when we hear from Mel. I think today was court, I have been praying for her as well as Tammys family, Janets and her family, and Brendas surgery, and all the forum that needs prayers. Jan save me some seeds I dont care what kind..I am going to try my best to come to the next meeting, I think a couple of friends are going to come with me..We have got a nice meeting here someone new each week we are suppose to have about 8 new ones at the next meeting that will make us over 20, we are having snacks at the next one.. Wheres Traci? I havent saw her on here in a couple of days unless I just missed her.. Everyone have a wonderful day because it is suppose to rain tomorrow........vesta


on 5/5/08 6:21 am - Diamond, MO

Dear Jan and OH Peeps~

What a Monday it has been....Pretty good one, so far-I must say-and I had so much fun this morning at court.....What a blast to watch the BIL and his ex wife-and scumball just like him-squirm-and they were squirming. Little BIL couldnt stay off his cell phone and rarely made eye contact-and you can bet every time he did look our direction-someone was staring him down-he knew that there were a LOT of people-who werent playing games no more-and that he didnt want to be on the wrong side of this bunch...There was something like 15 Bikers-all decked out in their chaps and leather jackets and vests-and all had the patches on for the children. BACA. Bikers Against Child Abuse. A VERY intimadating group if I must say so myself!!!!! Mark would really be off his rocker if he kept it up...... I was so proud to shake hands and hug these men and women. What a difference they make in so many peoples lives-and as a survivor of EVERY kind of abuse you can think of-as a child-I know that I wished there would have been organizations like that for me and my brother when we were growing up-I am passionate about helping them with fundraisers and would LOVE to get a bike and become a part of their organization. Will see.

They ALL came into the actual courtroom with us. They took up two whole long rows of seat-like pews. I was by the wall-and I couldnt shut up-that dink got up on the witness stand and lied his *SS off!! Then he started to cry and I was like-go to California and be on All My Children you freaking faker-your pathetic-and then he didnt realize he wa****ting Mel because his glasses were broke and he was just swinging his arms-he actually told the judge that he thought that Terry was the one who hit Mel in the face with a shovel~~! I was like-you LYING SACK OF *HIT......The BILs Ex wife (the scumball) was sitting behind me over one so when I would turn to look at the Biker sitting next to me-I could see her and every time I made a comment about Mark-she was sitting there staring at me-and I stared her down and said he was pathetic and what a liar he was and I wondered WHY so many women let that PO**** them and abuse them? After MEL AND TERRY WON- THEY HAVE A YEAR OF ORDER OF PROTECTION. We know Mark will do what he wants-but at least this will give them the right to have HIM ARRESTED IF he messes with them. So-When Mark was up on the stand lying-he contradicted his story in so many different places it wasnt funny-and the judge already knew he was a liar-so when Mel and Terry wanted to ask questions he told them no-and we were all kind of getting upset-well, he said no-because he already made up his mind and knew he was ruling in their favor-afterwards-he told Mel that we shouldnt have any problems leaving the building today with the group we had protecting us (no crap!!) Well-we were waiting for our paperwork that was signed by the judge and so on-and Mark and Ester had to wait as well- I was like-I need to go have a cigarette after 15 minutes or so and I look over and Mark and Ester are walking down the stairs (elevator broken-3rd floor we were on) Ok-so I had been saying I wanted him to start with me....well-there was a policer officer behind Mark and Ester-then there was me. We get down the 3 flights of stairs-and there are members of the BACA in every corner of the courthouse-I looked up and said-I didnt see you guys come past me (They didnt pass me on the stairs) and he said-its our job to protect you too-your with the family, right? Yes-but.....WOW!! Thanks. Then, at the bottom of the stairs Mark looks up and says-thanks for walking me down here officer. I appreciate it. I was like WHAT? YOU *USSY....WHATS WRONG? "YOU" CANT INTIMIDATE THEM TODAY? WAAA WAAA-HAHAHAHAHAHA..... jerk-and wouldnt you know it-they walked the opposite way of me-and the BACA members where they were standing. I LOVED IT...He was crapping his pants when he realized those bikers were with Mel and Terry! IT WAS AWESOME....IM ON A HIGH!!!!

The unfortunate thing is that the desperation is going to get worse and worse now. Because of the fact that his dad and Adrian both reside at the address that Mark is NOT allowed to visit. I am still worried-but not as bad as before because of the fact that they now have the stun guns, the alarm system and mace. Its going to be okay. Maybe by the end of summer all this other crap will be okay? Maybe, just maybe?

Well, Sunday was the perfect hunting day and we were out-bad start to the day tho-hit a bunny on our way out there-tried to swerve and miss it-and it moved same time! Darn it-then got almost to our spot and where we had to cross the river-I tripped over a log and fell-right in cow manure and mud. Yep-I was so freaking happy. Now I am bound and determined even more than ever to get my turkey....We were calling them in and we had 3 coming-and your NOT going to believe this-but a pack of wild dogs or dogs that had packed up together anyway-all the sudden are right there and they are going nuts-ALL birds, turkeys and you name it left-flew away. Mike and I just packed our stuff up and headed home. We knew with those dogs going there and being right there like that-we werent going to get anything the rest of the day-darn it.

**Jan-Yes I did say that Stephanie was living with him WHEN and IF he moves back-Im sick of all of the mind games and then the mental anguish we all go through here-and Eric didnt say a word and Adam said-Okay, she can....Yep, you bet she can, you dont really have a choice. He was suppose to pick her up from school today and tell her goodbye-and of course, he texts ME and says he had to leave early and tell Steph goodbye for him and that he loves her and would love to hug her but had to go-and I was like-NO butthole-you call her or text her yourself. I AM NOT doing your dirty work-dink~ and the house is supposedly being closed on in 2 weeks. Will believe it when I see it. Not until. ALthough he called the state of MO for the child support to ask them to release the lien on his house and they told him that the funds must be paid BEFORE they will release the lien and he said well, HOW I am I suppose to sell the house then? And the lady told him at closing they will cut us a check and he will get the balance and he said-Well, I am the one just signing the deed over-we arent using a closing company and she said-well, then you will have to send the funds in first. YAY...Was so happy about that. I knew if they would release it first-we wouldnt ever see our money.

I did call the doctor and am waiting for a call back to get my gb surgery over and done with. Yes, I truly wish both were being done at once-would be awesome, but dont think I will be successful with that. So-doing gb first since its most threatening. Hope, so hope that I will NOT gain weight when its fixed......Like where I am at too much now!~

To everyone-Love and Prayers to ALL of you-I miss being on the board when I am not here-and I do pray for all of you. Vesta-Your gonna do great with your surgery and yes, the next time I am in West Plains-your stuck with us for a bit so we can all get together. We miss you. Is surgery in SPringfield? Angy-Congrats on the weight loss-its only going to get better *and harder* but you can do it darlin!~! Brenda-Your in my prayers too-I wish I did live closer to help you out-although, Im sure your church congregation wouldnt want to hear me sing!! LOL.. I cant carry a tune for anything. Bev-good luck on your move! Congrats on your weight loss!~ Tammy-your such a silly woman!~ Cant believe you would think you hadnt done good enough in your weight loss so far! Good thing your far enough away that my foot cant meet your butt! Love ya and proud of you. NOW-be good to yourself.

See ya all tomorrow! Gotta get and get some laundry done and relax a bit havent been home too long! Love ya-Janet

on 5/5/08 12:35 pm - Republic, MO

hey all, I'm surviving.  I am up 5 pounds since my band is not working.  The doctor's office is still not sure who is going to pay for it to be fixed.  We know that I am not paying for it nor my insurance so now they are stumped.  It has been a month and I am about to get nasty with them.   I know I don't post much but I do read.  Haven't been working with the trainer for about 3 weeks due to vacation (which was AWESOME) but we start back on Wednesday.   I am glad to hear everyone is doing okay and, man, is there a lot of new members.  How wonderful. 

Everyone keep up the good work and hollar if you need anything. 


Christine F.
on 5/5/08 1:36 pm - Whiteman AFB, MO
I made it all day today without cheating!  I didn't have anything other than my slimfast!!!  Yesterday a had a half a banana, but I didn't get in all of my slimfasts either... today I got in all 5 and I chewed some gum I'm very happy and proud of myself.  It's day 3 so it's supposed to get easier from here on out.  I hope so!  Have a good Tuesday e1! Christine


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