Hey what do you know this week has two Sundays in it LOL. Those senior moments come in handy sometimes. We just change days anytime we want to. Sounds good to me how about you?
I fretted and fussed all day yesterday(the first Sunday) because they kept saying possible frost good grief what kind of weather is this. Must be what they call black berry winter.
Good thing when I packed away winter clothes I kept out a couple of things that could be worn to stay warm if days like that happened.
Joe spend all day in his newly cleaned out workshop piddiling, I had an old chair in my garden that had the seat out , I put a dishpan of Hens and chicks in it. Well weather and age got to it and it was coming apart at all the joints, he took it into the workshop and glued it all back to gether. He had such a good time that he could do it in there without falling over everything.
Other than that and putting up some metals poles in the ground around the iris to drape sheets over to keep possible frost off them that is all we did. Oh yeah cleaned the house , swept and mopped the floors did 2 loads of laundry and then took a nap in the afternoon. I always feel so much better if I take a nap but most of the time I don’t allow myself to do it.
We really have had a flurry of surgeries this past month haven’t we? Wow.
TAMMY-AMMY::::::: Well what did you get a butt chewing out about? Lol
I sure hope that Janet gets an appointment soon too to remove the gall bladder. I know she will feel lots better. Wish she could get both surgeries done at same time.
Tammy did you see the lady that was asking if there was a support meeting over in S.E. Mo here while back ? like one day last week I think.
Oh wow did you get anything neat in the city garage sale? Those are always such good things to go to.
That size reduction is really great, keep up the good work.
VESTA::::::sshhhhhhhs don’t tell about our senior moments. Lol
I have been out all day sitting up some thing that I can use to cover all my iris and their buds up. Something that wont touch them as that will break them off too.
They are saying frost but I sure hope we don’t get it cause I have a lot that had buds on it without having blooms yet. And no way of covering them anyway.
I GUESS I really confused everyone today , so much so only 2 posted but We are right today. I looked and checked …it is Sunday May 4 th ? right/
~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!

Dear Jan and OH Peeps~
Just poppin in for a second to say hi and to let you know Im alive and kickin OR kickin to stay alive-LOL....
I have been so busy since Friday that I am catching myself coming and going between all the kids schedules and misc crud I have had to do!!! In a couple of minutes I have to go get Stephanie from work in Joplin, stop home long enough for her to change her clothes and load up everyone else than we are headed to Crowder College where she is receiving an award for her art and poetry! Im so excited. I really wanted to get over to Mels today because the Bikers Against Child Abuse is going to be there-and I want to meet them and shake their hands. Anyway-then tomorrow morning is court. Not sure, but I hope and pray that I can go with them TO COURT-because the BACA group is going!!! I want to see that POS BIL face when we ALL walk in there! BUT-If I am needed to watch the kids-than thats where I will be-because thats the most important thing-are the kids-right?
Please keep Theresa (mels mom-my adopted mom) in prayer-please keep Mel in prayer too-for her health. Her doctor took her off her meds and so she is really not doing good! I would also like to ask for prayer for my daughter Stephanie. Man, I hate to go into all this crap again, but I will say that she started her mental issues over her dad again on Thurs evening when I dropped her off at work. I called him and asked him to meet Stephanie and I friday afternoon since they only had a half day at s school and told him to bring his mate. I told him AND his mate-in front of Stephanie that IF and WHEN he moves here like he is saying he is going to-that he better rent a house or buy one-whatever, with a room for her-because she WILL be living with him. Period. End of discussion.
Well, Im going to get going. Its absolutely beautiful day out today. Want to get some more veggies planted-but maybe will do it Tues or Weds....
All my love and prayer, Janet
P.S. Jan and Tammy: I WILL be making an appt Monday afternoon for the surgery to get my gb removed. Love you guys and thanks for worrying and loving me-LOL.....

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~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!
Good Afternoon, Just popping on to say Howdy! We have been to church this morning and then went to a funeral this afternoon Was a brother of a friend. Other than that just pretty much did nothing else. I talked to some in church this morning about somebody being ready to fill my place in church, because after my back surgery I won't be at church for a few Sundays. It seems to me as a preacher's wife that we have to wear a lot of different hats in church. I am the adult Sunday School teacher, song leader and most of the time I am the only one singing specials. So somebody has got to step up and do some of these things, and it's not like we don't have anyone to do it, it's just the ones that can do it - won't.
So now I will get off my soap box.
I hope everyone has had a blessed day.
Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right..
Forget about the one's who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason.
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.
If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy,
they just promised it would be worth it.