After the storms had all passed and the clouds rolled away we had the most beautiful day with sunshine and warm temps.
Tomorrow is suppose to be beautiful too. Did a lot of picking up tree limbs today.
Started another burn pile.
I have been cleaning up all sorts of things and getting rid of them. Got a couple of really big boxes from the grocery store and have been putting things in these boxes …of stuff I am taking to the fire house resale shop. They sell stuff that has been donated and keep the money for the fire station. ;
My silly leg is jumping tonight. Oh how I wish this would stop doing it. I meant to ask my PCP about it when I went the other day but forgot it.
Joe spent all day today putting up shelves in his workshop and cleaning it all up he has room in there now. Don’t know what he will mess it up with now.
Well I am putting that box of winter clothes away tomorrow. It better not get cold again now lol No I kept both of us a sweat jacket out for wearing over something if gets chilly.
If planting Tomatoes don’t plant them outside until it stays above 50 at night all the time.
They will get stunted and wont grow at all for you. Or will take forever to grow well.
SHEILA:::::::did you see the directions I sent you? Hope you come down we could have some fun.. Don’t know how little the scooter bike is. If you are talking about something that will be ridden out on the highway, don’t know if they are big enough to do without getting run over.
CHRISTINE::::well how did the pre ops go? So you are officially on the 2 weeks liquid diet now huh? Yuck
RACHAEL::::::so sorry to hear about your hubby being sick and in hospital. I hope they find out what is really wrong and behind his proplems.
Remember to take care of yourself thru this too.
My daughter that live in
No I haven’t ordered the topsy turvey buckets for tomatoes yet but now I wont I will try it with the five gallon buckets like you describe and I have a lot of the buckets anyway. I actually had already heard that but had forgotten it. Thanks for the reminder.
DDDEB::::did you get my answer to your question? I think I would put daylilies there in the spot and they don’t require a lot of care either.
A lot of wow for a little cash and care. And they come in lots of colors.
JANET;;;;;;;Looks like you are going to have a nice week end. They say right now not a lot of chance of rain till Tuesday of next week. Would that give you enough time to clean and paint the pool ????
OH my gosh those cyst bursting really hurt. Can you not get both things done at the same time. From having the cyst I don’t see how a Dand C is going to help much.
The not being able to keep anything down is the gall bladder, you really need to get that out now, not next week but NOW!!!!! Did your doctor not tell you that? You know that being a hybrid like we are the fact that you cant keep anything down you are just asking to be getting dehydrated which will and can close other things down. Please call and get the surgery sat up for this next week. PLEASE you wont have any down time from either one of these so do it NOW don’t wait till you are so sick that you have other organ failures from waiting.
The cant eat and cant keep anything down isnt flu it is your gall bladder . I may have to come over there and drag you to the hospital. You can probably get Dr. Edwards in
Yeah I would say to anyone that has space and room in their garden to make a big one and make it count and put stuff away for the winter. We may be looking at a really rough year with prices the way they are.
Out there where you are you could raise your own cow . Chickens and Pigs too lol
If I had room I would raise a cow to have butchered. I do think I will get some Chickens.
BRENDA;;;;;;so glad you have had no trouble and glad that you are home. Take it easy for a few days now, don’t be lifting flowers and dirt ok….Sit out in the sun and get some vit D. in your body. That is amazing about your blood sugars isnt it? Wild.
Love and care for all of you
~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!