Brenda is home
Hey Gang! Gosh, we got home about 4ish- and have had company ever since it seems. I tell ya, our little Shih-Tzu was one more happy puppy to get her self back home! I was too!!! Seeing the Grand babies was just wonderful and they loved and loved on me. That alone was a joy!
As you all know, my surgery was great and my recovery great, and my drinking seems to be going excellent. Jello sure is good just so I can chew..ha!
In the morning we are going to the nursery for plants and ferns. Then, to Randy's office to decorate, it was carpeted and painted while we were gone. So it will be a full day.
It is so exciting to read everyone's progress since I've been gone and only online in spurts- wow, it won't be long for Christine!
Randy was on the phone all the way home, he is a 'telephone man' and his crews were keeping him updated on the weather all last evening and all day today. I'm glad Sugar was ok Jan! Was anyone else effected?
I'm just going to zone-out in front of the tv and just not think of a darn thing- I'm pretty pooped out.
Once again, thank you all so much for your wonderful support getting me through this surgery. Much love going out to you all- Brenda
Jan- when is our next cof meeting? I need to mark my calendar-
Randy has about walked me to death...forget blood clots, first I gotta survive my hubby! hahahhahahaa
Headed for bed, it's been a long day- Brenda
PS my peonies waited till I got home, they are about to burst to bloom, I thought sure I'd miss them opening....and iris has the biggest buds on them ever!