Last Visit w/dietician & physiologist
April 30th I met with Tricia and Thelma at Dr. Price's office for the last time until after surgery. I see my primary doctor Monday for her letter. I should have seen her earlier but I didn't think she would want to do a lot tests. She requested a treadmill test and bloodwork. The treadmill test was fine. Bloodwork is good except for high cholesterhal.
Last summer she prescribed Niaspan but it had some side effects and I quit taking. She wants me to try it again. Seems useless since the WLS should take care of the cholesterhol problem.
I see the pumonologist on May 8th for some breathing tests and to be fitted with a CPAP for surgery.
As soon as both these doctors turn in their records, my paperwork can be turned in to the insurance. When I started this process in January, it seemed like an eternity untll surgery, but it could be next month if the insurance company approves promptly.
Sure dreading that 2 weeks of liquid protein and water but it will be so worth it.