Jan C.
on 5/1/08 8:29 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Guess what I heard on the news yesterday? That within 4 years gas will be 7.00 a gallon.!!!! Yikes. Everyone needs to get a motorcycle or something. I told Joe we wouldn’t be able to go to town but once a month, no more . If we ran out of something we would just have to run out and do without.

That is one reason that I am sure glad that we have this extra land to plant a big garden on. May have to dig a root cellar lol  I bet some of you younguns don’t know what a root cellar is do you?


We certainly have had a rash of surgeries in the last week haven’t we? The bench is seeing a lot of new behinds. Lol

Today the 2nd Bob M is having some sort of surgery to close up an area I think.


May birthdays are::: Becca -6th

Julia Davis==11th

Jane P. ---19th

Stacy –20th

Shannon C. ==23rd

Tammy C.---25th

Kathleen G. ---29th

Tamara B,  30th

Please mark these on your calendar and wish them happy birthday on their date ok?

If any of you new ones have a birthday this month let us know ok?



BRENDA::::::I know all about insomnia too.Mine a lot of it anyway is from my jerking legs seems like they make it thru about 8pm every night. I really need to ask my pcp for something for it but just cant remember it when I go in to see her.

I hope your hubby s blood work all comes back great.



Well did you buy enough that you need a semi to come transport it for you?

With the way prices are going up and up might be a good idea to stockpile stuff for sure.




NANCY :::::::That use to make me so mad when I worked, waking up too early like that. Oh well you didn’t waste your day off by laying around sleeping lol.

LOL You sure said it that does seem all wrong to have to go by poop. Lol I go see my brother and get my free stuff from him. It is a little ways but at least I tie into it seeing about him too.

All us losers are glad that you are here too.




SHEILA::::::::Hey sure you could come down to see me this week end if you want. It would be fun to see you and show you my place. Plan on staying overnight if you want since we are quite a little ways out from you. To get to our place is a pretty simple directions will send it to you on the contact email on board ok.

I might put you to work weeding or something tho lol . Not really.

Hope you continue to improve.




TAMMY:::::::Im so glad that you finally got that last tiny bit off so you would be in the 200s, did you do something different? If so what? Bet I can guess, upped your protein , and water and quit eating junk?

You will learn to love the colors and patterns after awhile. There are some pretty clothes out there this year.

How did you like your new job? I bet you were plumb exhausted last night huh?

Let us know how that went ok?




            JANET::::::::That pain sounds like your gall bladder to me. I know when mine  went from just hurting to HURTING it was the most excruciating pain I have ever had in my life , giving birth to two kids at one time and them both sideways wouldn’t have hurt as bad. It makes you pass out or can. What did you pcp say?


Just got a severe weather alert for bad thunderstorms starting into the state from the west side so watch out Janet you probably getting it now already. Be safe.


LOL sounds like a repeat of last year and you all trying to get the pool drained and painted and it kept raining lol


Thanks for keeping my daughter in your prayers. She needs all of them I can get for her. She is really in need of meds I think and counseling too .




BEV::::::You weight loss is fantastic but don’t buy new clothes just yet , you will still lose lots and lots more weight. Go instead to salvation army or other thrift stores and buy only what you need for now. I know you know this but it is so much fun to buy smaller clothes that it can get costly if you don’****ch it. Lol


Bev if you still do that with your plate of food, change sizes of plates , use a small saucer and another trick, make yourself not let anything touch, like you are real picky eater.

Something else I found out is use baby spoon to eat with. Put only one thing on your plate at a time. There are lots of ways to fool your self. But I never use a large dinner plate unless out eating or at someone home.

Tell Debbie I said hi. Hope she didn’t take those cute clothes back she bought.


The moss you refer too take a long time to get in large masses , I mean like years unless you have a lot of money to buy lots of it to start with. And it only shows pretty for about month then it is just green. I haven’t tried the topsy turvey planters for tomatoes but I do have two of them ordered and am going to try them. I don’t see why they wouldn’t work if you have a place to hang them that gets a lot of sun. Tomatoes like sun.

If you want some flowers that will bloom all summer into the fall without a lot of care then try zinnias and or Marigolds. Both don’t require a lot of care just a good  watering about once a week. There are lots of annuals out there that are pretty and give lots of color all summer but a lot of them require some extra care. Go to the flower section in wal mart , there you will see the seed racks, look them over and read the backs of the packages , check for sun or shade, find  one that you think is really pretty, and maybe stick with maybe one or two different kinds but save the packages so you can remember what it says. If you are a serious get a small journal and write down what you planted and the results. Maybe even tape the package in there. Will help you know whether you like that or not and if you want more of it next year.


I think that is fantastic about riding your bike, I have access to one but am afraid to get on it really I am thinking about trying it in the grass so if I fall it wont be quite as bad. Lol




RACHAEL:::::been awhile since you have been on. How is your headaches doing?

Why is your husband in the hospital? Did I miss something somewhere?

Im so glad that you are doing well enough to be working full time again.

Take care of yourself tho ok





I think I had better get off here and get this posted we are getting a lot of lighting and thunder so a storm is coming in and I might lose power and lose all of this. So till tomorrow


                        GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU.




Sheila H.
on 5/1/08 9:22 pm - Marshfield, MO
Jan thats funny you mentioning getting a motor cycle or some thing..i been awake since 3 am and i been online checking out scooter bikes... what do u know about them? anything? maybe Joe does?   right now i'd love to come down this weekend if head isnt roaring to bad...send me the directions pls.... love ya


Christine F.
on 5/1/08 9:34 pm - Whiteman AFB, MO
Well MO folks, I'm out the door for my pre-op.  I can't remember if I was supposed to fast or not, so I'm going to take a can of Slim Fast with me and chug it as soon as they give me the ok. lol  Yay, it's the end of the beginning.  I'll be checking in on Meg a little later to, so I'll let you know how she is today.. probably traking for the Boston Marathon! lol Have a great Friday!  (YAWN!)


on 5/1/08 9:43 pm - SAINT ROBERT, MO

Jan, My husband has been in the hospital all week he went in late Monday night....he has been having some really bad times with his stomach and intestines...Today they are going to be doing surgery to remove his gallbladder and they are going to continue doing testing to see if he has Chrohn's disease.  I am doing ok, and yes it has been awhile since I posted but mostly because I have been so busy with both my jobs, kids and husband. God bless to everyone Rachael

Nancy S.
on 5/1/08 9:55 pm - Knob Noster, MO
Morning losers....WOW...we got some storms last night, but nothing like we were supposed to get.  I woke around 2am to find myself surrounded and partially covered by my 3 dogs 1 cat and 4 year old....i think my DH was in there somewhere too.  Seems to be more room in the bed for all that lately since i started melting.  Jan...i have to admit...after i got home from seeing meg and picking up plants I did lay around and sleep all afternoon...LOL.  I must've needed it.  I had to call meg and apologize for not coming back after she got back to her room...I'm not feeling like much of an angel.  I saw where you guys ordered those hanging tomatoes.  Next time save your money....drill a 1 inch hole in the bottom of a 5 gallon bucket.  Stick your plant through...put some rock in the bottom around the hole to keep your soil in and then fill with dirt and hang.  It's easier to do all that while it's hanging up to begin with.  One of my patients told me to tell my mom to do that when i told the story of the beautiful tomatoes she had that were just getting ready to turn red....she came out the next day and half were gone...just gone...into thin air.  She got up early the next day and watched as the squirrels helped themselves to the rest of them....she's going to try the hanging way this year.   Hope you are all well and happy.........

deb C.
on 5/2/08 12:02 am - Lake of the Ozarks, MO
What is a colorful periannual to put in a  garden space about 2 foot square.  I want something that will bloom in the summer. 
Jan C.
on 5/2/08 12:56 am - Cedar Creek, MO
daylillies and easy  and can get them in all colors.  will spread to fill the space in about 3 years so you could plant 3 there now and then divide them in a couple of years.



on 5/2/08 12:22 am - Diamond, MO

Dear Jan and OH Peeps~

Hey-TGIF!!~Im praying for a little relief from this wicked weather that seems to hit this ol' country town every 2 days! I want a nice weekend. Have a bunch to get done here. A bunch!!

Went to my PCP-and guess what? I was NOT constipated (as I already knew, but I didnt have the M.D. Behind MY name, remember?) Anyway-I had a cyst on one ovary that burst-and I have a cyst on the other the size of an orange. I also have several gallstones-and my PCP said that more than likely, I had a severe gb attack-and when everything was hurting, at the same time I was going through the female thing! Great-I just cant do anything simple-can I? I did have pain so bad that I was dry heaving. It was horrible-and Jan-yes-the pain was the worst I have ever had in my life-and the pain meds I take for my back are no sissy stuff-and they werent helping-and I doubled everything!!! Now I have to choose what to have first-the gb surgery or the d n c. I think I am going for the gb first. Then sometime this summer the d n c. I dont know. Sick of health problems. This is SUPPOSE to be the fun time in my life with all the weight loss and the things I can do now-and I cant lie-its always over shadowed with all this CRUD....YIKES....Ok-so I am not being a pessimist, I wanted to find something good in every situation-so there is a leaf to turn over-well, my scale moved for the first time in over a month. I have lost 6# in 4 days. I literally have kept nothing down. Every thing has made me sick. Protein, water-you name it-Im getting sick. I dont feel flu like-just cant eat. Part of the time when I can drink-I am trying to make sure I get the protein in-but its not staying down 1/2 the time either-its been hit and miss since Sunday night.

I think I am going to look into buying one of those tiny clown cars-LOL...I bet they even get better gas mileage than the yugo's or the motorcycles-LOL...Wont be lugging around much with me, thats for sure. I should plant enough in our garden for food-and then just buy a half cow for the deep freeze and there we go. I wont have to go to town for anything really except doctor appts. One of the perks of Mikes job is they supply the work car AND the gas to and from work-which is adding up to a huge perk in todays gas market.

Mel text me a couple of times yesterday-but I also talked to her in the early afternoon-and mom is not doing good. Mel said she is so weak that she cant even pick her own leg up-Mel or whomever is having to pick it up to put it on the bed or chair. She said she has seen her really sick, but never like this-and that she is not eating anything and only takes a sip when she is awake-and doesnt stay awake long. I would like to ask for prayer for her mom and for her family-Mels dad and Mel-they are the main 2 caregivers right now-and they need strength. Neither of them are doing very good. She also informed me that she got a call from her BIL-and him and Mels sister have seperated after 23 years of marriage-so if we could say some prayers for them as well-to get things ironed out-thats a long time to just give up on.......thanks everyone-I appreciate it.

Well, the kiddos only have a half day at school today-so Im going to get this wrapped up and get some laundry done. I have to go to town and get my prescriptions filled-they actually sent them through the wrong company yesterday and they approved it!! Whats up with that? The only reason I caught it was that my copay on the one was almost $20 more, and I knew there was no way!~so have to get that mess straightened out too.

Please also say some prayers that we dont have to start going through the same crap with Stephanie that we did the last time her dad came to visit-cause she is starting the same attitude and the same mental breakdowns. I flat out told her yesterday when it all started again, that this time-there is not going to be 6 months of her using everyone in this house as her personal emotional punching bag, this time-I will pack her crap and she can live with Mr. Wonderful-and IF he wont take her (like he hasnt before either) than thats going to be her and his problem-NOT MINE.....She is boo-hooing that he is moving back to Vegas again-and cant even just enjoy the time she has had with him. Im so over this crap that its not even funny.

**Jan-you were right about my front porch facing East-and I DID mean to say that-I know better. You know your stuff though! I found some Elephant Ears at Atwoods for 12.99. I am going to tell the kids thats what I want for Mothers Day. I want those AND some hanging flowers for my 2 shepherds hooks they got me last year for Mothers Day.

Yeah-it does seem like whenever we are TRYING to get the pool painted, just like last year-it does this! It has to give us 3-4 days with NO RAIN! We dont even want to paint until it says no rain for that long, because the paint is expensive and its going to cost a pretty penny to paint it-we sure dont want to do it twice!!

**Sheila-Mels hubby Terry has a scooter-what do you want to know about it? They dont go very fast-but they are very cost efficient to drive- and a little fun too, to tell you the truth! Hope you get to go see Jan-

**Rachael-sorry I didnt get a chance to cll you yesterday-all heck has been going on around here. Im sorry. Im also sorry to hear your hubby is in the hospital....Oh my girl-you have had a lot going on-havent you? Well, we miss you when your gone! Take care and we will keep you and your family in our prayers.

I hope you all have a great Friday and a good weekend-If you were in the path of the horrible storms we had ALL through the night-until about 5:30 this morning-I hope you are all okay. Love and Prayers to all, Janet

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