PCP gives A-OK!
A little step, I know ,but I'm ready to climb the mountain ahead. The first waiting period is from now until July when my Medicare kicks in.
The second is a big step, I thought, but my doc immediately agreed to use Dr. Hornbostel--who so many of you had kindly recommended. He had used him before with good results.
Thanks for all the replys to my question about who to use. I have a friend who had this surgery with a bad doc and her life is ruined.
Congrats Deb!! My only suggestion is that you don't wait til July to get the ball rolling---if I were you I'd go ahead and attend a seminar so you'll know the whole process and you can start getting your paper work together and possibly even some testing if you'r current insurance approves---it takes some time to get all the things in order and you'll probably have to be on a 6 month documented diet plan with your PCP so I'd definately start that now---i.e. food journal and documenting all weight and height and ALL vitals every monthly doctor visit. If you start now you'll be 3 months down with the 6 month doc. diet and hopefully possibly have your surgery by the end of this year---how awesome would THAT be?? Just a little suggestion I have medicare also so I had to do the same thing---and some surgeons require 5 years past medical history which also takes awhile to get together---I'm not sure if Dr H does or not. Take Care can't wait to meet you :-)
Am having a little trouble convincing my hubby to get this started, but he will come around. I will call Dr. H 's office tomorrow and get signed up. Wow, I didn't know I would have to do a 6 month documented diet. Sounds overwhelming. I don't eat that perfect. I tend to snack some. Guess that will stop, huh. Oh well, I'll have to give up smoking, too.
I just wonder how I can get insurance to pay of office visits for this kind of thing if I am not yet approved for surgery.
Well do you have any insurance now?? I had medicade before I got my medicare---and if you have a PCP then you can just go to him once a month and document that you're dieting and document your weight and vitals---it's not for actual surgery it's to prove to your insurance that you ARE and HAVE tried everything you can to lose the weight on your own. NO ONE on this board eats perfectly or we wouldn't be here to begin with lol so don't worry about that---that's why we're having the support group :-) First step is to go to a seminar then you will know what you'll need to do from there. Take Care