Im so tired tonight that I don’t know how I will get thru this lol , I may finish this early in the morning. Will just see how it goes. We took daughter back home this morning , I hated to see her go. But she thought she had to go back home. Can I ask that everyone keep her in their prayers. She is very confused and upset person right now. Her marriage isnt good and she has problems too. So I would appreciate it if you all would remember her in your prayers daily. Her name is Michele. Some of you got to meet her at the support meeting the other night.
We came back from
When we got home I did a little gardening but not a lot Riding still seems to make me more tired than anything else. I sat on the back porch , listening to the fountain and the pond and went to sleep in my chair out there. Slept for about 30 minutes and felt so much better.
Did two loads of laundry and straightened the kitchen up after supper and that was about all of my day lol
Tomorrow morning I have to go back in and get some more blood drawn, they said they didn’t get enough for the B=6 level , I think someone may be drinking the stuff, I would have thought with the amount of blood they took the other day they had more than enough for everything. Who knows
Don’t know what else Thursday holds for me , I never plan much usually one job just leads to another and so there I go. Lol
BECKY::::::So you think those headaches were from de toxing? Maybe so .Hope that is all it was anyway.
I remember getting off caffeine several times before this last time. Now it has been 2 years since I drank sodas ….that was one of my biggest things to break. Would get off of them and then about 6 months I was right back to drinking them ….
Protein sure is the most vital thing you do after surgery. So one way or the other you have to get them down. .
I hope the weather lady was right about we had seen the last of cold weather. I really think so too but who knows . Tomorrow is the first day of May so hopefully.
Don’t have any idea when I will have surgery on my shoulder. I need some reassurance from some people that have had the surgery that it did them a lot of good. Most everyone I talk to say that you just traid one pain for the other one. Some have said they wouldn’t do it again.
Brenda should have gotten out of hospital Wednesday morning but they were staying in
Today is Megs surgery so lets all pray for her.
SUGAR::::::::Well I guess you are in
People are always asking me when is the best time to view my flowers and it is hard to say I guess , it is according to what you want to look at because there is a different sets of flowers blooming about every 2 weeks
Yeah I love candytuff. It is very pretty.
Lillies if you want to let them bloom that would probably be best. As fall is the time of year to clean up beds , did up the rest of them but check the shovels full of dirt for any little bullets and roots of other lilies.
VESTA::::: well hope all is well with you. That is good that you finally get things done.
Live and learn huh?
SHEILA::::::::::I understand about you not getting to the meeting, really I do. But I really wanted to see you and missed you. Will save the box of clothes and bring them next month if you are going to be there.
Sure hope the new meds do the trick on your infection. Sure you can swallow capsules I do all the time. No problem with it.
Watch getting outside when it is real windy till you get it all healed up ok?
What in the world happened to the back window of your car .lol
TAMMY=AMMY: Yea!!!! So glad that you are below the 300 mark now. Keep up the good work.
Boy I think I would sure learn to deal with the smell of the bug spray if they landed me in the hospital before.
The new job was a deal from God now wasn’t it? Amen. God does care about us don’t you know.
Sorry to hear that about your friends but Hey we are all still here. Lol
BEVERLY B::::: hey so glad to see you are out of the hospital. Missed seeing you on here.
Blood sugar of 464 wow it is a wonder that you are still alive.
Don’t worry about it after you have your surgery it will be all gone.
Hope your day was very productive .
Yes I agree that new pictures are a must for some people.
CHRISTINE:::;;;;;;;: Hope you are feeling like a human again.
Just 2 more weeks and you will heading toward that losers bench too.
Hey nothing wrong with tooting your own horn girl, that is a really good thing that you will get wont it?
Hope all goes really well for you the next two weeks , and then surgery and you are going to be the perfect patient aren’t you ?
JANE::::::::; wonderful on the protein shakes , now once that become easy then try to get a third one a day down or else a good protein bar ….you should start seeing some difference in your well being soon.
109 pounds is a heck of a lot of weight to lose but hang in there girl you will make it that is for sure. How about a new picture. You look great
NUTTI:::::::hey your weight loss is awesome for sure. Sure wish you would get an updated picture as your avatar done. You are getting so thin and really looking fantastic. Too.
Well am closing and getting this posted tonight. Have a great Thursday
Love and hugs

Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right..
Forget about the one's who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason.
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.
If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy,
they just promised it would be worth it.
Thank you so much for saving the clothes for me...im wondering if i could just come down maybe this weekend some time if roaring slacks off some what and bring u ur scrubs too and visit a bit? and if god willing i will be at next support group i was so excited about going monday but it just didnt work out..
i didnt know we could swallow capsules was so sure i had heard we couldnt so been toughing it out and opening em up ( yuck)
send em a email if this weekend is good on how to get to ur place...i wont take up a LOT of ur time just a lil but do wanna look around and have a shake with you... but will let u know by text if im coming for sure if u ok it..dont have any plans as of now that i know of unless i forgot some thing and its supposed to be rainy i think part of rest of week...
i went out yest for a bit and piddled in garden diry but had a cotton balls in my ears...trying to stay in house as much as i can but very hard to do!!! lol
the back window??? well a month or so ago i went to pick up Rachael and the 2 babies and for some reason Parker ended up in front seat in car seat and i had keys in car to go and purse in car to go( spare keys) and i decided to jump out and run get me a bottle of water to drink and when i come back out Parker had locked the door and he is only 22 mos old..no matter how hard we tried to get him to unlock the door he did try but he could click to lock not unlock, well kids live out in the booties so we knew it would be over a hr for cops to come and it was a hot day so i had Levi break back lil glass window
and i actually stood there and cried like a baby....well now i know why cos its a 150.00 to get another used one put in..
Sugar what do you go looking for when you gl flea marketing? i look for COKE stuff and cookie jars...i collect coke stuff trying to do my kitchen in ALL coke but thats gonna take a while lol and i do have prob. 75 or so cookie jars from over the years. havent gotten many in last 5 yrs since mom passed away...have fun and dont buy to much LOL
Brenda glad you are out and doing good keep it up and we pray for ur surgery todat Meg and u will be on the losers bench be4 u know it Beverly glad ur back missed ur posts
well i need to get my face on and head to work have a GREAT day my friends i feel a tiny tad bit better maybe but then may be eatting my words in a hr too love n hugs
Morning Yall... Looks like a beautiful day starting down here in the bootheel....They say the wind will be crazy today, I think that's whats going to drag in the thunder storms they are calling for tomorrow. Befor I start on anything else I want to ask prayer for Janet!!!! She was texting with me last night then stopped and I am worried about her. She couldn't even chart a pain level last night she was hurting so bad. I tried encouraging her to go to the ER, but she don't seem to confident in the hospital near her. I know for one she is worried about them messing up her pouch if anything needs to be done. I think our doctors need to give us some type of informational packet to have with us if we do have to have something done. Some of us that live a good ways from our doctors could have harmful issues if something were to happen and a doctor in our area had to do something quick to us! But please pray for her, I know she definitly would pray for any of us! I'm still on cloud nine about being in the 200's!!! And then Ada and I went to wal mart yesterday and she bought me some cotton capris for a late birthday present. I was just going to grab a few pair and she instisted I try them on. WOOOOO HOOOOO.....I CAN WEAR A 18/20!!! That was in the cotton ones and they are stretchy. I still have to have like a 24 in ones that don't stretch. This hangy thing yall call an apron is about to annoy me to death!!!! If it weren't for that thing I could go hog wild shopping lmbo! She also talked me into trying on a outfit she picked out. She thinks I need to get a lil more updated lol lol.... She picked out a bold bight pair of yellow capris and a top that had a funky design of yellow, black and I think like a light tourquois in it....Part of me thought it was kinda cute but the other part felt like a duck out of water with all those bight & bold colors!!!! I guess I have been wearing dark colors for way tooooo long lol lol.....I didn't get that out fit just yet. With my hernia the way it is I can't hardly wear anything to snug on my belly or I start cramping like crazy. The capris she had picked out was fine standing up but I knew with out them being stretchy that when I set down they were going to be binding. So I have passed on that one for now, maybe by next summer I will have had my hernia repair and tummy tuck and I can wear as I please. Ok I just got a text from Janet and she did go on to the ER last night...But all she said was they treated her like a dog and all the doctor told her was that she was prbably constipated! I can not see having the type of pain she was describing just over being constipated. Shes not said anything to me about not being able to go to the bathroom. With her gaulbladder issues, female issues and the other things it could be anyone of them hurting. I am worried she is going to put her gaulbladder off till it bursts on her....So Pleas pray for her!..She just said she is seeing her pcp today so maybe they will get something done. Well I wanted to say more but between both my phones I have to get off here now and get some things done before I go to work.....It's been 4 months since I been on the concrete I know it's going to kick my but lol lol...But I bought me a new pair of shoes with gel thingys in them so I am in hopes that will help..... I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed day... Luv & Hugs....Tammy~ammy
~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!
Dear Jan and OH Peeps~
First, I would like to thank everyone for their prayers! I am feeling better today-but I did make a trip to the ER...One I will fight tooth and nail NOT to pay for-but I will get into that in a minute.
Mels mom made it through surgery okay and is home now. Mel is down there with her and said she looks awful and is really weak. I told her thats to be expected-most people coming out of surgery look puney....(I wanted her to feel better!) Anyway-thanks to everyone who prayed for her. We appreciate you so much!
I saw that Bev B posted yesterday, so I am glad that she is feeling better too. When it rains, it pours, huh? I just know that after she has her surgery that the diabetes will go away. Im happy about that-she wont have to deal with it too much longer. Thanks for the prayers for Bev too.
I saw that Meg is having her surgery today-so we do need to remember her in prayer for a safe surgery and speedy recovery. I am so glad that our Brenda N. is on the losers bench with us-its exciting to get in here and see so many getting in to have their surgery. When I first joined this site-we werent nearly this busy!!! Im so grateful we have this place to go to.
I knew from how bad I was hurting, that I wouldnt be able to take my little guy (jon) to the Shriners Circus yesterday and I really wanted to-but my mom asked if she could take him (he is quite the grandmas boy). So, she took him and he had a BLAST! He sat there with his mouth hanging open in shock most of the time-and when he wasnt doing that-he was going-Grandma, do you see this, Grandma do you see that? He wanted to go on an elephant ride-but then he was too scared when he had to get up there by himself. My girls rode them when they were his age. I love the Shriners Circus-My grandpa was a shriner, a hi-upper-and we always went to the Shriners Circus's when I was growing up-My gramps got free tickets-but he always gave them to under priviledged kids-and he took us anyway. I am going to get some of the pics posted as soon as I get the card in the puter and have my daughter show me how to do it.
Well, I did go to the ER.....OMG-I am so blasted mad that I could spit. I hadnt even had a chance to tell the jerk doctor that I had RNY surgery and when he starts poking on my belly-he asked how much weight I had lost and I told him-and then-it was like I was some kind of alien or something. He made a comment about how the "gastric bypass" is the "in thing" to do these days to get a few pounds off! Its the NEW CRAZE!! Then... my symptoms werent real....He asked if I had had a bowel movement yet today-I said no, but wls pts rarely have a b.m. every day (had one the day before)-its nothing for us to go 2-4 days without one. He tells me that he recommends that I get some suppositories or magnesuim whatever----and wait to have a BM and then-and ONLY then, will I know for sure what the problem is. I was livid. I point blank, in front of the nurse told him that I KNEW this WAS NOT CONSTIPATION and that IF something happens to me-I WOULD MAKE SURE HE PAID-and I wasnt F'N around about it. Then he looks at me and says-Well, IF YOU insist, I will do x-rays, but I PERSONALLY BELIEVE ITS A WASTE OF TIME....With that-I told him that he was a POS and that when I saw another doctor today and we find out what it is-I would be reporting him to Quality Management AND the AMA.....He called ME a DIFFICULT PATIENT!!!! I told him when I weighed over 400# they treated me like crap in there-and now that I have lost that much weight-I get treated like crap because you dont personally believe in wls? I cant win! I told him that its doctors like HIM that cause deaths in patients. Ignoring their symptoms because YOU dont believe in something they had done-thats just point blank assinine and that he was ignorant. He then, like a smart alec-he said-WHO has the MD after their name? I told him that he must have missed the course on bedside manner and how to investigate a pts symptoms to find out whats wrong. I said IF I had to act like you-I wouldnt want an MD after my name-He also acted like the meds I was on for my DDD, DJD and Osteoarthritis, that I was just a druggie. With those kinds of meds-He doesnt see how I can have ANY pain from anything.....(I had ALL I could do not to slap the crap out of him!) I said-well, quite the contrary-this should tell you that something IS very wrong if those meds arent helping with this pain-but its helping with my DDD, DJD and Osteo??? He asked what "I" propose he give me for pain relief- I said-I just want to know whats wrong with me-Im not asking for an IV drip of Morphine for crying out loud~ I was bawling when I walked out of there-and I have already contacted my PCP. The pain is bearable today-Much Much better than yesterday! Now-this is WHY I dont like the doctors here-it i**** and miss IF your going to get a good doc or not!~ They dont like to listen and they sure as hell dont like it IF someone knows more than them in a medical sense-like with the WLS-Mel and I have BOTH had different doctors tell us that anti-inflammatorys wont hurt our pouch. Even when shown the proof from our bariatric office-they will argue that a little amount each day WONT hurt us-and they will write out the scripts anyway. This is what I mean-WE HAVE TO KNOW-because the doctors around here-you CANT tell them anything. Its unfortunate that my PCP cant be my specialists too!~ He read up on everything so he would know-but he also tried to put me on anti-inflammatorys and I brought him in the paperwork and he read through it-and apologized-but a lot of other docs wont do that. So, I am frustrated today. Very frustrated.
Tut...Tut....It looks like rain again. Its overcast and very windy. Its blowing all our lawn stuff around. We have mowed and Darrel did the rest of the weed eating last night-so it looks nice, for a couple of days anyway. We also drained the pool yesterday. Only pulled one snake out. Thats a first-usually there are a couple. Tons of frogs though-I would say 30 of them. Anyway-we are going to fill the pool in about 2 weeks and have it ready when it gets warm. Takes about 3 day of warm temps to get it heated up. We dont have a heater in there and they are really expensive. We are painting the interior of the pool before we fill it. Its in bad need of it-the paint is peeling-and it should have been done last year-but no one could do it with all our bone and joint issues-Mikes dad only has one leg-he lost the other one a couple years back-due to polio when he was a kid-and his mom has had both shoulders replaced-then there is mike and I-LOL...Between the 4 of us-I dont think we could make a complete person! So-anyway-the kids said they will help us-have to use the pressure washer to get all the paint chips off-and then paint-and will need a couple of days with no rain to let the paint dry......
Mike has found out that the guy they just hired a couple months ago-when they hired him, he said he had already paid for a Disney vacation the end of May-the first week in June so he would need the time off-so they gave it to him, well-they found out that after his vacation-he doesnt plan on coming back-he is starting work somewhere else-and Mikes company isnt suppose to know about it. Anyway-Mikes boss and wife are going on vaca next week-and then they told Mike he has to take one of his weeks vaca after that, because they dont know how much longer it will be before they can give him time off again (HERE WE GO AGAIN!) So-we are hoping to go camping or something. Keeping my fingers crossed.
**Jan-Thanks for bringing the stuff to the meeting-so sorry I didnt make it. I feel so bad. I was crying because I was so upset about not making it to the meeting. I miss you guys so much.
I will keep Michele in my prayers. Im sorry she is having problems. I hope everything goes okay for her. Is she the one married to the guy who drinks too much and doesnt work? If so-I hope that she gets rid of him-that can just eat you up inside!
**Tammy-Ammy- Thanks for the prayers. I appreciate you, more than you know!! I am so proud of you-and I am so happy for you. I knew you would hit that goal soon-I never had a doubt in my mind. My scale started moving again too-but Im not saying by how much until tomorrow when I post the weekly weigh in!!! You better post it tomorrow! Love ya girl.
**To everyone else-all our pre-ops- I pray you have strength and peace of mind. To everyone else who needs or has requested prayer-I am praying for you all. I hope everyone is doing good and I will see ya later. Janet
Hello Missouri....
Well it has been quite the week for me, worked a double Monday night and then had to drive thirty miles to pick up my husbands truck because he had been admitted to the hospital and I did not want his stereo system to get stolen...So needless to say it has been a week from devils land....And to top everything off I am the head nurse this week.....I think I am meeting myself coming and going....the last two nights I have fallen asleep sitting up on the couch, last night fell asleep with a glass of water in my hand....and didn't even spill it..... I am keeping everyone in my prayers to include Mel and her family. Better sign off for now because I have a class to attend in about 15 minutes. God bless to everyone Rachael Hopefully the will release my DH from the hospital soon....