~In Desperate Need of Prayer Please~
Hi Everyone,
Wanted to get in and ask for prayer for a couple of people. First-Mels mom, who has terminal cancer, she is in the ICU once again and she is in surgery as I type this. They are trying to put a drain in her lung. If you could pray for her and her family, I would appreciate it. Mel got a call yesterday and they told her to get down there ASAP. Her mom had told her that she didnt feel in her heart that she would be around on May 1st. Thanks for any prayers you can send out.
Also-I got an email from Bev B., and she had been in the hospital as well, very high blood sugar levels and bronchitis to boot. Please pray for her for a speedy recovery and even if they are saying she is diabetic right now-after she has her surgery, we know that will go away!! Thanks for prayer for Bev.
Then, there is myself. I cant tell you whats going on, but I have had the worst pain Ive ever had in my whole life since Monday. Its basically an inch or so above my belly button and just radiates. I cant hardly even function. If its not better today, I am going to the ER, because Its been non stop since Monday. Its not like the gb pain I have had before. I dont know what is going on, but I am truly truly scared. Please pray for relief. I would so greatly appreciate it. Thanks for everything. Love and prayers, Janet