Jan C.
on 4/29/08 2:47 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

My daughter and I are really tired tonight. We planted and planted and planted some more. Worked for about 5 hours straight getting stuff in the ground and I still have more to plant. But some of them are just way too little to be planted yet and the garden stuff I haven’t gotten the garden completely ready for .


Talked to Brenda Nutt on the phone for about 20minutes this afternoon. She was sounding quite clear and chipper , she will probably go home in the morning. She passed her leak test and was enjoying the juice , popscicles and water she was allowed to have.

She said she was doing lots of walking and feeling pretty good. That the pain was minimal


Becky glad you went to see her yesterday. You too Nancy that is a good feeling to have when you are in the hospital for someone to take the time to come see you.

I know when I had surgery I had several vistors from the board and others that called me too. Makes you feel like people really do care.


Tomorrow morning I will take daughter home, Have her loaded down with lots of plants for her flower garden. She is learning to love taking care of them too.




TRACI::::::: we didn’t get nearly as cold as they said we were going to. So no need to worry about frost after all. My plants and flowers are all safe.


Yes when you have a home there is always lots of ways to spend money isnt there. Or at least it seems like it every time you turn around there is something.



SUGAR::::: sorry I couldn’t get the full length pic put up as your avatar but when shrunk it made you look real short and fat and since you are neither I didn’t think you would want to look that way lol

A lot of the iris will be blooming in the next couple of weeks .and you are welcome to come down anytime you want you know that and with as many of the people from you class as you want to bring. Will be fun.


LOL I had to laugh at your poor dilemma of having to find certain clothes lol I wish I had your flair tho with clothing, maybe one day ….

Be careful on your trip to Texas .

Will be praying for you.



AMY::::::: im sure the strawberries will be just fine. They will perk up in a day or so.

Teach you to assume huh? I learned long ago to not assume anything when it came to men…..



ANGY::::: When I first saw your name I thought it said angry lol I wondered what you were mad about lol  Hey if you are wanting a support group . Tammy  ammy  is trying to get a support group started there. She is on this board so send her an note on the contact button.

Congradulations on getting your initial visit set up ….let us know how it goes.




BRENDA  MINKS:::::: I sure hope that in the future after your surgery that you will feel like traveling over to see us again at a support meeting.We will be praying for you to have the best of luck with your back surgery.

Love and hugs to you.




Hey I want to say im sorry for not rembering  Pat B.birthday on the 24th and Vestas birthday on the 26th also  Debbie Murdocks birthday on the 28th

Hope all of you will forgive me for not wishing you all happy birthday. But hope you had a great day and got some thing in some form that made you very happy.



Would anyone be interested in downloading the birthday list as I have it now then updating it ever so often and then on someones birthday telling them Happy Birthday on the board????If so let me know and I will send it to you.



Well guess I will get off here and get this posted and go to bed before I fall over asleep.








Bec M.
on 4/29/08 10:09 pm
Good Morning Missouri, Thought I would jump on here and say howdy and hello early before Paul gets up and we head outside.  Going to have a cup of DECAF coffee with you'ns.  Yesterday was the first day in well over a week I did not have a headache... I felt like a junkie detoxing ~tee hee  I'm sure going to try and stay away from that caffiene now... seems like I said that before?  I've done this a few times before but never remember it being this bad.  I'm tolerating the protein shakes, sure can't say I like them all that much but know they will be a vital part of my life.  I am hoping pre surgery they will help build muscle mass as I exercise and help me heal better after surgery this fall... I am walking 30 minutes a day now but ew~wee does my back hurt by the end of that 30 minutes!  I'm thankful though... over all I'm feeling better, even though I feel so limited in what I can do.  Not having all that junk in my system is part of the better feeling I'm sure.  I spent a good part of the day cleaning house yesterday, changed the living room around and caught up on some laundry and so forth... so I could be outside with my husband the next few days.  Am planning to get the edging around my arbors, I have about three flats of flowers to plant and then all those wonderful seeds that Jan gave me... can't wait to see what they all do!  Paul is going to help me redo flower beds around the garden shed and build new ones around the tool shed... am going to plant the luffa vines tomorrow around the new large arbor Paul built me.  I heard the weather lady say last night she thought we had seen the last threat of frost. ???? Jan, I'm so glad you have gotten to spend time with your daughter!  I love, love, love it when I get to spend time with mine... Crystal will be flying in from Texas on the 12th YIPPEE SKIPPEE! and AJ will be home that next week, she made an unplanned visit home this past weekend, it just doesn't get much better than all the hugs I get from those girls when they come home! it will be a wonderul month of May!  I'm sorry you did not get all your plants in but am sure you feel good about what you did get done.  Do you have any idea when you will have the surgery on your shoulder? I'm so so glad that Brenda is doing so well... will call her today and chat with her before she is released.  Yes, you did tell me I would love her and you are right! ... since her surgery is so close to the June ones maybe she will be able to come up and stay when it's time for the annual appts.  We will just have a big ole sleep over here at my house! ~ha  If things go as I plan then I will be well healed up from my surgery and on the down side by next year...  I can only pray!  Thank you to those of you that went to see her too. Well it's time to get off here now and get going on the day, blessings to each one of you and have a great day! bec
on 4/29/08 10:35 pm - Clever, MO
GOOD MORNING SIS and lurkers! YOU know who you are! lol! I think it is so funny to realize there are so many lurkers out there on the board! Just break down once and write to us and you will be hooked on it. I know cause I lurked for awhile too! Of course when you get out of the habit of getting on, it takes awhile to get back into all the new people. Alot of you I dont know but give me time.  The meeting was good this week and as always thankful for Glenna & Jess for thier hard work to make it so nice for us.... Glenna, I still havent figured out where I got those calcicum chews, but may have been kmart... Jan, I would like to give your flowers some more time for other things to be blooming I think...maybe sometime in late May??? What all will be blooming by then? I have a big clump of candy tuft blooming in my front bed that I put in 4 or 5 years ago and it comes up every year but doesnt bloom and now it is! That is weird! Wish I had alot of them in differnt colors. They are pretty. Didnt get all the lillies out of there like I wanted. When will be the best time to move them? In the fall?? Maybe this year I will get it done. lol Well I have to go to GNC today and get my Isopure before I head off to Texas. Everyone take care and I will touch base when I return on Sunday or Monday.


on 4/29/08 10:49 pm - pomona, MO
Good morning Jan and board..OHHHH I hope the cold weather is over for awhile;; Well we sign papers on the house friday then the work starts and me with a sore belly and boobs...lol ..just one more week remember me in your prayers...sounds like everyone is getting their surgeries over and are doing good except Chip I pray he is doing better... What part of Texas do you go Sugar? that sounds like so much fun...everyone have a great day and I love ya all....vesta


Sheila H.
on 4/29/08 11:22 pm - Marshfield, MO
good morning Jan and OH peeps i am very sorry i didnt make it to the meeting but after all the crap they put me thru i was so dizzy i had to have some body drive me home..i have a Eustacian tube disfuction ( some thing to do with my ear drum and allergys) so they did this nose blowing machine thing and a shot then put me on 5 meds!!! for 2 weeks and if that dont work then ear specalist...1 of my meds is cephalexin 4xs a day and its a capsule...we cant take capsules right???? so i been breaking it open and taking it in spoon...then im on prednisone, 3 xs a day and 4 sudafeds at am, 1 zyrtec at night and nasal spray 2 xs a day and ALL vitamins....dang had to write em ALL down to keep track of what ive taken so far...YUCK and so far its not working so please say a prayer for me that this medicine clears this up be4 2 weeks is up ( or im gonna end up in a psychis ward)    LOL  well i did get out for a bit yesterday afternoon and  cultivate garden more so its ready to go i think... got to get a back side window put in car today 150.00  YIKES!!! so hope all is going good for every body.. love n hugs


Nancy S.
on 4/30/08 10:02 am - Knob Noster, MO
Dr H told me at my one month that I could take any capsule or tablet of any size now....don't torture yourself by breaking it open....ewwwww....

Tammy H.
on 4/29/08 11:51 pm - Holcomb, MO
Morning Yall... Thank God it's not suppose to rain for a few days... We are already seeing skeeters like crazy!!! I HATE THEM THINGS!!!!!!!! I am allergic to em and they make me itch 10x's more than others. In the summer I even have to wear socks to bed on my hands to keep from scratching in the night and I have to take Purex baths. They even laid me up in the hospital for 2 weeks when I was about 12-13 because I got a infection in both legs from scratching. I do what ever I can in the summer to see what works to keep me from scratching them. I very seldom go out at night in the summer to try and avoid them. Sun goes down, Tammy goes in the house lol lol... Got an email the other day that said to use listerine. You are suppose to be able to use listerine or the generic of it and put in a spray bottle and spray on yourself and it is suppose to help keep them off ya. It said you could spray it around windows and doors to help keep them out of houses, tents & etc. So I am going to try and pick me some up to try....Would be wonderful if it works!!! I hate bug spray!!! And I have tried the dryer sheets and they do not work or not for me anyways. So if any of you have any other things that you know of that work let me know cause the bootheel is built on swamp land and we have nothing but irrigated corn, cotton, peaches, apples & rice around us and that is nothing but skeeter housing! Well got me a new job. Im going to start cooking again. My step daughters wonderful mother managed to get my hours with Ms Agnes. Can't even go into it cause it's turned out to be such a mess. But Monday night was my last night setting with her and I found that out after I got to work!  But I was setting there watching tv and my cell phone rang. It was a lady that needed help with her resteraunt. She bought the one I worked at last fall. Several of her customers and my old bosses recomended me so she gave me a call. I could not belive how that worked out lol lol.....So I start Thursday and wont have to be away from home for such long periods at a time and not be away for over night anymore.  I have really had a crappy time as far as friends the past few weeks..... Needless to say the girls mother has pulled her last stunt with me. I had them come over last night and I told them they were both old enough to deal with her on their own now. After all this bull over the job I am done with her and have no reason to speak to her or put up with her crap any more....And told them I knew how she worked so once she found out I knew what she had done and said to get my job she would start her crap and try and put it between me and the girls. So I told them I wanted them to know ahead of time that I loved them and was here for them but was not helping them deal with her anymore. It has been 8 years of HELL dealing with that woman and trying to pick the girls back up each time she hurts them! But now they are 18 & 20 and plenty old enough to stand up for themselves. Then on top of all that happening I had it out with my friend Paula....She is the one I asked yall to pray for a week or so ago. Well the deal on that was her husband tried something sexual with her younges daughter. This was the second time. Well he is done back in the home and she has turned all the blame on her daughter. It has been a mess. But then when she found out my thinking and morals was different than hers all hell broke loose and all the sudden I was not a good friend because I was not supporting her in her action!!! And she talked her head off and could not change my way of thinking. So needless to say she dont want a friend that can't be there for her and support her decisions on this. ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!! AND I WILL NOT CHANGE MY THINKING OR LOWER MY MORALS WHEN IT COMES TO A FATHER OR ANY OTHER PERSON MESSING WITH ONE OF THEIR KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One of her main stands on the situation is that it didn't end up going all the way cause Toni stopped it and the other is, she don't know why people are making such a big deal of it, it's not like Toni is a child she is 26 yrs old. WHO GIVE A BIG S**T!!!.. IT'S STILL NOT RIGHT AND STILL NOT ACCEPTABLE IN MY BOOKS!  So any who.....this has been my week for cleaning crappy friends out of my life lol lol.....The girls mother was no big deal. I tollerated her for the girls. But Paula and I have been friends for close to 23yrs!!!!! I have been in shock on how she has dealt with this stuff. I thought I knew her but I guess I didn't cause if you had of ask me I would have told you NO WAY would she have ever acted the way she has over something so terrible!! And I never would have ever dreamed she would talk to me the way she has since she found out how I felt about it all.  OK....on to something more cheerier! I see that we have several surgeries coming up...My prayers are with you guys....Can't wait to here yall have hit the loosers bench!!!!  My grand daughters surgery has been postponed....She woke up sick yesterday. She was hoarse(sp) and had a big fat fever blister. By the end of the day she could hardly talk and she kept flushed cheeks all day. So last night Ada called and canceled it till she feels better. Well I have to get. Moms going to a new doctor today. Her old doctor didn't admit patients to the hospital so she has picked one that does and she has a medical history 10miles long so I have to go with her and take care of the paper work and make sure all the info is right. So I need to get off here and get things done and get ready cause I know she will want to go eat chinese first lol lol... she hardly ever gets out of the house so when she does we have to eat chinese lol.... Hope you all have a wonderful and blessed Wednesday. Luv & Hugs....Tammy~ammy





















 ~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
   Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
   Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!

Nancy S.
on 4/30/08 10:07 am - Knob Noster, MO
I used to send avon skin so soft lotion to my husband overseas and he said it worked great for mosquitos....since then they have come out with an actual insect repellant, but if you don't like using the repellants try just the skin so soft lotion....lots of people swear by it.

Beverly B.
on 4/30/08 1:40 am, edited 4/30/08 1:42 am - Sedalia, MO
Hi All: Sorry I haven't been on for awhile. I have been in the hospital. I started getting sick last tuesday and thought it was bronchitis again. It was but something else was going on too. I explained  the symptoms to my daughter and she said she thought I ought to have my blood sugar checked. This was friday, I have a meter so I checked it and it was 464. I almost fell off my chair. Anyway I called my doc and he wanted me to go the ER.  I was in the hospital 4 days and now I am officially a diabetic. On insulin. Can't wait for my surgery. I know I was one sick puppy. Don't want t to do that again.  Glad everyones surgeries are going ok. Poor chipster he has been through the ringer. Hope he gets better everyday.. Its time for updated pictures. It is amazing how everyone changes. Sugar you look fabulous.  well guess I will get off here and do something, anything...lol Everyone have a good sunshiny day



Christine F.
on 4/30/08 4:38 am - Whiteman AFB, MO

I'm human again!  I've been feeling kind of yucky the last couple of days.  On Monday, I felt very tired, sick to my stomach and had the poops (tmi, I know, sorry!).  Yesterday was even worse..  I went to class, did what needed to be done then went to bed for the rest of the day.  I'm very happy that today I feel human again!  My husband son and I are going to go out to my favorite restaurant and have a huge, nasty, fatty meal tonight!  I LOVE this chinese buffet place in Warrensburg, and since I have to start my slim fast on Friday, I'm going to have my "last meal" tonight.  I wanted to do it tomorrow, but hubby has a soccer game... so tonight it is, oh darn! lol  I might even get some custard tonight, who know?! I'm very excited for MEG!  I'm going to head over to the hospital tomorrow after classes and check on her.  I saw her in the commissary on Sunday and she seemed excited and ready.. and nervous of course.  I have my pre-op assesment on Friday morning, so I'll see her then too.   I can't believe that my surgery is only 2 weeks away (well, on Friday)!  It's very surreal.  I have one week of classes after this week is finished and the following week after that is finals!  YUCK!  I'm ready to have it over with, even if it is only for two weeks... I did have a kind of neat encounter with my math professer today... he stopped me in the hall and told me that he reccommened me to be a tutor in the tutor center at school.  He said he liked that I'm very straightforward and on top of my work and he thought I'd be perfect for it.. I know that I'm tooting my own horn, but that's pretty exciting for me. Ok, I feel like I'm rambling here.. I'm going to go and get my butt to work!  I have plenty to do and very little time to do it in.  I hope you're all well!!


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