Curious About Type II Diabetes
Love you all,
I was insulin depentent Type II diabeties. I had the DS and haven't had to do insulin or any other diabeties meds since the second month of surgery. DS has been done non obese patients for over 15 yrs in Eurpoe for diabeties. I know this is such an awesome thing to happen and hope that they make it more of the norm as time goes on. It's about time the US caught up with the rest of the world. Marylin 314/180/150
Dear Lovely Lana,
I had just been dx`d with type 2 diabetes about a month after I attended the seminar-we were still trying to regulate it with diet when I saw my bariatric surgeon. When I had surgery, mine went away. Melissa and Sherr (Blondie) they both had it too-and the surgery got rid of theirs. I believe Sherrs went away right away-but Mel, who was taking a lot of shots - 4 or 5 during the day-was a little longer, but they kept lowering her doses every time she saw the doctor-WOO HOO...I wish my mom would have this surgery so she could get rid of hers. Anyway-just saw this post today, so I wanted to respond to you. Love ya, Janet