Looking for surport group around OSAGE BEACH MO

on 4/29/08 3:18 am - Dixon, MO
BMI :  27.6    
deb C.
on 4/29/08 4:05 am - Lake of the Ozarks, MO
I don't know of any but would be willing to help start one.  I have met some women on-line from Camdenton and Leabonan who might be interested.  I am from camdenton.
on 4/29/08 8:25 pm - MO
HEY! You guys live in my hometown!! I now live in Kansas City but my heart lives in Camdenton! I graduated at Camdenton High School! My parents still live on 5 south. Me and my husband are hopping to move back as soon as I get my Nursing license. We come home to the Lake almost every other weekend. I would love to get together if interested! Where does every one else live?

Cassie L.

on 4/29/08 5:56 am - Camdenton, MO
The closest one I have found is Jefferson City, Columbia or Springfield.  My surgery is May 12th I would be interested in finding a closer suport group please add me to your friends and we can all keep in touch.  I live in Camdenton.  Raynetta
on 4/29/08 6:14 am - Osage Beach, MO
I'd totally be intrested!!!  I have been looking for one I live in Osage Beach too.  I plan on going to the one in Columbia in May.  IF you all start one please please please contact me @ [email protected] I am soooooooo intrested!!!  Let's get together!!! ~Angie!
on 4/29/08 9:29 am - Lebanon, MO
I live in Lebanon and would be willing to meet in Camdenton somewhere for a support group meeting. If anyone gets one going, let me know. Thanks!!! Amy

The Lord is my rock, and my fortress and my deliverer, My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge. Ps 18:2 

deb C.
on 4/30/08 9:26 am - Lake of the Ozarks, MO
How about Saturday May 10th, 2:00pm at Shoneys?
on 4/30/08 11:14 am - Lebanon, MO
Works for me!

The Lord is my rock, and my fortress and my deliverer, My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge. Ps 18:2 

on 4/29/08 9:50 pm - Camdenton, MO
I think we should start a suport group.  Does anyone have any ideas on what we need to do?  I guess we could all just meet but we would have any real person who  could answer questions, meaning someone from the clinic.  But at least we could all meet and tell our stories.  Also my surgery is May 12th.  I was thinking about attending the one in Springfield in June so maybe some of us could ride togethor.   There is meeting is on a Monday a month at 630pm. These are just thoughts so just let me know.  Raynetta
on 4/30/08 1:00 am - Osage Beach, MO
Sounds good to me.  Just tell me when and where and I'll be there---I would like to offer my front yard lol---I have a huge yard and if it's a nice day we could sit out around the patio table---I live in Osage Beach right down the street from Shoney's on Redbud---maybe next saturday---I'll have to look at the weather to make sure it's gonna be nice---we could do a pot luck picnic lunch meeting thing---anyone else have any suggestions?  If this sounds good to everyone we could shoot for next Saturday the 10th.  But I don't want to run the support group lol I don't know enough about things to be the hostess---but we can definately use my house and yard. ~Angie!
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