I need to know how long I might need assistance from my wife. Right now she is taking the day of surgery and the day after surgery off work. My surgery is Monday May 19th. I will be taking 2-3 weeks off depending on how I feel. But the question here is...How long did you need help from someone-else? How long before you were able to go up and down stairs , clean yourself and bathe yourself? I can do all that stuff now but after having surgery it might be different... IDK because I have never in my life had any type of surgery.
Should I have someone here for the first week? or will I be fine by myself once at home?
Thanks in advance for any input.
It kind of depends on how you do or if you have any complications or not? Most people are up and doing fine a few days after they get out of the hospital I think it just depends on the person. You will be a little sore for a while but nothing really bad. You will tire out easier but that's to be expected just take it easy and let your body heal make sure you get in as much protein as you can cause that helps in the healing.
Good luck to you and I hope you have a speedy recovery....
You can't drive for a week so it's kinda handy to have someone around in case you need to go somewhere. I was taking a shower right away but couldn't dry my legs from about mid thigh down because i couldn't bend over because i was sore and bloated from swelling and the gas they fill you up with...that went away after a few days. As far as getting around on my own that wasn't any problem, but standby assist for the first few days is a good thing...just in case. I think you'll be surprised how quickly you will start to return to "normal".