Brenda is a LOSER
Hi All, Just got home from visiting with Brenda, what a precious lady, I was blessed to meet her husband and beautifu daughter too. Seemed like such a nice nice family! Brenda was still fighting that gas bubble when I was there... she was so sweet, she even showed me her "war" wounds... she looked great! when I had my gall bladder out I had terrible huge bruising... she had none but did have 7 incisions she said. Her mouth was so dry, she was working pretty good on that swab they gave her to wet her lips. She had a hard time talking to me her lips were sticking to her teeth ~ha She was having a pretty good go on that pain button too! ~tee hee We had such a nice little visit, don't know how much of it she will remember, I tried not to stay too long she needed her rest but I could tell we did not nearly get our talk out... we had "stories" to compare! ~ha a real "kindred spirit". I just felt so glad this is over for her and she can focus now on all the wonderful things many of you talk so often about. Wishing her the very best, bec