Good Morning MO Peep's
I think I literally fell outof bed this morning on the run. First off I didnt get to sleep until after 5am this morning. Then the alarm went off at 7am. And with everything that is in me I wanted to throw the clock and go back to bed. But that wasnt possible. So out of bed I get. Wake up my daughter, we jump into the shower. And as she is getting out she slips and falls back into me and I wind up half in and half out of the shower hanging on to dear life to the shower chair thats in the shower with us. Needless to say I twisted my back and the way it has been hurting lately. I'm ready to commit harry carry!!!
Took my daughter to the Parents as Teachers appt. They tested her eye's and her hearing. She has 20/20 vision and no problems with her hearing at all. So that just proves to me that when her father or I tell her what to do that she ignores me. lol They did some other eye and hand cordination test and several moter skills test. We have just a few things (minor) to work on with her. But I got her enrolled. Plus I found out that they have a summer program that she will be abe to attend. It's only for approx 1 month. But thats okay too. It will help give her that jump start and get her ready for when school does start this fall.
Came home Terry had the baby up and fed. I pulled out an outfit cause it is chilly this morning. Plus I'll admitt it "Guys just cant cordnate clothes" And I didnt want to go out and about today with my son in poka dots and checks. lol Made several phone calls. I'm praying with every fiber in my body that my Ortho that I see thats in KC calls me today. Cause the meds that she has me on now are not helping at all. And they are giving me some MAJOR MIGRAINES darn near daily. And thats not going to work. So I'm trying to wait patiently for her office to call me back.
Then it's off to Neosho and Joplin to run some errands and pay some bills. Yuck!!! Then stop at Wally World to get a few thing. And I'm getting some invitations for my son. Cause his first birthday is the 11th of May. And they really kelw thing is that it is going to fall on Mother's Day!!! Thank you JESUS!!! But anyways were going to have a small birthday party for him. With all of our friends and family up here. Then have one down there with my side of the family and tie Mother's Day into it also.
Well I'm going to get off of here. And get ready to get things togather so I can ge tout of the house. Lunch is over so everyone should be back open. I pray that everyone has a very blessed day. You are all in my thoughts and prayers daily!!!
God Bless
Mel & Comp
Tammy: aka Aunt Ammy: Adrian LOVES to play with my cellphone. I think its the light on it that he loves more then anything. I cant wait to see you again. I have missed you sooooooooo much. Yes, please when youu do get to get away. Make sure you and Joe get to spend at least a couple of days around here. We have a gurls day again and go shopping.
Clara asked me to tell you hello and she loves you.
Janet: I'm in agreeance with Tammy that we need to put you in a bubble to protect you from yourself. And Yes, I know that I'm the pot calling the kettle black. lol
Jan: I bet your yard is looking so beatiful with all the flowers is bloom. I thought of you the other day when I read and ad on the for a greenhouse to be given away. Whoever took it just had to tear it down. It was on a local site here in my area offered for free.
BrendaM: How are you doing sweetie. I dont get to see that much of you on here. Of course I'm not on alot either but I do search for you when I do pop on. Take care of yourself and please tell your hubby I said hello.