First thing this morning ::: please pray for Brenda Nutt , she is to have surgery this morning at
Well I guess Winter is trying to hang on for a couple more days. My youngest daughter and I are suppose to plant a bunch of seeds today but I have some clear plastic to stake down to the ground for a couple of days and that should make them stay nice and warm lol we have rigged up a cover for some of the taller plants if we think we will need them. Im not sure we will down here. I will be getting up again early in the morning to check and see if there is any frost on. If there is we will be spraying everything off really well before the sun hits it. Since it will be a light frost if you wa**** off then it wont damage the plants.
I am really anxious for the meeting tonight since if everyone comes that is suppose to we will have a nice bunch there. Will be nice to see friends that we haven’t seen in a while and to see and meet new friends.
Bird friends (LOL) we saw two pair of rosebreasted grosbeaks with their mates with them today. They are a beautiful bird. I wonder if they return to places all the time because every year we have 2 pair appear at our feeders for about 2 weeks and then they are gone
Also the orchard orioles are back along with the scarlet tangiers. It is a busy place out on the bird feeders at the Cook household. Joe and I were sitting on the back porch today and our dog Rebel was laying out there asleep when this cute little titmouse came and landed beside our dog just kept hopping all around him and looking at his tail and then would look at his face , like he was wondering if he too some of that good dog hair for his nest could he get it and be gone before the dog woke up .lol you see I have lots of time on my hands , to make up tales about animals but I swear if you watch them you can see stuff like that lol .
Just got back inside , took a walk up the driveway and what do I see but 5 deer in our front yard starting to nibble on stuff. I yelled at them and waved my arms and they just stood there but because I yelled , Rebel barked at them and ran them away . I guess they didn’t think I was much of a threat.
They don’t know me and how protective I am of my flowers .lol
TRACI:::: Oh I know you were very worried and scared about the grand baby . So glad that they got the fever down and know what is wrong now. Bless her heart.
Sure wish I could have seen the pictures you posted they wouldn’t open and I even tried cut and paste to get to the sites but it wouldn’t work . My computer is really acting up here lately . I think I need to do a back up of all the stuff I haven’t done lately just in case.
SUGAR:::::::: lol I guess it was a product of our raising that we don’t know how to accept a compliment , you think? But I do like your solution to that . I have learned a little bit in my later years to be able to say thank you but it is still hard. Makes be always feel like I am agreeing and stuck up .
Oh that does sound like fun to go to garage sales with your grandkids. Where was Kenan?
That would be fun for you to bring your class down sometime. I have about 12 lawn chairs well really about 10 and the glider which seats 2 .
I posted a couple of pictures on your profile but you sent the last one in the shorts on a different program I think and it wont go on there.
AMY::::::: wow you had an exciting night and day didn’t you? LOL well now im going to fuss at you a little , be very very careful about pushing to go to the next step of eating , you actually went pretty far eating meat ? it didn’t make you sick at all ? didn’t hurt when it went down? wow!!!
You sound like you live a pretty busy life , what will you be like when you lose all that weight ??? take it easy on your self and don’t push the envelope too much , Your pouch is new and tender and has stitches that is the reason for the slow diet advancement, you are a lucky girl that it didn’t hurt. So please be careful. Ok?
SHEILA::::::: isnt it amazing all we can do now? And to be able to fit into someones jeans that you consider skinny? If she is skinny and can wear them I guess you are too huh? We wont know you when you come in tomorrow night.. we will think we have someone new.
Well didn’t rain here and my playing in the dirt was pulling weeds . Have 9beds completely done and 5 more to go. My hand is permanently going to be green . that is how people that work in gardening got that name of having a green thumb , it was from the grass stains that are there from pulling weeds lol
JANET::::::well shoot that you didn’t get a turkey again. sorry it rained you all out but so happy that you are enjoying yourself with Mike.
Are you still pain free? Hey I know what you are talking about about the fence ing . Joe and I went morel mushroom hunting on this place and it had barbed wire fending and before surgery if I would ever have been there at all when we would have come to the fence Joe would have had to pull and pull on that fence to help me get across it somehow. And this one the other day I just stooped and went under that sucker with out Joe even around . I looked up and he was over a little ways looking at me just smiling ear to ear.
He has learned when I have those wow moments now that I think that he gets a kick out of them too.
So Steph did go and spend some time with her dad yesterday huh? He is just lucky that you don’t turn him in to the police when he is around tho. .
Yes elephant ears are bulbs , big big bulbs. You can find them at wal marts or lowes
They are sort of expensive. To get started on them. But they produce more and more every year. I leave mine in the ground and cover them with about 6 to 7 inches of straw and they come back every year. Is the front of your porch in sun or shade?
Oh no I didn’t know for sure about the hysterectomy , I just figured since they do so many surgery outpatient that , that might be one of them. This repair of the rotator cuff is outpatient , that just looks like it wouldn’t be but oh well.
Yep you are right surgery is surgery, when they put you out that makes it big.
Hope you get that taken care of soon tho. I think it will really help you out in the pain dept.
Brrrrrrr - it's chilly out there this morning!!! 37 degrees at my house.
Today I plan to concentrate on laundry and some housework. That should keep me good and busy all day.

I'm praying for Brenda N. today as she has her surgery.
Have a great day everyone!
Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
My blog: http://wls4health.com
The Lord is my rock, and my fortress and my deliverer, My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge. Ps 18:2


~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!
Dear Jan and OH Peeps~
Please pray for our Brenda N-who is having her WLS today-if all goes well with her cough. Lets pray that she is healthy enough for it and that she has an uneventful surgery and a speedy and uneventful recovery as well.
Monday again...I am going to try my heart out to get everything done in time to get to the meeting on time-will see. I forgot that I had rescheduled my gb dr. appt for Monday-I was thinking to myself that I knew Monday had something going on-but it wasnt listed on the calender by my desk-so I really thought it was next Monday with the court deal with Mel. Nope, I was getting into my calender in my purse-I had a winning lottery and pull tab ticket in there-and I saw-3 pm. Today!! As Jon would say- OH BARNICLES! Not just that-but I have to go to the high school. I was suppose to go after school, but since I will be at the dr then, I am going on my way-to talk to the principal and to get Stephanies cell phone back-which got taken away on Friday and THIS TIME, they are making her parents pick it up, seems that Stephanie has had other adults pick it up for her when its gotten taken away and Mary Ann who works in the office of the High School knows Mike-because Mike fixes all of Diamond schools copiers-so.. He told Mary Ann when she mentioned something about a man coming in to pick it up the last time (it was Stephs best friends dad) and Mike said- OH NO...Jan or Me-NO ONE ELSE-so-they took away from her Friday and she called my cell (about 25 times), but I didnt get reception were I was, so we didnt get to school to get it picked up. She may not get it back anyway. I think I am going to get it on my way to the doctors office-but she is going to wait to get it back for awhile. IM MAD! She just doesnt think the rules apply to her. Will see about that, little Missy!
Well, they got the new well in and the plumbing on the one side of the driveway....and now we just have from the driveway over. What a mess! I cant wait until its all finished-and I dont like that across from my driveway now-all the trees are gone...I know that the bunnies always came from right there-I hope they still come around. Anyway-we have about an acre that has no trees, brush-nothing. When I went outside yesterday and I said I didnt like it-Mikes dad and Uncle Jessie said, well, look at it this way, it will keep the snakes away...Heck-I dont "play" out there-I dont go through that part of the woods unless I am on the 4 wheeler-
Remember I said nothing was going to burst my bubble yesterday? I was wrong. I had to go pick up Stephanie at Flying J-where her dad and his mate were dropping her-(I sure as heck didnt want them out at my house) well-Eric (my ex) hadnt seen me since last May when he moved to Vegas. He just stood there, speechless and said to me-OMG-your about 1/3 of your old self, you look like crap-are you tired? Your face is too thin-and you look sickly, are you getting enough protein and vitamins? Ok-those of you that know me-know that IF someone was going to say that to me-it shouldnt be him.... EXCUSE ME? "I" look sick? by the time I got that out of my mouth, Stephanie had walked over-and she was standing there-so I told her to say her goodbyes and go get in the car-I would be there in a minute-and she was like-I will wait-I said, NO IF you want to drive home-go get your stuff put in the car and get the seat adjusted and get ready, I need to talk to your dad and Adam for a minute.
Well, then Adam was like-Let me give you a hug-hugs make everything better-Touch Me-I DARE YOU! I say to Adam~Eric shakes his head no to Adam-I guess he does have a memory or two of touching me when he shouldnt have! I told him that HE had a lot of nerve to say that to me-he was like-well, you dont look healthy anymore-your losing too much and I can see where Mike would be worried-WHAT? Have YOU personally talked to MY husband at any time in the past couple of years, you freaking fruit cake? He proceeds to tell me that Steph said that Mike has told me all along how he loves me no matter what size I am and yadi yadi-now-WHERE do you get that Mike is worried about me in that sentence? Please tell me-how 188# is too skinny for a female 5'8 1/2"??? Anyone? So then he proceeds to tell me that he feels that I have put the weight loss above my own happiness and that he thinks I should go talk to someone about this, because he just knows in his heart that I AM NOT HAPPY and thats all he has ever wanted for me....Ok-Now I am shaking, and I am honestly contenplating (sp?) reaching out and busting him right in the face...I was shaking I was so mad! I am thinking to myself that I didnt have enough money in my purse for bail and wondering how long I would seriously spend behind bars for smacking the crap out of him. Then-the unthinkable happens and Adam throws his arms around me and says-Please be happy, you were such a beautiful woman even when your face was a little chunky and you look so happy in all the pictures I have seen...and he is still talking when I start bawling, shove him away and get in the car-DO NOT come over here-I swear I am going to lose it-LEAVE ME ALONE (everyone who knows me knows that IF I get mad enough that I start crying-to get away-). I get in the car and all I hear from Stephanie is how her dad gave her a laptop with wi-fi and he did this and he did that for her. Dont get me wrong, I am glad that he made her feel good-but I didnt want to talk about him or his friend- Then the texts start-and he is apologizing to me about what he said-but he is so worried about my happiness and I keep deleting them, then.....I get one that says-Adam is so jelous and he is worried that I am going to leave him and get back with you! OMG YOUR KIDDING ME!!! Have you heard about my husband? I have been with him for 12 years. I am happily married-he is my soul mate-heck, I get irritated with him sometimes, but we are a normal couple. I text Eric and tell him to have Adam call me ASAP or I am going to his moms and everyone will hear the conversation- I dont care. So-Adam calls me and I ask him WHY he would ever even think something like that-and I guess Eric talks that way and I told Adam that I have NEVER even suggested it-I have NEVER thought about it-and I would NEVER, IF he were the LAST MAN ON EARTH-NEVER get back with him-not ever. Not even if Mike divorced me tomorrow! He told Adam that we were on the verge of getting back together when he found out he was HIV positive and it just destroyed our plans and he was heartbroken and not doing good when he went back to Vegas- WHAT? Thats news to me! NO WAY, NO HOW! WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? Oh man-what a NUTJOB! (no pun intended there) I told Adam that Eric just needs to go home-he said they had been thinking about moving here-but Adam was worried it was just for Eric and I to get back together. PALEEZE! Thats NOT ever going to happen AND I dont want either of you living that close to me anyway-just go back where you came from, K? I told him to go ask Erics mom about what happened-she knows. She got onto Eric for calling me his wife 2 Christmass ago when I went to pick up Stephanie from the Christmas party they had. Something isnt right in his head-thats for sure.
Woke up this morning and felt like I have been punched in the stomach. I dont know if its the ulcers acting up or a hernia. It is really painful and not anything I have really felt before....Glad I am seeing the doc today (did Janet just say that?) LOL...Yah-I dont like going to the doctors thats for sure.
**Jan- the front of my porch faces to the east, and it is shaded in the morning and sun in the afternoon when its warmer and the sun is at its hottest. I do have a place on the north side and west side I can plant them on-the north side is pretty shaded I would say prob 75% of the day and the West side is only shady for a bit in the morning. Where is the best place for them?
My pain level for my back and knees has been great. I havent felt this good since all the stuff started with my back Feb 2007.
I really hope I get to make it tonite. I want to see everyone and get hugs. I have missed you guys since December!!!! Love ya bunches.
I am going to get off here and get my day started and spend some time with Jonathan. I hope you all have a good day-and I will be checking for a post about Brenda in a bit. Take care everyone, and as always-your in my thoughts and prayers! Janet
Good Morning,
I want to just say HI! Thanks Jan for the compliments!!
I wanted to thank you and everyone that has prayed for me
and my back pain problems.
You know it's like someone turned on a light switch
in a dark room. Because when I went to see the surgeon
he told me what my symptoms were before I told him.
So it's like now I know why my legs have been weak
and a lot of other things that I hadn't associated with my back
but now it all makes since.
I will let you all know when my surgery is when I call
them. I do not want to have it until after May 18 because my
granddaughter is graduating high school then.
Well just wanted to pop on for a minute, But with my dial up
it has taken me 25 minutes just to post this, so that’s why most
of the time I just lurk and read and not post. If I’m lurking I can
click a post and then go do something and come back in about
12 to 15 minutes and read that post and so forth and so on.
Everybody have Blessed day
Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right..
Forget about the one's who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason.
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.
If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy,
they just promised it would be worth it.