BEWARE when going outside!!!!!
MO residents BEWARE....there are lobsters on the loose!!! My 4 year old found one yesterday and brought it home to show me....LOL. She was so proud and so thrilled to have found a real live "lobster" that she put it in the bird bath for "safe keeping". Needless to say, it ended up as some bird's lunch. She gives me such joy.....I don't ever want her to grow up, but I guess that is one of those things over which i have no control.
lol how cute, enjoy these years they go so fast. and then come the devil years. lol you wonder what happened to that sweet loveable little girl , you will see fleeting moments here and there , enough to make you know that she is still in there at least. . be happy and cherish everyone to the "lobster" moments.
That brought a smile to my face. We used to go camping in the Smokey Mountains every summer when I was a kid and when I was about 6 I caught a crawfish and gave it to my Mom, proudly telling her I'd caught a lobster! She still laughed about that decades later.

Highest weight:261 (2/07), First Consult weight: 242 (12/4/07)
Day of Lap Band Surgery: 213.2 (4/16/08)
Day of revision to DS: 208 (10/16/2009), Current weight: 138.0