Wasn’t it pretty Saturday? Started out sort of cool but quickly warmed up enough to work out in the yard without getting hot. Course I don’t seem to get hot at all any more.
My flowers seem to be doing really well so far this year, I am just hoping and praying that this cold front they are talking about isnt too cold. So far they are saying the upper 30s down here so that will be ok if it doesn’t get any colder than that.
So many things are coming up and looking good , my elephant ears and cannas are doing great. Looks like I maybe lost about 3 elephant ears. But that isnt bad, the cannas are coming back thicker than usual. I found out from the master
I noticed a couple of castor beans coming up by them selves by the pond. That will be good , they always give sort of a tropical feel to an area.
We have to get out and clean up the front pond and buy a pump for it. But it is full of tadpoles right now so we are going to let them mature and will have all sorts of frogs soon. Then we will clean the pond and put the new pump in and get it to running pretty. We had another pond just below that one but every time it would rain real hard the smaller pond down hill floated out of its hole from all the run off from the bigger pond. So we are going to put it on the other side somewhere….have to figure it all out first. May not sink it entirely into the ground so it wont get the run off from down the hill.
Havent really thought of that too much cause right now we are trying to get things done so I wont feel bad that they didn’t get planted.
If something doesn’t happen my youngest daughter will be out here on Monday and will come to the support meeting with me , we will plant on Monday and Tuesday and she said she had to be home Wednesday to get her check.
So hopefully we can get most of these plants in the ground. My other daughter said that if she couldn’t get over this week that she would be over next week to do stuff that I wanted done yet….
Does anyone know if the numb hand goes with a torn rotator cuff? I can stand the pain that is going on but that numb hand is driving me nuts. Cant pick up anything and it is really hard to type with it…makes a lot of mistakes lol but that isnt anything new is it????
BRENDA M::::::: yeah I read about your wow moment ,I bet you were grinning ear from ear but that should tell you something about your weight. If you don’t have any fat on your hips then your weight is just fine where it is. You sure don’t look like you weight what you say you do and your clothes size doesn’t say it does it?
I hope you have your surgery soon and then you will be able to get out and enjoy your life better.
TAMMY:::::::we didn’t have a storm last night over here. Sounds like you all got a good one.
Oh wow that is some job popping corn and watching a movie lol
The bar b que sounds really good , nothing there I could probably eat but it sounds good anyway.
Yea!!!! On getting a lap top. Axious to see you online more.
TRACI::::::: so you all had a storm too huh?
Well how did the girls haircuts turn out? I bet they are cute , they were before tho.
Well hope you got those stinky doggies bathed today. Lol
SHEILA::::: what did you find good at the garage sales? Hope some good bargains.
I will bring my tape measure .lol nope don’t need to see naked lol
Yeah and you know I will too don’t you ? hunt you down that is. , don’t think I would know where to start would i?
I hope there will be several of the older post ops there as well as several new post ops and some pre ops too. Make it neat to have a big crowd….
SUGAR::: sure wish I could have been with you. Sounds like they were really pretty gardens and I loved the pictures. I still haven’t gotten your pictures sized and or put up for you. I don’t remember till I get on here to do this post. I will try to do that this evening. Ok ?
Maybe you could bring them down here some day while the flowers are all in bloom and will have lemonade and tea for them . they can sit and enjoy the birds and the ponds and the quite.
I know you do love doing your parties. Sugar does the best parties thinks of things that I would never think of at all. me a party is call some people come on over , heres some chips and dip theres some tea, need a napkin heres a roll of paper towels lol
Think im kidding? Im not into that too much but Sugar can think up the neatest things wish I would have gotten some of her talents …
JANET::::: that is what I had back long time ago , the PI D….no wonder you have been in so much pain that will slap dap knock you to your knees. It is inflammation in your pelvic reagions. And usually causes you to have heavy and painful monthy vistors.
I suffered for about 10 years with it till one day a child that I was giving some meds to kicked me in the stomach and that was like breaking a dam ,I passed out and they took me to the hospital where I had emergency hysterectomy. Oh my gosh after that was over I never felt so good in my life. Wow. !!!
So im assuming you all didn’t get a turkey. Well bummer. That isnt fun. But I know what you mean about the peace and quite out there. I have went out in the woods some times just to sit real still and listen and see what all you can see. Is neat.
Winter onions are sometimes called traveling onions too . but they stay in the ground and continue to grow , they wont get huge but you have green onions about any time even in the winter. I always put them in a bed sort of close to the house but you can put them in your garden if you want to.
I was kidding you about the kitty , you knew that didn’t you. ,????? But I do like the doors lol
I know you would do that to me. Lol
Hope your pain stays away for awhile. check on google about the PID , and you probably do have endometriosis they sort of go hand in hand. Hysterectomy is .a pretty simple surgery anymore I think it is outpatient even ….
See you Monday night.
Yesterday was lovely wasn't it?!! Hopefully today will be equally as nice.
I did get two of the dogs done. Then I got tired. The Cavaliers are shedding, and they had some mats, so it took me longer than normal to do just those two, and I got a late start - so had to stop to feed the children supper and was too tired to get back down to the grooming room to do any more dogs. Since I had bathed the puppy Friday, and the two Shih Tzu go to the groomer this coming Friday, that really just leaves my one Cavalier, Charlie, that really needs a bath still - so I'll do him this afternoon.

Henry, in a full run towards me.
Henry & Hope - Oooooo, they found a stick!

Beautiful Hope
And here's my two girlies and their new hair cuts:
Hannah (L) and Emily (R)
Well, I need to run and finish getting things ready for church this morning. Have a great day everyone!
Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
My blog: http://wls4health.com
The Lord is my rock, and my fortress and my deliverer, My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge. Ps 18:2

Dear Jan and OH Peeps~
Its a gloomy day. More rain, more clouds-more rain AND clouds! We left this morning at 4:30-got to the property, got all set up-and we were calling our Turkeys in-and they were coming-when the sky opened up, and yep, you guessed it-it started to down pour!! No sprinkling for us hunters-we had the full blown rain-I even had mud on my forehead-LOL....
I just want to say that right now-I feel extremely blessed-for a couple of reasons, first-I have been able to spend quality time with my husband-and we have really missed that the past couple of years! Second-I am able to do the things I have ALWAYS wanted to do-I cant even explain-those that are pre-op-how your lives are going to change-really! Post-oppers-a little further out, you know what I mean... This is so rediculous for me to be happy about-but the 200 acres we were hunting on today-well-it was crossfenced due to cows in the pasture-so anyway-we needed to get to one side-and there was a barbed wire fence-and for the first time in MY life-I got to go under the very bottom of the fence-and I FIT!! Now-ordinarilly-that would not excite me-but I had to do that like 6 times-and I just felt so liberated! I didnt run out of breath, I didnt have to take breaks, I stayed with Mike the whole time, AND I could get up and down off the ground all by myself...WOOO HOOOO.....I am so happy today-that I dont even care that we didnt get my turkey again. They were there-I saw a bunch, even in groups of 5-but the rain kept them undercover.....Oh well, we do have 2 more weekends-and I am going to utelize BOTH weekends and WE WILL have our turkeys before the season is over, I feel so good. The property that we hunted on today belongs to the same people we will be buying the house we live in now from. The really great thing is that we are the ONLY ones allowed to hunt that property!!! We have the keys to the 2 metal gates we have to go through-and they have one pasture leased to the farmer across the street-and he keeps an eye on the property, and no one else gets to hunt there-Yipee!!!
Anyway-I feel like I am on a cloud today. We figured it out and we walked a couple of miles yesterday AND today-and I am still cleaning my house AND doing laundry etc-this would NEVER had happened 2 yrs ago-Heck, I could barely walk 10 feet without thinking my heart was gonna pound out of my chest and just gasp for air!~
Im not even going to let the fact that my ex is in town and him and his "lover" are looking for a house here AGAIN....Im not gonna let that get me down, not today. I would love prayers though that Gods will, will be done. I cant see where him moving here would be in anybodys best interest-thats for sure. Yesterday they were looking at a bar, because they say that there is a need here for their kind of bar-YIKES, here we go again! I sure feel better the further away he is-but anyway-it is what it is-and I only hope and pray that his "lover" will NOT like the fact that ALL of Erics family except his dad live here-and that they are all nosey and dont approve of his lifestyle-and his "lover" Adams dad approves and has offered financial assistance for them to start a bar somewhere. So....I am just praying that Adam gets the same treatment everyone else Erics brought to his familys homes has gotten and not want to be here. Megan wont even talk to him-he went to the Mall yesterday where she works-and she refused-she went out the side door so she wouldnt have to see him.
Well, I am going to go for now-I want to spend some time with Mike and the boys. Steph just got off work and she is with Eric right now-and Mike took his nap already, I have laundry going-and the boys are playing with their RC cars in their family room.
**Jan-When Mike got t-boned in that accident and it tore his rotator cuff right in half (workmans comp though made him wait a year for his surgery or approve him to go to an ortho surgeon, I should say) anyway-yes he did get numbness in his hand-and it got all the way up to his elbow sometimes-but it all came back normal after surgery.
I think that elephant ears are some of the prettiest plants there are. Do they come in bulbs or ? I havent seen any plants like that in the garden section of Walmart or Lowes.....Maybe a nursery? I would love to put some in front of my porch that runs the length of my house-they would look so beautiful there!
Yes I knew you were kidding about the kittens.....You just put ideas in my head-LOL...Im jokin. They are pretty cute-but you have to really be a cat person to appreciate them!~
On the hysterectomy, even laproscopic, they keep you overnite. Unless you know something I dont know. One of the gals I used to work with had one a couple months ago-lap, and they kept her overnite. Another of my friends had to get the open surgery and she was there for 72 hours. Doesnt matter-its surgery. Yes, I am glad to know the two go hand in hand-so if I get rid of one, maybe the other will go away too? Im praying for that....I will get on and research, prob in the morning when I have some quiet time.
Well, we are going to unload the truck and get all of our hunting goodies put away. I hope you all have a good day and as always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Janet