Did Your Tattoo's Look Funny Post Op?
I am wondering if there is anyone that had any tattoos pre op that looked fine and now they dont? I am a little worried my art work will look like a colored blob? I have some on my pics stars with names and I am planning on finishing the tattoo in June, but I am thinking there shouldnt be a lot of shrinkage on the neck??? Am i right? I mean, yeah probably on tha chin area, but I dont have any there, lol. Take a look at tha tatt's and give me your advice. I also have a large one on my breast that is a large lotus flower I wear a FF bra now. I am hoping after surgery to go down to a c or d cup. I am planning on breast reduction surgery when I am ready... Wonder if the lotus is going to look awful? And, I am planning a koi fish on the right bicep to cover up an ex's name... but that is down the road when I am lookin alot bettter and feelin better... would love any positive or nice and negitive feed back... The point of this post is to see if I am going to regret finishing the tattoos on the neck... thanks! I am going to color in the stars, making them shooting stars, more smaller size stars and star dust... is going to be a beautiful piece of work then they are all done...