Jan C.
on 4/25/08 2:22 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Friday sure isnt very pretty but at least it isnt raining so far this is noon time right now. Good weather to dig up weeds lol. Seems that is what I spend a majority of time doing this time of year. I have to wait on using the Preen till the seeds I plant come up then I can clean out the beds and use Preen and have very few weeds after that , something that is a back saver due to so many flower beds.  Speaking of which I have one up front that I need to figure out what to put there. I plant one or two plants in it to see how they are going to do and usually wide up moving them somewhere else cause they don’t do great. I will figure it out hopefully this year. I think I pretty much have it down to about 3 things now which will be pretty together. Will take pictures when they start in so you all can give me thumbs up or down on them.

I planted 72 seeds of zinnias this morning in my little nursery beds. I need to get them up the size of the ones you buy so I can transplant them in a few weeks. They are so pretty and withstand drought and hot sun well. So do Marigolds. Did you all know that Marigolds planted in or around your garden will keep some of the pest off your veggies?


Spent about 4 hours in the flower bed digging up weeds , Joe finally got home from Morel mushroom hunting and used his tiller on parts of it so the weeks came up so much easier. I think I will put buckets over what is up and spray round up on it and kill the roots of what I missed. You can plant in two days after using that. He also tilled up an area along one walkway that I always plant marigolds at.


Oh by the way I dug up all of my winter onions to transplant them somewhere else and I have boocoos of them. Does anyone want any? I will bring several clumps Monday night so anyone that wants them can have them. I didn’t do any other veggies this year because at the time I had to start them we didn’t know for sure if we were going to have a garden area for them or not. But we do now. I guess I will just go buy some things even tho that goes agains the grain lol


Well here it is 4:30 and it finally rained about 10 minutes. And now the sun is trying to shine lol did you all hear that it is suppose to get down in the 30s one night ? I just looked at weather bug and it says Sunday night in the mid 30s for here. If that is as cold as it gets it wont hurt anything but if it drops to freezing it sure might even tho it is only one night.

Gosh durn it. !!!!!



TRACI:::::sounds like another tracyday.lol busy as always huh, but was glad to see that you took a day off yesterday and just did much of nothing, everyone needs to do that once in a while.

Yeah was pretty neat about the Painted Buntings and I took them threw the screen in my dining room. I was afraid they would fly if I went out there so just used the zoom and went ahead and snapped then with cropping and adjusting color they came out really well. We have lots of pretty birds that come around here of course we have 6 feeders that we keep full and then the hummingbird feeders on top of the flowers. They all think they are in Heaven I guess.



SHEILA::::: get yourself to an Eye, Ear, Nose throat guy. Cant think of the name they go by , someone who knows help me out here . lol

Wonderful on the new size , isnt it fun??? I think I am stuck at 10s which I guess I cant complain but I would have loved to get into single digets but guess it wasn’t ment to be.

If you want me too I will bring my tape measure and we can figure out what size bra you need either before the meeting or after ,,,,doesn’t take but a minute and you don’t have to get undress lol . Boy you better be at the meeting, or im aaaaa well just be there. Lol




SUGAR::::: oh I hope you take loads of pictures , that is a beautiful flower. Wish I had known . Hope you all have a great day. And I know the people in your class will love it. \

Which 3 grandkids will you have??? Love you back…


AMY:::: lol I love your style of writing , I bet you are a hoot to be around.

Yep you have to baby your pouch just as if it is a newborn baby. Don’t get all upset that you cant get a grown up persons amount of anything in there, This is a baby and can only take in so much, and it isnt going to like just everything, even if you liked it before. It wont be that you don’t really like something or other now but your stomach is like something totally foreign to you. I think someone should write a list or something of things about your new stomach. Would be a lot on it for sure. Like

The stomach wasn’t fixed so you can eat anything you want to

You will be eating like some of those skinny picky girls that you use to think were stupid.

You forever will be different and your eating will be weird for sure

Food is only NOW for filling the tummy to keep you from overeating

You get your protein from predigested drinks and you will have to keep drinking them the rest of your life.

Water is very very important.

Dehydration is an easy thing to happen to us.


Is that enough stuff right now. Lol


Wow I hope your son is ok with the dog bite.  Im sure their dog is current on all shots???

Well if you drive to Springfield to shop you should come to the support meeting on Monday night….we have a really good time.  Hey only have lost 7 pounds in a week? Not bad I think when have you ever done that before? And the good thing is that next week you will lose some more and the week after that more still so keep your head up and keep doing all you are suppose to do. .

 The difference between Indigo buntings and blue grosebeak is mostly size , indigos are very small , smaller than a normal blue bird ….oh and their bils. Grossebeak have a crossed beak on the end…

Look forward to your post each day lol it is really good for the sole to laugh you know.




JANET:::::so sorry about your computer , sounds like it might be gone for sure this time. You sure have had a lot of trouble with it haven’t you.

Hey Alltel has a card you can put in your computer and you can change it from one computer to the other which makes you be able to get internet anywhere . if you watch you can see an advertisement for it for AT&T but theirs is 99 dollars. Alltels is 60 dollars a month.

I  was just thinking about getting me a laptop when I get my stimulus check too. They are sure getting cheap now for sure.

Ouch on the toe getting smashed. I know that wasn’t fun. I have a toe right now that is bruised really bad but I don’t know how it was done. Lol now don’t understand that at all. lol

Hope you get a turkey that will be really fun….just don’t get hunters fright when you go to shoot one. Lol

Glad your cat had her kitties and im sure they are really cute and really sweet but like I said I keep my truck doors locked at the meeting and afterwards at Village Inn. Haha

But I bet little Jon was so excited and happy , more kitties to love on.


Janet did you look at the pictures? We have had blue ( or Indigo buntings) all along but had never seen a painted one. They look like little parrots in their coloring. Beautiful birds.

I don’t know about everyone but I have continued to say a pray for Melissas mother. It is very hard to accept God Will sometimes but then you don’t want her to suffer either. God be with her and her family at this time in her life.



VESTA:::::::: Oh boy are you really going to come to the meeting this coming Monday? OH BOY !!! haven’t seen you in so long.

I have a secret about remembering everyones names and what they talked about . Its Magic. Lol \\



BRENDA  NUTT::::: This is really good weight loss on two weeks of liquid diet. Can you feel it any? Yes if you have a problem retaining fluids drinking water can help a lot unless you have something wrong with your kidneys then it can sometimes cause a bigger problem than before.

Yes you are right it makes you feel like a million when people say nice things to you about your size. Joe says that he doesn’t think I need to lose more at all. I think if I could get my tummy tuck done , since Medicare will pay for it I think I would feel better about my size.

I am so so happy that your cold is better than it was. Keep doing what you are doing and im sure they will say it is ok for surgery. We do have some awesome prayer warriors on this board ….

Yeah the cardinals are pretty this time of year aren’t they. That is because they are breeding lol those boys like to show off you know.

Signs and symptoms of Dehydration : weak, dizzy, eye site blurry, and skin will get dryer looking. best fix. Drink drink drink ….now you could do one of the dehydration drinks but after only water since those have quite a bit of water in them. Right after surgery since it is hard to get enough fluids down keep lots of sugar free popscicles on hand and you can do a PS plus protein drink or water at the same time. Lol  you have a lot of excess fluid in your body right after surgery from the IVs so you don’t have as great of a chance of it as you will later on. I have to watch it a lot with working in the yard like I do , I sit a timer to get a bottle of water about every hour and half.




BEC::::::: that is really good weight loss too since you really don’t have to show much of a weight loss when you are on the supervised diet. Are you having to do a 6 month supervised exercise too? Why is your head hurting? Do you drink caffeine and have quit or is it sugar that it is craving? What ever it should be gone by tomorrow. Hopefully.

Hey you will be able to bust a move in a few months really. I know I can and if I can anyone can…love you sweet lady. You know we are all here for you.




Brenda Minks::::::: Oh my sweet friend so sorry about your back and that you are going to have to have surgery on it. We will be sure and add you to the prayer list. That sounds like a really bad problem. I read all of that and it doesn’t give a success rate. Did your surgeon do so? Did they not give you anything to help you keep control of the pain till you have surgery? I hope so. Love you and know that you are now on several prayer list.




LANA:::::: Yeah that is what I figure that the shoulder surgery is bad but I don’t want to lose the function of my arm either. Wonder if there is anyone out there that was told they had to have surgery on their shoulder for a torn rotator cuff and didn’t do it. What does it do if you don’t. I know it hurts right now and don’t know if I can stand more pain from it since there is so much pain elsewhere too.

I figure it will be about 4 months at least before I get full use out of it. Maybe sooner if I heal from that like I do everything else. Anxious to see you Monday night. Love you sweetie…did they finally get someone hired to help you out , I think they had at last meeting so she should be well trained by now huh? Hope so for your sake.

Im glad that your new meds are starting to work. That is good. They will have all summer to get better and maybe be so much less painfull next winter and spring.



Cant wait to see everyone Monday night

















Brenda Minks
on 4/25/08 4:15 pm - Silva, MO

Good Evening Everyone,

No Jan the surgeon did not give me any pain meds, He said they  were not a pain management center, but he did give me a steroid  shot in my left hip joint because he said I had some tendonitis in  there, all I know is it has been hurting really bad the last several  months, I think it is the fibromyalgia. He said I will get the narcotics  from him when I have surgery. So many doctors will not hardley  prescribe the good pain pills because of all the regulations they  are on them and of course he gave me the spill about getting  hooked on the meds and how you would just have to keep getting  stronger ones. I know all that but it sure don't help when your up  all night because of intense pain. My PCP only gives me Darvon  for a month at a time and every month the pharmacy calls him  for a new order for them. After my back surgery I may just try  to find another Pain Management Center and start going again.  It just scares me to think about starting the steroid shots again  because that is where I gained a lot of my weight from. Did you read about my wow moment in my post on the back diagnosis? I do pray I can start exercising again after my surgery, I know it  will be  awhile but I need to get this last 25 or 30 lbs off and it don't come  off easy now, wi**** was like the first week post-op visit where  I lost 19 lbs !!!! I don't know about my appointment to Dr. Hornbostal, I was supposed  to go in June but I may call him and see if I could get in to see him  before the back surgery. If I don't there is no way I'm riding in a car  for 6 hours one way after the back surgery!!! Will have to see. Well I'm going to bed and getting on my heating pad and watch TV  it's 1:15 am and doesn't seem like there will be much sleep tonight either. I pray the storms will pass you all by tonight. Brenda

Tammy H.
on 4/25/08 9:33 pm - Holcomb, MO
Howdy yall......... Wow we got a doosey of a storm last night! Didn't last a real long time but it rained like crazy, hailed a bit and lightening was everywhere! We hardly ever loose our lights but the were flickering like crazy there for a bit.  It's not very bright out there this morning so I don't know if it's still just cloudy or if we are getting more today. This will have to be short cause I'm about to head out for work....Today Miss Agnes and I are going to pop popcorn and watch the Titanic....Already seen it a few times but she seem to really want to do it so I don't mind setting thru it again lol lol...She hardly ever gets out of the house....Fridays she goes and gets her hair done and she goes once a month or so to the doctor. Every now and then her son comes in off the road and they will go get her and take her to her grandsons house for dinner and to see her great grand son. I talk to her the other day about that when I work days we should play some dominos or something but I don't know how that will go.  Going to have my brats over tomorrow for a bbq....Been awhile since they were here...Dought we will send for Heather. I know that sounds mean but she has done so much in the 13 months she has been here that none of the kids want to be around her. I have asked them to look over her several times and every time they get to where they can tolerate her she does something else to one of them.... Well it's time to head out...Should have my lap top tues or wed so hopefully I will have more time to be on...I miss not only checking out the posts daily but having time to respond to them individually. Hope everyone has a wonderful and blessed Sat... God Bless each of you... Luv & Hugs...Tammy~ammy





















 ~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
   Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
   Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!

Traci K.
on 4/25/08 9:43 pm - Sullivan, MO
Morning everyone
Goodness me - the heavens opened up last evening and it POURED! We had flash flooding here as I was attempting to drive back to Payless and exchange some shoes I bought for my 6 year old daughter. Seriously, we had some major water everywhere! I guess the ground is just saturated and it has no place to go. We have yet to cut our grass even once - as my husband is trying to find new blades for his riding mower and has been having trouble. The old ones could not be sharpened any longer. I believe he finally found them yesterday and plans to work on getting those on this morning. Not sure he'll have time to actually mow today before he goes to work or not. It's so wet out there, not sure he could mow anyway.

This morning I'm taking my two girls to the beauty shop for a hair cut. Normally I just trim their hair, as they have it long. Only one of them even has bangs. But, they have very, very thick hair and it's curly/wavy and it's time for it to be cut shorter with some layers or something. It always seems to look messy! They never want to leave it in pony or pig tails - so it just looks a mess all the time and they're not old enough yet to take care of it themselves. So we're headed to the beauty shop this morning to get a new 'do' for them. They're VERY excited.

After we get back from the beauty shop, I am - for sure - bathing these dogs today. Although I did get the puppy done yesterday so my parents could cuddle on him when they came and took me to lunch yesterday. It was all I could do to keep them from taking him home yesterday! I was checking pockets, purses and doing a head-count on dogs before they left to make sure that I still had all my dogs. So with the puppy bathed, I only have to do 5 dogs today. Anyone wanna come help?!!!!

Have a great day everyone!!! Enjoy the sunshine.
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

Sheila H.
on 4/25/08 10:17 pm - Marshfield, MO

good morning Jan and OH peeps looks like it may be another  nice day. i sure hope so cos im heading out in 30 min. to meet up with daughter to go to city wide yard sales.. Jan...YES if u can help me with bra size id greatly appreciate that and if need be i will get naked lol

and i didnt know marrigolds help with pests around garden so will have to plant some...

oh i plan to bet at meeting roaring and humming and all   lol

there is NO way im gonna have you hunting me down if i dont show up

sounds like we are gonna have a BIg turn out monday..we may all need name tags to know who we are lol  hope every one has a GREAT weekend and will see you monday night

love and hugs


on 4/25/08 11:11 pm - Clever, MO
The trip was a real hoot! I love my Sr Adult group! Turns out only 14 went so there would have been room for you to go...I always hate inviting someone out side the group because it might make the difference between having to take 2 vans and the 3rd one and the price of gas makes that prohibitive!!!!  We had a good lunch at Golden Coral and Denny said it was worth it just for the fried fish he got to eat! lol! The weather was windy and my people didnt like that at all and some of them didnt want to walk around in it much but I did get them out to get some pictures with the flowers. The subdivision you go thru getting into the park is so pretty and seems everyone had azaelas in thier yard and so we got a show before we ever got to the park. There is a hill with water running down it (really high) and they just ohhhhed and ahhhhed over that too.  They were all tired when we arrived back at the church and it made for an exceptionally long day, but it was fun.  Did you notice the picture of the golden orangish yellow blooms? What a pretty flower! And the flame red ones were outstanding. Next month we are going to have a fiesta!!!! Does anyone have any great mexican food recipes or decorating ideas??? They really love thier theme parties. Weve had luau's and hoedowns and irish greendays....what fun I have and am so thankful to the Good Lord for allowing me to feel well enough to plan parties for them. It is one of the biggest blessings in my life!                      Love ya, Sugar
on 4/26/08 5:42 am - Diamond, MO

Dear Jan and OH Peeps~

Isnt it a beautiful day today? It is here anyway. A tad nippy.....BUT-I must say that this has been one of the best days I have had this year. Let me tell you why-

Yesterday when I got done posting-I called my PCP (guys-cover your eyes-LOL)... I had had my monthly visitor for 5 days and I was still going through a tampon AND maxi pad every 20 minutes-and the first and second day were bad enough-every 30-45 minutes, but I just figured since it wasnt so bad last month, it was making up for it-k? Well, I know I told you that they have been wanting me to go get a D&C and then possibly a hyesterectomy dependent on what the D&C showed and how it all went. Ok-well, I literally felt like I was running a faucet-and I was soaking through my supplies, my clothes-and clots the size of silver dollars and bigger. So-I called my PCP and I went and saw the n.p. since my PCP wasnt in (I dont think he is ever there on Friday) She did a pap, she ordered lab and I got 2 shots. One was a form of anti-inflammatory and the other was a birth control shot-and I have been spayed (LOL...When I had Jon, I got the 8 Point Check-cause I just knew after my youngest being 12-I didnt want another surprise that late in life!) Ok-so she told me that it would help with the bleeding and she said that it wouldnt cause blood clots. So-I got the 2 shots in my hiney. Well.....

Woke up at 3 am to go turkey hunting with Mike-and virtually no pain whatsoever-Hello? Could this be? And the female visitor, gone? WHAT? Are you serious-something is going to go MY way? I was pretty stressed about this guys, cause I couldnt imagine being out in the woods trying to hunt with my husband-and dealing with a mess like that-and no bathrooms to speak of-you pop a squat. Thats the extent of that. So-I get all decked out in my camo-yep-I have regular sized camo now-AND I didnt have to pay the extra price for the larger sizes-and WHEN I would TRY to find camo 2 years ago in a 5-6x-there NEVER was any-and this year-tons of it in my OLD size AND on clearance....*shaking head* Anyway-for ALL my camo-when it went on clearance after Christmas-I got the pants, the shirt-the long sleeve shirt and a sweat shirt-all for $25, it was ALL 75% off!!!

Ok-so we get all decked out and travel to Shawnee Trail...On the way we stop to take out a small mortgage to fill the Suburban up-LOL...we got gas and some jerky and away we went. No fighting in the vehicle-No whining, No crying, No complaining-no radio-Just peace and quiet-and we were just taking it all in.......the gas station was full of fellow hunters-all decked out in their camo too-everyone sizing everyone else up-and, of course-I am the ONLY WOMAN there-as usual, that usually means the men are staring-and doing double takes to make sure they are really seeing breasts to go with that long pony tail....no make up today-no pretty smell, no-I smell like I fell in a pile of cow crap-that earth scent gags me-and yet, I guess not bad enough to remember to get the NO SCENT SCENT blocker spray when I get the turkey tags yesterday!! LOL....

We get there-and within 100 yards of walking back-we see our first tom fly out of a tree-oh, I was so excited-I was having a hard time catching my breath, from excitement-wasnt hurting AT ALL-not even my knees-this was so great. I was hiking back with Mike-and I wasnt having a hard time whatsoever!! I didnt ever lose my breath-never felt like my heart was gonna jump out of my chest-nothing! How wonderful-what a blessing!! We got our spot picked out-got our decoys up and got all ready-and sat there for 3 hours-we heard several hens-but no gobblers-no toms-at ALL!!!! We ran into several other hunters and none of them heard any either-we are all scratching our heads-because we KNOW they are there-but we dont know if the flooding (Several conservation areas where we hunt are still flooded) was bad-or that Monday was so busy with all the hunters on opening day that they are still spooked and not moving. Mike was calling them in-but they werent coming-not even the hens.

I was amazed at how peaceful it was. I was in awe, all the sudden, for this sport. Yes, its a sport, but its also so peaceful and serene-I can see why and how the hunters can sit in a deer stand or a blind or on the ground (like we were today)...and jus****ch nature and listen to the birds and the owls-it was awesome...I want to do that every day! You sure couldnt be stressed out when you are listening to that-and seeing the squirrels play and the bunnies hopping all over-little baby ones-it was so relaxing-I feel like I went to the spa!~ Mike even commented on how good I was doing today as far as my knees and back-Yah buddy! So-I think Mike is going to have a permanent hunting pal-yep, ME!!! I cant wait to go back and do it again and again!

When I was done at the dr ofc yesterday, I stopped at a sale and I got a whole seal a meal kit and a box of the bags-for $10.....I was so excited, because now-when we get more deer meat this winter and such-when we process it-we can seal it-and it will last forever. I priced them at Christmas time for Mike-but it was $139. Plus-since we are doing our garden right now-I already had some of the cannisters for it-(they were given to me)so we can use that for our veggies too-and it works on Mason jars.

Oh, and Carol (n.p.) told me that I DID break my toe-LOL...Nothing they can do-not gonna put a brace on it....She also said that I have P.I.D (pelvic infammatory disease) in which I know nothing about. She also said that I may have Endometriosis? Sp? Anyhow-they are referring me to a female specialist-so I guess I will see soon enough. I dont want another surgery, to be honest-Or I would do the back surgery tomorrow and be done with it-I just want to feel good for a bit and not be down with these surgeries. Will see.

**Jan-IF you ever get bored down at your place-your more than welcome to come to Diamond and make it pretty here. Wow-the place looks a mess right now because of the new plumbing system going in-it is dug up all over the front, the side-you name it-its dug up...I hope they get finished with that soon!

You know I will take some onions. I didnt know there were winter ones. We just planted some in our garden, I imagine they are summer onions? I dont know-this whole thing and concept is new to me-but I am excited about it-and about canning some stewed tomatos and green beans, carrots storing corn on the cob and such, ecspically with my new seal a meal toy.

Jon has picked his kitty already-however-If its NOT a boy, he cant keep it. He wants the long haired black one-the first one born and the tank in the group-I keep trying to sway him to the one I want-but he keeps going for the black one. Yesterday, he sat next to the box talking to it and I let him hold it-and he sat perfectly still for an hour, just loving and petting it! I think he picked black because of Dozer being all black-and being "his" dog basically. I dont know the sex of the kittens yet-will find out soon enough and no-I would never just put a cat in your truck-LOL...Im not a dumper. I will find them ALL good homes and I will keep them until I do. Im not even letting Abby back outside until she is fixed.

**Sug-I am going to email you-because I have a couple of recipes you may like-AND I think I still have a chip/dip platter-but its shaped like a pepper...Im gonna hunt for it-and if I can find it-I will bring it Monday and you can use it for your theme party and bring it back to me next month or whenever.

Well all, I am going to get this posted. I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful day-we are suppose to get even more storms tonite and tomorrow-so I want to enjoy every minute of today while I can. As always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Janet

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